I'm just thinking that someone that has never done this before can easily spend $50-$100 between cost of the kit, the oils and the cost of shipping. (
Hmm, think I will stick with paying $3.50 (maybe $4 later I have to start paying taxes) for my can of snus. :lol: :lol: :lol:
...Until you figure out how many cans of snus that 50-100 makes ... :lol: :lol: :lol:
That's OK sage, you wouldn't like it anyway (it's lös) :roll:
It's only lös until I figure out how to make portions. :lol:
I've got the kit on order (it's still "processing" at OnlySnus) and I have the heat-sealable tea-bag paper, now I just need to actually get the kit and figure out how to make the stuff. I'm going to make it in small batches, lös first and then figure out how to make portion snus after I've figured that out.
Sure, until you figure out after your 5th can that you can't make snus as good as Ettan who have been making it for several hundred years. :wink: .
You figure out how to make a Lucky Strike or Retro clone that you can't buy anymore ...and you're making it for less than $1 a can 8)
(That $50 I spent for 4 pounds of Stokers tobacco gives me enough tobacco to make 100 45gram cans of lössnus). I can afford, and expect to, FU a few cans learning my craft in the process. :wink:
And justintempler, I wish you nothing but success. Who knows, after you and a few others do it, and figure out how to make the greatest snus ever, maybe I will join you. But for now, I will let y'all make the mistakes. :wink:
It's only lös until I figure out how to make portions. :lol:
Did you ever think about getting some muslin and making cloth bags with a foldover flap (like a sandwich bag)? That's what the original teabags were. The trick is finding the right thread count per inch and the right fabric muslin. You could make lots of bags out of a square yard of material.
Did you ever think about getting some muslin and making cloth bags with a foldover flap (like a sandwich bag)? That's what the original teabags were. The trick is finding the right thread count per inch and the right fabric muslin. You could make lots of bags out of a square yard of material.
Interesting idea, but I think I'll stick with the heat sealable tea filter paper for now. I don't think I want to recycle my portion pouches. :shock:
It's too early to tell, but my snus turned out OK.
I'm going to use a prilla of it everyday as it is maturing in the fridge so I can see how the maturing process affects the taste.
Because it's dark fired tobacco I had to put more bergamot in it to balance it out. (maybe more then I should but the bergamot disappeared leaving only the smokey dark fired taste at about the 1 hour mark
I used glycerine only, no PG, and the prilla holds together fine.
I got 2 hours out of my first prilla.
I'm not happy with the grind yet.
I also didn't like the salt I used. It was some cheap iodine free salt that had calcium silicate as an anti-caking agent that didn't dissolve all the way. (I don't know if it affected the cooking process or not.)
Later on in the week, after it has matured a little bit. I'll take one day and use it all by itself to see if I can judge if it has enough nicotine kick.
JustinTemplar - Well, how did it come out? I've been reading much information on how to make snus, and have been following your posts (and CarlBarks) on this site. Was it too moist, too dry, bland?
Yeah, I actually found this site looking to find out about Swedish snus, learned of Northerner through here, now I've tried nearly all of their stock.
Usually I can find what I need to know through the much-underused search function. However, I love a good experiment and am looking to create my own "custom blend".
Side note: I find it slightly annoying that both here and Northerner's spell check always flags "snus".
JustinTemplar - Well, how did it come out? I've been reading much information on how to make snus, and have been following your posts (and CarlBarks) on this site. Was it too moist, too dry, bland?
The Stoker's dark air cured was usable, but I'm not happy with it. I have finished 2 cans of it 8) . The Stokers tobacco is of the Kentucky variety and it has too strong of a taste to use by itself all of the time. (although for a change of pace it's not bad). You are limited with what you can do with it flavorwise because of the strong flavor. There are only a few flavorings that are strong enough to compliment the tobacco. Anise and licorice being the best candidates. The Stokers is probably best used as part of a blend. The texture and moistness are right and it does have enough nicotine to get the buzz. It resembles commercial snus in every way except taste. I could survive on it but it would get old after awhile.
I did make some snus using some MacBaren's non-aromatic Va #1 pipe tobacco. It's supposed to be unflavoured sweet tobacco. I have a feeling even though it was unflavored it already had glycerine in it (which I hadn't planned on) which resulted in a batch that was too sweet and and too wet. Glycerine has 60% of the sweetness of sugar. So starting with a sweet tobacco + glycerine + more glycerine = failure.
I've got enough to do a second batch of MacBarens and at some point I will, but it will be time to start planting in a couple months and I want to try something else first so I don't plant the wrong variety and spend six months growing a variety of tobacco I don't like.
Decmeber 21st I ordered some Virginia tobacco leaf. It just showed up today and I am presently doing the prep work for a cook that I plan to start in the next couple days. The raw leaf is a nice golden color, reminds me of Ettan. :wink:
So the process was a success, but the formula needs tweaking. That's actually good news, you're on the right track at least.
When I begin (a ways off), I plan to start with several varieties of tobacco. Most likely I will just buy fresh leaf for experimentation.
Based on your research, could I just prepare a few different tobaccos separately , and then try blending finished product in differing proportions to develop my own custom blend? That way, I could perfect the ratios of tobacco, and try adding flavors after developing the right mix?
There are many different reasons why people might like to try making their own snus at home. If their country has restrictions on importing snus, because...
There are many different reasons why people might like to try making their own snus at home. If their country has restrictions on importing snus, because...
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