What do you guys think of this: http://bucknakedtobacco.com/
My first attempt at cooking my own Snus via the crockpot
Hi halcog.
The Buck Naked Tobacco is the exact same tobacco that wholeleaftobacco.com sells - only it is packaged up and branded for sale through shops and is more expensive.
At least that's what the guy who runs wholeleaftobacco said!
Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!
The price of a 7oz bag of Buck Naked tobacco here in the UK all applicable taxes paid is £23.99 - that's nearly $40 for 7oz or $90 per lb.
The price of a pound of whole leaf tobacco (the dark air cured) from the website I recommended is $15.99 in the US. Obviously more for me to order over here and a customs nightmare to boot - but the Buck Naked is a less good type of tobacco for snus as it's aimed at smokers and it's over 5 times more expensive!
Worth thinking about if you're in the USA!Squeezyjohn
Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!
Being in Kentucky, I could probably ask around and find a good source for bare tobacco here. I read somewhere once that some brands used to use Kentucky tobacco in their snus. So it might be good. There's a couple of large tobacco warehouses around here I could go to as well for different blends. Give me a list of what you want, and I'll see if I can find it for you.Originally posted by FrostedI knew he was committed as an actor but I think he went too far in his latest role as Princess Diana
Originally posted by halocogWhat do you guys think of this: http://bucknakedtobacco.com/wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!
In my drunken stupor.......uh I mean in my sleepy state last night I forgot to put it on auto (lower setting) and put it onto low overnight. This morning on the way out the door I took it out and left it on the counter to cool while covered up.
I was able to save it. Since whiskey is what lead to the discovery, I added 1/8 tsp of Kentucky's finest export....Bookers.
So far, so good. Gonna add more salt next time.
Defiantly using Orange Zest and more salt next batch. Cayenne is interesting twist, and not at all unpleasant. Ill let y'all know after a few more days in the fridge.
Oh and if it were all Drum or all Iranian it would have been much much better. The Drum almost overpowers the subtle sweetness of the Iranian tobacco. To put it this way, the dry leaves of the Iranian stuff are pretty damn good directly, without converting them into snus. Just rip some off and tuck it in.
If it had more citrus flavor it would be F'n out standing! As it sits right now its not far off from Old Ving and it really kicks, and I do mean kicks like Chuck Norris for a Nic hit. Still a bit too moist, but not unpleasantly so. It compares right now with cope fresh from the can moisture content. maybe another day on the counter first, then back into the fridge.
It forms perfectly by hand or with a prismaster and holds shape well.
All most ready to go back into the lab........maybe next week.
Well done Byron!
and I agree.............. this should be archived in the grow/make your own section for future reference.
I'll ship it over right now...... UPS..........When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
snusdog - why does this section by default show only threads from the last day? it's not just me is it?
i also tried the cayenne thing. soaked some dried peppers in whiskey for several days, and used that for flavor. it gives a nice gentle burn, and could probably be combined in some really unique ways.
also found a site called "leafonly" that i don't think has been mentioned. seems to have a good selection.
Originally posted by voodoomansnusdog - why does this section by default show only threads from the last day? it's not just me is it?
Also Voodoo let me know if this clears up for you......if not I will try to track down why............mind you that is sort of like sending me into the Starship Enterprise with a socket wrench to fix the warp drive…………I would not hold my breath………..
Fortunately, pris is really good at all things tec……….if you are still having issues I’ll get him to look into it………let me knowWhen it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
"snusdog - why does this section by default show only threads from the last day? it's not just me is it?"
I had the same issue,
Here's the fix for user adjust the settings on the full site, right below this forum section , you'll see that it says show post from last day change it to alltime or last year.....lemme know if that did the trick.....
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