Grow your own tobacco

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  • Nicobuzz
    Banned Users
    • Apr 2009
    • 144

    Grow your own tobacco

    Has anybody ever tried growing their own? It doesn't sound too difficult - you just have to wait a year until it dries and matures lol.

    I'm thinking about it.
  • chainsnuser
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2007
    • 1388

    It's really not difficult to grow the plants.

    I described most of my experiences in this thread:

    After that my plants grew quite well and managed to blossom (unfortunately I didn't take any really good pictures, but the plants need nothing more than good soil - flower-soil may be better than mediocre garden-soil and potting the pants may be better than just planting them in the garden) and a little bit of bug-prevention. Especially snails seem to be either nicotine-lovers or nicotine-resistant, they simply love to eat tobacco plants.

    I planted tobacco last year for the first time mainly to do my own trial-and-error and the small harvest that I got last year went moldy (it was an error for sure to dry the leaves in the cellar).

    Nonetheless, it's quite easy to grow tobacco. The plants need around 60-120 days to grow and these must be absolute frost-free-days, so it's not a bad idea in colder climates to pre-grow the plants indoors.

    The biggest problem certainly isn't to grow the plants and to dry the leaves, but to freebase the nicotine (what the fire does when smoking), so something like soda (like in snus) or lime (like in Makla) or several types of acid (like in many brands of traditional 'chewing tobacco', including dip I assume) has to be added. It's useless to chew fresh, unprocessed leaves (no matter if they're really fresh or already dried). They taste like lettuce and they're certainly not unhealthy, but you won't feel any nicotine.

    I'll grow tobacco this year again. I'm not much of a gardening-freak, but tobacco really is fun to grow. The plants really are beautiful. Maybe I'll also get some useable outcome (nicotine-wise) this time - and yeah, who knows which new taxes and bans may come - the knowledge to grow and process tobacco may get really useful sooner or later.



    • frogbmth
      New Member
      • May 2009
      • 10

      I'm thinking exactly the same thing, though for vaporizing. I read one guide saying you can go from sowing to cured in 6 months? I would like to try vaping it uncured too.

      Seeds are so cheap I am gonna have a try, my veggie patch is empty and needs putting to use 8)


      • Maxpower05080
        • Mar 2009
        • 185

        I was going to plant tobacco this year actually in my garden, but decided against it because as cool as it is to say you grow tobacco, it would be pointless. Preparing a curing the tobacco leaves after it grown takes years, and is a tedious process that I just don't feel like doing.

        If I can find some seeds in a nursery near me, I'll pick them up and maybe give it a shot. Its easy, and I heard the tobacco leaves are beautiful.


        • frogbmth
          New Member
          • May 2009
          • 10

          This says 4 weeks is enough?


          • Maxpower05080
            • Mar 2009
            • 185

            I'm pretty sure you need to compress it after the curing, that takes a couple years.


            • Nicobuzz
              Banned Users
              • Apr 2009
              • 144

              Originally posted by Maxpower05080
              I'm pretty sure you need to compress it after the curing, that takes a couple years.
              Aaaawww - bugger that then PMSL :lol:


              • Maxpower05080
                • Mar 2009
                • 185

                Originally posted by Nicobuzz
                Originally posted by Maxpower05080
                I'm pretty sure you need to compress it after the curing, that takes a couple years.
                Aaaawww - bugger that then PMSL :lol:
                Is it just me, or am I the only one who never gets british humor? :wink:


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