Just finished making Marlboro los snus!

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  • gax1985
    • Feb 2011
    • 124

    Just finished making Marlboro los snus!

    Click image for larger version

Name:	burgerkinghalloweenwhopperprimage-150928_c4f0067f4ddc0c3eb532fcc35e870bb9.today-inline-large.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	17.2 KB
ID:	597740Hello All!

    I just finished making this los snus this morning! i would like to give make yourownsnus.info credit for this! I ordered Marlboro Rolling Tobacco, as well as Camel Essential Rolling Tobacco to have as the occassional cigarette , but decided to use the tobacco for snus! I did not use any flavourings at all, and all I added was water, salt, baking soda and a dash of honey! I made a mistake and I mixed salt , water , baking soda and honey with the tobacco before the initial bake. But so far, it has no ill effect on it! i have a pris in now and the flavour is awesome ! Just like a Marlboro cigarette! Im considering flavouring half of the batch with vanilla, but do you guys have any suggestions? i will post a pic soon!
  • tattooer601
    • Jun 2010
    • 942

    How did ya order
    Marlboro Rolling Tobacco, as well as Camel Essential Rolling Tobacco ???

    Good effort, though,
    Next time try a proven recipe and you could more


    • Skell18
      • May 2012
      • 7067

      Originally posted by tattooer601
      How did ya order
      Marlboro Rolling Tobacco, as well as Camel Essential Rolling Tobacco ???

      Good effort, though,
      Next time try a proven recipe and you could more
      It available in europe.


      • gax1985
        • Feb 2011
        • 124

        Im just gonna let it cure for now. I think next time it could use glycerin!


        • Ansel
          • Feb 2011
          • 3696

          don't try this at home kids!


          • Bigblue1
            Banned Users
            • Dec 2008
            • 3923

            I agree!


            • gax1985
              • Feb 2011
              • 124

              Its Vegetable Glycerin , nothing dangerous there!


              • Ansel
                • Feb 2011
                • 3696

                yeah but the tobacco would have additives wouldn't it and be flue cured or something therefore vastly increasing the amount of TSNAs present.


                • tattooer601
                  • Jun 2010
                  • 942

                  Originally posted by Ansel
                  yeah but the tobacco would have additives wouldn't it and be flue cured or something therefore vastly increasing the amount of TSNAs present.
                  Ansel's letting you know that the cure for smoking tobacco can be carcinogenic.
                  If you used air cured tobacco you greatly decrease these TSNA'S in your homemade snus....
                  Keep on trying


                  • Skell18
                    • May 2012
                    • 7067

                    You need to get hold of some tobacco leaf and pasturise it yourself then add flavours. Squeezyjohn has a good guide on here along with others on how to do it and that place you mentioned should have a good guide, that way you know the stuff you are making won't be full of nasty shit and you can flavour it with what you want.


                    • crezzyman
                      New Member
                      • Mar 2013
                      • 6

                      From what I've read, it's not so much using heat to cure the tobacco (as in flue curing) as it is depriving the leaf of oxygen during the curing that affects TSNA levels. Flue curing used to involve using large propane heaters blowing through the barn - these heaters lowered the oxygen levels in the barn, which increased TSNA levels. In modern times, they don't use propane heaters, so the leaf is no longer deprived of oxygen during the flue curing process, so TSNA levels are pretty much on par with air cured tobaccos. Fire cured tobaccos still use smoldering fires to cure the tobacco, which still deprives the leaf of oxygen, which drives the TSNA levels up. Ageing an unpasteurized leaf also raises the TSNA levels, as does fermentation, so pretty much any aged cigar tobacco should be avoided too - almost all cigar tobaccos are pile fermented to get their flavor/color, and then aged for a few months to a few years.

                      Most cigarette blends don't use fire cured tobaccos, as they're far too potent for cigarettes - most manufacturers stick to a Virginia/Burley mix with some Oriental tobaccos throw in occasionally as well. I can't see why a Virginia/Burley mix would be a bad idea for making snus, other than it would be pretty bland.

                      If you want to talk additives, look at the "composite list" of ingredients for Swedish Match. Even snus is getting pretty far from pure tobacco these days.


                      If you can get whole leaf, it's always better to start from there, but I'm a big fan of using what's available. It may not be the best thing in the world for your health, but a couple tins worth of snus based on smoking tobacco won't rot your jaw off instantly. It may rot your jaw off eventually, so it's best not to make a habit of it, but a couple tins isn't anything to worry about. Plus it's a great way to get into making your own. I started with pipe tobacco, decided it seemed like an interesting hobby after the first horrible batch, and went from there.


                      • gax1985
                        • Feb 2011
                        • 124

                        Thanks for the input ! I think the tobacco is different from regular marlboro cigarette tobacco, but in terms of tobacco , im growing my own. I missed the taste of marlboros too much , and there was no replacement ( aside from the excellent but discontinued swedish marlboro snus)!

