A new way to flavour snus without essential oils

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  • squeezyjohn
    • Jan 2008
    • 2497

    A new way to flavour snus without essential oils

    I have had a long battle attempting to make my own flavoured snus using all manner of things in the past and I had been relying very heavily on essential oils to provide the lift that my snus needed.

    The problem is that essential oils are so concentrated that they are a very blunt tool - with some oils like ginger one drop will be too much for an entire batch using 100g tobacco! Diluting the oils down in alcohol before applying them can help solve this - but it is still hard to manage the tiny amounts properly. On top of that essential oil flavours can be a bit one-dimensional and of course the oils themselves are expensive.

    The alternative would be to use whole herbs and spices, citrus peels and flower petals etc. But the problem there is that if you add them to the snus mix before cooking (sweating) for up to 5 days - the most aromatic part of the flavours will have boiled away by the time the snus is finished - and the result is a dull, cooked taste with only the most basic part of the aroma remaining.

    So my new approach is to take a neutral spirit like vodka (actually 95% ethanol sold in the US as Everclear or in the UK as Polish Spirit is more effective) - and steep whichever whole aromatic ingredients I wish the snus to taste of and add this only right at the end of the process once all the heating is finished. You certainly don't need a lot of the spirit if you make a very concentrated extraction - about a teaspoonful for a 100g tobacco batch. The massive bonus with this method is also that you can use literally anything to try and make this kind of flavour ... unusual herbs, flowers, dried fruits and berries etc will all give their flavours up readily ... I am thinking about making an extraction of certain pipe tobacco blends to add as a flavouring for snus that could benefit from a more natural tobacco taste ... the sky is the limit!

    Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!
  • tommybegley
    • Apr 2014
    • 101

    This is interesting, what sort of tobacco so you use for the snus? I always worry about the ole TSNA levels


    • squeezyjohn
      • Jan 2008
      • 2497

      I try and get hold of air cured whole leaf - but a small percentage of flue-cured makes a nice flavour too. Some of the leaf I grow myself too. Varieties vary vastly in flavours of the finished snus and I'm still on a learning curve - hoping I can find one single variety that I can eventually grow that will make delicious snus from that one type!

      As for the TSNAs - it's not really possible for the home-maker to test for this ... I'm generally cautious about trying to use low TSNA leaf types and I tend to use my home-made snus quickly and keep it refrigerated.

      My current batch on the go is 15% Home-grown Rustica, 50% Air cured Burley and 35% Flue Cured Virginia.

      Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


      • tommybegley
        • Apr 2014
        • 101

        Damn that sounds interesting, I have tried growing tobacco but it ends up going wrong during the curing process, how do you cure it? Or so you just dry it out and put it through the snusing process?


        • squeezyjohn
          • Jan 2008
          • 2497

          No - curing is important for snus too ... it's definitely tricky in the UK to get the right conditions - but if you grow easy to cure varieties and early cropping varieties then it's possible with basic facilities like a greenhouse or shed.

          Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


          • tommybegley
            • Apr 2014
            • 101

            That makes sense. What would you suggest as an easy cure variety?


            • squeezyjohn
              • Jan 2008
              • 2497

              I'm still experimenting! I have good hopes for Silver River and Yellow Twist Bud ... unfortunately my African Red seeds never really got under way :-(

              Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


              • tommybegley
                • Apr 2014
                • 101

                Ok cool, those varieties sound great! I love the names they give to such things


                • rickcharles606
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 2307

                  I just finished putting out our garden for the year, and I've considered putting out a few tobacco plants..just for shits and giggles. Any suggestions?


                  • Andy105
                    • Nov 2013
                    • 1393

                    Originally posted by rickcharles606 View Post
                    I just finished putting out our garden for the year, and I've considered putting out a few tobacco plants..just for shits and giggles. Any suggestions?
                    Saw this site, lots of info. Not sure if I'm ready to dive into it myself, though.


                    • rickcharles606
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 2307

                      thanks Andy, cool site. Truth is, I'd never make snus with it, but I'd be more interested in making pipe tobacco of some sort, and I like smoking Virginias and Virginia blends, so I guess that answers my question :-)


                      • Andy105
                        • Nov 2013
                        • 1393

                        I have enough trouble growing a few tomatoes


                        • rickcharles606
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 2307

                          Originally posted by Andy105 View Post
                          I have enough trouble growing a few tomatoes
                          We just put out a garden that is a full acre :-) I must have farming in my blood, because I can grow stuff :-)


                          • Andy105
                            • Nov 2013
                            • 1393

                            Originally posted by rickcharles606 View Post
                            We just put out a garden that is a full acre :-) I must have farming in my blood, because I can grow stuff :-)
                            Wow, that's great! But to me, a garden is five feet by ten feet. If you can use the term "acre", that's a farm. You might have some luck with tobacco.


                            • Snusdog
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 6752

                              This is all brilliant

                              Squeezy has discovered infusion......(e.g. Southern Comfort)....the point of interest for me SJ is how well will the tobacco retains its infused flavor post alcohol evaporation

                              I think this was the problem Toque ran into.....if you might remember.....with some of its flavors going flat after a bit of time

                              As a side note.....a potentially profitable side job might be developing an essential oil celebrated (or cut) for smaller batches

                              In fact....you could create a do it yourself snus-packet

                              Included in your packet are:
                              1) seeds
                              2) instructions (growing/curing/cooking)
                              3) celebrated oils

                              You then sell it through vendors (snus sites)...as well as your own web site

                              When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


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