Snus-X? It was all the rage a month or two ago, and I don't see many posts on it anymore. I was wondering if any of you guys still mess with it, I'm thinking about trying it out, but don't want to, if it sucks.
Does anyone still mess with.....
I liked it when I first got it, I even ordered a second tub of it. Here's the downer though..the pungent smell does not seem to go away! I won't go so far as to say I dislike it, but the expiration date is for 2 years so the bucket is in the freezer, crossing fingers that a little storage time will lessen the smell a tad. Anyway, I have no regrets buying it and I'll be experimenting more in the future, right now I am just all about General products.
I've messed around with it. I think coffee vanilla will turn out pretty good. I just didn't seem to add enough flavor. the portions are really comfortable, which is a plus.
snusX is a safety net I can live with.
I just can't stop popping my General long enough to try anything else but snuff.
Originally posted by desirexeAnyway, I have no regrets buying it and I'll be experimenting more in the future, right now I am just all about General products.Originally posted by ladysnusI just can't stop popping my General long enough to try anything else but snuff.
I just made up a batch of the liquorice and just popped in my first one - and I must say I love it. I used quite a bit of the flavoring (1ml + 9ml water for 20 snus) and about 3-4 days later it is still fairly damp, but not horribly.
It isn't a salty liquorice, nor particularly sweet, but more like the real black liquorice candies you can buy - down to the fact it slightly causes my mouth to turn semi numb. I have had it in my mouth for well over an hour and it shows no signs of waring out of taste - which is no surprise since I think my kitchen still smells slightly like it after I accidentally spilled a bit of the liquid.
Now the smell of the raw Snus is a bit, er, off. I can't say I hate the raw smell, but it is definitely different than opening a fresh can of General. With that said, I have tried some of the snusx straight from the bucket and the smell doesn't seem to carry over to taste - if anything, it is fairly tasteless (although dipping one into some Guiness and then sticking it in was rather nice.)
I have a few more batches I am waiting on - although they did not use the Snusx flavors. One is with peppermint extract and one with Vanilla extract. We'll see how those go.
All in all, consider PACT and how Oregon's tobacco taxes work, I can see myself ordering quite a few of these buckets.
What I like best about these, and I haven't tried them yet, is that they are a perfect plan for avoiding the next "logical", "common sense", anti-tobacco laws.
Right now, they are busy banning flavored cigarettes and e-cigarettes. Soon, dissolvables, lozenges, etc. Next will be flavored mini-cigars, then it will be flavored smokeless tobacco.
All to save the children.
Which could be a problem. Except, (drum roll) SnusX will have perfected bulk unflavored snus! Which can then be flavored later by the savvy consumers. Brilliant!
The big containers make sense the same way. We've already banned single cigarette sales. Next we'll ban single pack sales. Then we'll band single can sales. Who would think to ban a bucketful of snus? Hell, it's tobacco, you could probably market it as bulk de-worming agent for livestock or as "teabags" for brewing natural "eco-friendly" tobacco-based insecticide.
What anti-tobacco crusader wants to go on TV and try to make the "save the kids" plea over a bucket of unflavored dry pouches of tobacco? I can see it now:
"Children are saving their allowance for several weeks to buy these bucketfuls of pouches of unflavored, dry tobacco, then stealing their parent's flavorings from the spice cabinet, mixing them together and then hiding the bucket in the fridge for several days. Clearly this must be stopped!"
So, yea - I think this is brilliant and I plan to buy a couple buckets soon, but surely only to de-worm my dogs and kill the mites in the wife's plants.