I have watching their site for weeks and they have been out of stock of some ingredients for a while otherwise I would have had a snus kit from the them already.
I have watching their site for weeks and they have been out of stock of some ingredients for a while otherwise I would have had a snus kit from the them already.
I sent them an email, I was wondering about their flavor additives/plans for this. I'm interested in V2's SnusX, but may try this eventually as well.
I've seen this site before, but they're always out of stock as others have said. But are they really serious about their warning: DO NOT CHEW OR SWALLOW SNUS!
That's pretty funny as I sometimes just eat los from the tin with a spoon. :twisted:
Not really, but I often just find that a pris "vanishes" in my mouth after about two hours. :wink:
You've got to be careful. Viking snus on their website says their kits make 800 grams of finished snus. That might be a stretch, it depends on what moisture content they are basing the 800 grams on. I'm going to make a guess their kit only has 250 grams of tobacco.
A lot of other kits out there start with 500 grams tobacco and give 1.2-1.3kg of finished snus. 1200 - 1300 grams.
The 2 best known snussats out there (and they have been around for a long time) are Cuthof and Kungssnus.
It looks nice. http://www.fixaeget.se/ Only in swedish and finnish :shock: (someone said that polish is difficult? just try to read this :shock: ), but the translation is quite good.