Making snus at home

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  • Mr. Snuffleupagus
    • Dec 2008
    • 2781

    Temperature testing my previously owned $15 classic

    Update: Runs around 180F on the low setting. So that's probably what I'll use. I might start off on high to get it up to temp faster.


    • Mr. Snuffleupagus
      • Dec 2008
      • 2781

      Started this batch today. Small Stalk Black Mammoth handcut big cut. I really liked the last handcut I did so now I'm trying an even larger cut because it's easier and I'm lazy. Going to keep the batches small while I'm experimenting so this one is about 50 grams including the water and salt.


      • Mr. Snuffleupagus
        • Dec 2008
        • 2781

        Ok it's done. I thought the big cut might be rough on my gums but it's not at all. Even large chunks of the mid rib of the leaf become soft and supple after baking. This stuff is delicious. Tastes pretty similar to the Havana 608 batch. Like that batch, this one is water, tobacco, and salt ONLY. The flavor is great. Once again a little goes a long way with this snus. The nicotine hit is very strong and reaches beyond what I get with mass produced snus (even extra strong ones). These batches of home grown tobacco give me a more intense relaxing yet eye-opening sensation that any other snus I've tried although Kardus is similar in this regard. I didn't let this batch sit in the fridge for a couple days like last time before I tried it. It was great right off the bat. This batch is pretty moist (maybe a bit too moist) because I did get a little extra steam inside the inner container from the lid popping early on. After that, I stopped sealing the lid completely tight but in place enough to keep the outside steam from getting in too much. This seamed to work well for the rest of the bake. But that first lid pop pushed the lid aside a bit leaving a small gap for steam to get in. Anyways I've been thinking about why there are no large cut snusii except for Kardus and I've been wondering if I'm wasting my time trying because maybe there's a reason they gring it up so fine. But this stuff is turning out great. So I'm starting to think maybe the tobacco used by commercial manufacturers is possible just scraps from some other tobacco product like maybe cigars. Or maybe it's just easier/cheaper to grind that crap out of it. Not sure, but I'm now convinced that a long cut tobacco flavored snus is possible and very tasty. I'm also thinking that all the more heavily flavored snusii are probably just flavored to cover up the crappy tobacco used. Because from what I'm tasting in this homegrown tobacco is quite delicious without any flavor. I'm sure adding just a tad of some quality flavoring would be quite good as well. Sorry for the long post, but I am very excited to be getting the results I have so far. Not only is home made snus going to be "usable" but I think it's going to be much better than what can be bought. I think the strength of it will also allow me to use less. Now I'm starting to wonder what the difference will be if I start adding the sodium carbonate. Also wondering about PG/glycerin/etc although it is not needed for large cut snus. There is literally no "mud" to slide with this. Also starting to wonder about long term storage and potential bacteria growth and controlling for that with additives. However, long term storage of the tobacco before baking into snus is very easy and should only lead to even better tobacco.

        OK enough blah blah here's a pic:


        • Mykislt
          • Sep 2010
          • 677

          Originally posted by Mr. Snuffleupagus View Post
          Ok it's done. I thought the big cut might be rough on my gums but it's not at all. Even large chunks of the mid rib of the leaf become soft and supple after baking. This stuff is delicious. Tastes pretty similar to the Havana 608 batch. Like that batch, this one is water, tobacco, and salt ONLY. The flavor is great. Once again a little goes a long way with this snus. The nicotine hit is very strong and reaches beyond what I get with mass produced snus (even extra strong ones). These batches of home grown tobacco give me a more intense relaxing yet eye-opening sensation that any other snus I've tried although Kardus is similar in this regard. I didn't let this batch sit in the fridge for a couple days like last time before I tried it. It was great right off the bat. This batch is pretty moist (maybe a bit too moist) because I did get a little extra steam inside the inner container from the lid popping early on. After that, I stopped sealing the lid completely tight but in place enough to keep the outside steam from getting in too much. This seamed to work well for the rest of the bake. But that first lid pop pushed the lid aside a bit leaving a small gap for steam to get in. Anyways I've been thinking about why there are no large cut snusii except for Kardus and I've been wondering if I'm wasting my time trying because maybe there's a reason they gring it up so fine. But this stuff is turning out great. So I'm starting to think maybe the tobacco used by commercial manufacturers is possible just scraps from some other tobacco product like maybe cigars. Or maybe it's just easier/cheaper to grind that crap out of it. Not sure, but I'm now convinced that a long cut tobacco flavored snus is possible and very tasty. I'm also thinking that all the more heavily flavored snusii are probably just flavored to cover up the crappy tobacco used. Because from what I'm tasting in this homegrown tobacco is quite delicious without any flavor. I'm sure adding just a tad of some quality flavoring would be quite good as well. Sorry for the long post, but I am very excited to be getting the results I have so far. Not only is home made snus going to be "usable" but I think it's going to be much better than what can be bought. I think the strength of it will also allow me to use less. Now I'm starting to wonder what the difference will be if I start adding the sodium carbonate. Also wondering about PG/glycerin/etc although it is not needed for large cut snus. There is literally no "mud" to slide with this. Also starting to wonder about long term storage and potential bacteria growth and controlling for that with additives. However, long term storage of the tobacco before baking into snus is very easy and should only lead to even better tobacco.

          OK enough blah blah here's a pic:

          That looks interesting. Are you going to sell it?


          • Mr. Snuffleupagus
            • Dec 2008
            • 2781

            Originally posted by Mykislt View Post
            That looks interesting. Are you going to sell it?
            No plans on selling snus. Just trying my luck at growing tobacco and making snus out of it. It's my snus apocalypse plan. I'm just sharing it all here so everyone can see the process and maybe be inspired to give it a shot.


            • Roo
              • Jun 2008
              • 3446

              You're a genius Snuffy. You and JT really should do an exchange and review each others' snus. That would be an interesting read.


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                I just noticed that tin Snuffy. Where'd you get a white Gotland tin?


                • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 2781

                  Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                  I just noticed that tin Snuffy. Where'd you get a white Gotland tin?
                  It's grey, just looks white from the angle of the flash.

                  @roo- I've sent JT snus I made from a kit a long while ago. He threatened to send me some of his but not yet. We could also trade leafs maybe


                  • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                    • Dec 2008
                    • 2781

                    New batch of Black Sea Samsun started. Wanted to try doing a grind instead of a cut


                    • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                      • Dec 2008
                      • 2781

                      That batch finished a couple days ago. I tried it once so far and the flavor is not as good as the others. Either I don't like that variety as much or some of the leaves didn't cure well.


                      • snupy
                        • Apr 2009
                        • 575

                        Originally posted by Mr. Snuffleupagus View Post
                        That batch finished a couple days ago. I tried it once so far and the flavor is not as good as the others. Either I don't like that variety as much or some of the leaves didn't cure well.
                        Turkish usually isn't consumed by itself. You might want to try blending 1/3-1/4 of Turkish with other tobaccos.

                        By the way, if you or justintemplar need tobacco seed for this year, I have extra Virginia Gold, Perique, , Izmir-Ozbas and Yellow Orinoco. Just pm me.


                        • Hanske
                          • Jan 2011
                          • 425

                          This sounds interesting. I'd like to try this myself, but I'll have to wait for a weekend where I'm alone, or after I've moved out of my parent's house.

                          @Snupy Jeg er meget enig i signaturen din snupy. Det var etter at jeg så et av dine innlegg at jeg bestemte meg for å ha min på norsk. (I really agree with what you say in your signature, snupy. It was after reading one of your posts that I decided to have a signature written in Norwegian)


                          • jumissa
                            • Dec 2010
                            • 111

                            could somebody post a beginner friendly recipe, where u use allready grinded shop bought raw tobacco?
                            u know, like how many grams of this and tht.. and where to get those Glycerol and Propylen Glycol and such tips..

                            would be really helpfull and appericiated



                            • WickedKitchen
                              • Nov 2009
                              • 2528

                              I was thinking about getting a few pounds of different tobaccos and wanted to know if anyone had an opinion on them

                              Burley to make a long cut snus
                              CT Shade leaf and Broad leaf scraps for a ground snus
                              Rustica for a long cut

                              I was interested in the TSNA levels in different strains and different curing but for a few more pounds of tobacco in my life I don't think it would make much of a difference.


                              • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                                • Dec 2008
                                • 2781

                                Originally posted by jumissa View Post
                                could somebody post a beginner friendly recipe, where u use allready grinded shop bought raw tobacco?
                                u know, like how many grams of this and tht.. and where to get those Glycerol and Propylen Glycol and such tips..

                                would be really helpfull and appericiated

                                Yeah that's a good idea. I've been using 1 part tobacco, 1.2 parts water, and 0.13 part salt (parts by weight). You can scale that based on what size batch you want to make. I stole that formula from one of Justintempler's posts in the crockpot snus thread I think. That's all the ingredients I've used on my last few batches. I'll try to work on getting a simple basic guide together or a good set of links, but I've been busy with other things lately. The only time I've used PG and sodium bircarbonate was when I cooked the first kit so it was all included in the kit. I have found food grade vegetable glycerin in health food stores. You can buy stuff on-line but make sure it's food grade maybe as far as PG and stuff. You can bake washing soda (not baking soda) to make sodium bicarbonate, but make sure you read up on the process first, it's easy, but could be sketchy if your not careful I think. Anyways sorry for not having it all together.

                                Originally posted by WickedKitchen View Post
                                I was thinking about getting a few pounds of different tobaccos and wanted to know if anyone had an opinion on them

                                Burley to make a long cut snus
                                CT Shade leaf and Broad leaf scraps for a ground snus
                                Rustica for a long cut

                                I was interested in the TSNA levels in different strains and different curing but for a few more pounds of tobacco in my life I don't think it would make much of a difference.
                                As far as I know, the curing process has the most to do with TSNA levels. You don't want any heat cured, fired cured, fermented, or pressed. I believe aging the tobacco can raise TSNA levels depending on the storage method (not sure). Air cured is what you want, at least if that means the tobacco was simple dried at normal temperature and nothing else was done to "cure" it. Hopefully others will chime in because I'm not an expert on this.

                                You probably don't want to use Rustica at more than 5% of the tobacco blend. That shit is strong as hell. Back in the day, Indians would use rustica on poison arrows. I agree it probably won't make much difference if it's just a few more pounds of tobacco in your life. Get some! It's a really nice feeling having pounds and pounds of tobacco around. It's not getting any cheaper and could be a great investment.


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