Strong bergamot home-made

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  • squeezyjohn
    • Jan 2008
    • 2497

    Strong bergamot home-made

    Next in my quest for home-made snus was to try and make something along the lines of General Xtra Strong - given that this kind of snus is no longer available in the EU.

    I made a batch using 200g tobacco flour which usually makes about 400-450g of los with my methods.

    110g Burley Lamina Flour
    90g Virginia bright leaf lamina flour
    240ml water
    14g sea salt
    3 tsps xylitol
    5 teaspoons lye water
    3 liquorice roots
    2 teaspoons salmiak (ammonium chloride)
    21 drops food-grade bergamot essential oil
    10 drops food-grade orange essential oil
    4 drops food-grade nutmeg essential oil

    The tobacco flour was mixed thoroughly. Then the salt was dissolved in the water which had been brought to the boil and mixed with the tobacco in a bowl with a fork until no dry powder remained. The snus mix was transferred to a glass kilner jar and placed in a water bath (crockpot method) at 84ºC for 24 hours.

    The lye water was added and mixed in thoroughly and the mixture returned to the water bath for a further 12 hours at 70ºC. Then it was cooled.

    Then the liquorice root was macerated and placed in a saucepan with the salmiak and about 200ml water. It was then brought to the boil and simmered until only 20ml of concentrated liquorice/salmiak extract remained and this was added to the mixture along with all the essential oils and thoroughly mixed with a fork until it was all blended through.

    The mixture was transferred back to the kilner jar and put aside to age in a cold outbuilding.

    That's the stage I'm at now. I have, of course tasted the snus in it's current state. But fresh from the cook it tastes of raw essential oils and lots of ammonia from the reaction with the lye water which is still finishing off - it's also unpleasantly strong at the moment which I know will calm down a lot in the next week. But on first testing it's a very promising recipe. I would guess that the bergamot and orange oil I'm using will make it a softer flavour than GES - something a bit closer to the taste of Gotlands Yellow but with a much richer, darker tobacco background flavour. It's also less salty than the GES is.

    Here's hoping for a success in a week or so.

    Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    I'll be interested in hearing how the final product turns out. Bergamot seems especially variable brand to brand, and years could be spent tweaking the recipe to get the flavor sought after.


    • squeezyjohn
      • Jan 2008
      • 2497

      You're right Lxskllr ... although I don't intend spending years on it

      The problem is that although bergamot oil is the main flavouring of many brands of snus - I suspect that they all use a different mix of oils to get the distinctive taste profiles with bergamot at the front.

      From Swedish Match's website - they use the following essential oils in their snus manufacturing:

      Star Anise
      Bois de Rose (rosewood)
      Cardamom seed
      Clary Sage
      Dill seed
      Rose Geranium
      Wild mint
      Oak moss
      Black Pepper
      Petitgrain (orange leaf)
      Violet leaf

      Of course they don't tell you which brands contain which ones go in which brands ...

      The bizarre thing is that they DON'T list bergamot oil!!!!

      My guess is that it's the truth and the smell/taste of General comes from Lemon, orange, black pepper, bois de rose and palmarosa along with some other minor oils. However I do think that the Gotlandsnus Yellow flavour was heavily based on real bergamot oil.



      Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


      • MrMalmsten
        • Dec 2013
        • 22

        Interesting! Do you know any famous brands with bergamotte in them?
        Dedicated snus head. Making my own snus, growing tobacco, mixing natural flavors and running a snus shop


        • squeezyjohn
          • Jan 2008
          • 2497

          Well the strange thing is that I always believed that many of the popular brands contained bergamot - and the descriptions on the web shops always said that General, Granit, LD original, Gustavus and Gotlandssnus yellow label etc. were bergamot flavoured.

          To find that Swedish Match do not have bergamot oil listed as one of their added flavours means that it cannot be in General - but many other flavours are close to that taste.

          Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            On Jakobsson's website, they list the flavor of maple for the Classic. I haven't had it in awhile, and I don't remember tasting maple, but it might add a little something to round out the flavor.


            • Snusdog
              • Jun 2008
              • 6752

              As I read this (just like when I read every other "Cooking with Squeezy" threads) I am fascinated..........I think now how the hell did he know to add that to the mix......(like nutmeg oil).....I've had my share of General products and never once did I think.............Ahhhhhh a whiff of nutmeg

              Brilliant Squeezy.....just Brilliant

              Also to add on to what Lx said above...........Kronan and Gustavus are the only brands that I find to have a definite and pronounced bergamot flavor.........most of the rest (main line brands out today) seem to use an orange based citrus concoction

              but I ain't good enough to "follow my noes" take the above as worth a grain of salt

              Anyway good stuff Squeezy........let us know how it turns out
              When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


              • squeezyjohn
                • Jan 2008
                • 2497

                Hi Dog.

                The simple truth is I have hardly got a clue why I added nutmeg either!

                My previous experiments showed me that simply adding bergamot or citrus didn't have enough "top-note" to make the snus as aromatic as most commercial ones and it ends up tasting lifeless with just those oils. Very volatile top notes include pine, lemongrass, peppermint, nutmeg, wintergreen etc. will add some life to the flavour. And I chose to add so little that you can't really taste it.

                It really is just trial and error with a bit of educated guesswork.

                Looking forward to my next delivery of oils which include black pepper, grapefruit and lime.

                Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                Last edited by squeezyjohn; 05-12-13, 02:53 PM.

                Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                • squeezyjohn
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 2497

                  I'm trying it again just now a day in to the ageing and it's kicking my arse a bit!

                  Today's impressions are that it may indeed have been made a bit too strong and I should probably tone down the alkali for the next run of this one. I also think I may have over-flavoured it (but then again I've only got 1.5 year old General Xtra Strong from the freezer to compare it with which is not the same as the fresh stuff). I'm using a new supply of bergamot oil than I've used in the past which is more concentrated so that may be why.

                  To me the General Xtra Strong is more earthy and muted than my one which reminds me of earl grey tea mixed with dark chocolate orange which is not at all unpleasant.

                  Ugh ... but the level of nicotine is ... got to get rid of this prilla ... too ... much ... nicotine ... head ... spinning

                  Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


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