Flavoring and portioning your own snus.

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  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    OK, makes more sense.

    Just following your doings. even if I never do for myself, still interesting. So want to make sure I understand exactly what and why you are doing.


    • RRK
      • Sep 2009
      • 926

      So after making a pris tool out of a 3ml syringe my process has changed. The pris tool eliminates the need to weigh out each portion, mix the flavoring on a plate, and the mess when spooning the los into the t-sacs.

      I just pull the plunger to 1ml and fill the pris tool like any other. Then I put drops of sweetener and flavoring on top while the los is still in the tool, and I use the suction of pulling the plunger back to pull the flavorings down through the los. I make a tube out of the t-sac and inject the prilla straight in. Then I smash it down a little bit before sealing the end.

      The only drawback is that these longer, 0102 style, portions make me waste a little bit of the t-sac so I only get 4 full size portions or 8 minis from 1 t-sac.

      But, all in all, the pris tool makes a quicker, cleaner, more consistent portion.


      • RRK
        • Sep 2009
        • 926

        So I busted out 20 minis in about 45 minutes. It's not the most efficient way to use snus, by far, but I could get used to this.


        • fedora
          • Aug 2008
          • 251

          Wow! This is great what you are doing. Can you fill us in a bit more on the iron part of this? What kind of iron? (post a link to one of them maybe?) Any further data on technique would be good too. Thanks!


          • RRK
            • Sep 2009
            • 926

            Originally posted by fedora
            Wow! This is great what you are doing. Can you fill us in a bit more on the iron part of this? What kind of iron? (post a link to one of them maybe?) Any further data on technique would be good too. Thanks!
            It's like this one.


            I originally used it to attach strips of wood laminate to plywood but I think any iron would work.

            The technique is that I cut the t-sac into pieces and then iron the edges to make little pouches or tubes with one end open. I use a 3ml syringe with the tip cut off to measure and inject the suns into the pouch. Then I seal the end and trim off the extra. You need to leave about 1/8" to keep a seal. As far as ironing it only takes maybe 2-3 seconds but it works best if you press down with a decent amount of force.


            • fedora
              • Aug 2008
              • 251

              Thanks that helps! :-)


              • RRK
                • Sep 2009
                • 926

                So my recipe has changed a bit, as well as my process.

                Now I am adding coffee, tea, caffeine, and taurine. I call it snusuccino energy ES.

                16 parts Odens ES
                3 parts Starbucks Breakfast Blend
                1 part Lipton Tea

                2 drops per portion liquid stevia
                50mg per portion powdered caffeine
                100mg per portion powdered taurine

                I mix it all in a mini food processor and use a 3ml syringe with the tip cut off to inject it into little tubes made out of t-sacs.

                I get 5 full size portions and 4 minis out of each size 1 t-sac.

                This process also results in more of a white style portion and since the portion material is not saturated in flavoring and sweetener it has a more mild sweet taste. It is also dryer because I am not adding drops of flavor extract since I get my flavor from the coffee. I may start to add some of the flavors associated with coffee drinks like vanilla and caramel but I haven't purchased those yet.

                I did do a ph test on the coffee/tea/caffeine/taurine/stevia mixture and it read about 7 so I don't think it is affecting the ph much and with Oden's ES I am not worried about nicotine content.

                I will be purchasing some Oden's Original Classic los in my next order and I am planing on having this "snusuccino" energy ES for the mornings and maybe afternoons. Then maybe some non-ES desert portions for after dinner. Probably root beer flavored.

                My portions look pretty much the same as a commercial portion now in size and shape. But, either my scale measures a little low or 1ml in the syringe is less then 1g since I get about 10 portion out of what measures to be about 8g of snus/coffee/tea.


                • Premium Parrots
                  Super Moderators
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 9759

                  shameless plug..........

                  Hi, I have a Gellivare tin packed full of sodium carbonate to make snus. I also have 4 varieties of concentrated flavoring and 50 sealable tea bags also for snus [or whatever]. Its listed on the snus exchange. cheap
                  Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                  I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                  • RRK
                    • Sep 2009
                    • 926

                    3 t-sacs worth. The first picture is before I sealed the ends, the second is after sealing, and the third is after trimming and putting them in some tins. 15 full size portions and 12 mini's.


                    • captncaveman
                      • Jul 2008
                      • 924

                      Wow you are a machine LOL you should start your own small business. Looks good though!


                      • JPono
                        • Sep 2009
                        • 415

                        I don't think I missed this in the thread, but if so, I apologize in advance..

                        How long did it take you to do that RRK?


                        • RRK
                          • Sep 2009
                          • 926

                          Originally posted by JPono
                          I don't think I missed this in the thread, but if so, I apologize in advance..

                          How long did it take you to do that RRK?
                          Took me about an hour to do it this time but I only use three portions per day so it last a while.


                          • JPono
                            • Sep 2009
                            • 415

                            Originally posted by RRK

                            Took me about an hour to do it this time but I only use three portions per day so it last a while.
                            Oh, that's not bad at all! I had this mental image of you toiling away all day... Cool!


                            • RRK
                              • Sep 2009
                              • 926

                              So I finally did a ph test on a portion of my "snusuccino" energy ES and it measured between 7.2-7.8. So I made a 10% by volume sodium carbonate and distilled water solution and 2 drops brought the ph up to around 8.5. So I will be adding 2 drops per gram to my mix in the future. I also may be eliminating the caffeine since I am starting to notice a bitter taste after I have had the portion in for a long time. Then I may go up to 150mg taurine if the flavor is still ok and may need to add more sodium carbonate to compensate.


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