Seed Swap

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  • snupy
    • Apr 2009
    • 575

    Seed Swap


    We have several folks growing numerous strains of tobacco. Some of us are already seeing blooms with many flowers and many flowers will soon mean many seed pods. Given that each seed pod can contain a minimum of 1000 seeds, we all hopefully will be left with more seed than we could ever grow in a lifetime.

    This thread is for trading your extra tobacco seeds/strains with others. Feel free to post the extra seed you have available for trade as they become available.
  • whalen
    • May 2009
    • 6593

    First of all, good to hear from you snupy! Have not seen much of anyone from RYO! I am 14 months quit smoking now, snus and snuff. You still using minimal nicotine? I only have Rustica seeds. My Virginia seeds were not hardy, they sprouted and then faltered, I am growing for snuff right now, but would love to get some Virginia gold. I am so glad your plants are doing well, I spoke to dz about you over the winter. Take care and good growing!!!!
    wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


    • LaZeR
      • Oct 2009
      • 3994

      Crap. That reminds me. Someone kindly sent me some seeds about 5 months ago and I never did anything with them. They are still in the packet in my sock drawer. I hope they didn't start growing... Would they b still ok to plant? Should I start them now inside and grow them indoors until next spring or wait?


      • zeb
        • May 2010
        • 53

        Originally posted by LaZeR View Post
        Crap. That reminds me. Someone kindly sent me some seeds about 5 months ago and I never did anything with them. They are still in the packet in my sock drawer. I hope they didn't start growing... Would they b still ok to plant? Should I start them now inside and grow them indoors until next spring or wait?
        Your seeds should be fine as long as they are dry (sock drawers are usually dry)I'm in Oh so our growing season is a lot alike and I started mine in March and put them in the ground in May.So I'd say wait till next spring.

        I am deffinetly interrested in some seed swaping this fall maybe get me some hybrids going in two years?


        • snupy
          • Apr 2009
          • 575

          Originally posted by whalen View Post
          First of all, good to hear from you snupy! Have not seen much of anyone from RYO!
          You know, tekwyzrd on the RYO forums got me HOOKED on growing! When I saw the photos of his 2007 crop, on the forum that existed prior to RYO, I was HOOKED!

          Originally posted by whalen View Post
          I am 14 months quit smoking now, snus and snuff.
          Congrats man!

          Originally posted by whalen View Post
          You still using minimal nicotine?
          I am using regular and white portions, mostly LD, although I did get a Snus X bucket prior to PACT. I haven't flavored (spearmint) the Snus X yet, except for 4 portions I did as kahlua. The Snus X portions seem to have the hit of a mini, whereas the LD licorice seems a bit stronger than a regular portion. I have enough in the freezer that I shouldn't need to order snus again until March 2011.

          Originally posted by whalen View Post
          My Virginia seeds were not hardy, they sprouted and then faltered,
          Did you remove them from humidity once sprouted? If you don't, you will likely lose them to damp off.

          Originally posted by whalen View Post
          I am growing for snuff right now, but would love to get some Virginia gold.
          I am a FREAK for Virginia. Nothing (well almost nothing) makes me happier than seeing those PHAT, long leaves!

          Originally posted by whalen View Post
          I spoke to dz
          HA! You know tekwyzrd and dz are the reason my original 8 species were so depleted. Due to our online trading (and we sent massive amounts of seed through the mail), I was able to expand to 16 species, but it left very few seeds of my original 8 species.


          • snupy
            • Apr 2009
            • 575

            Originally posted by LaZeR View Post
            Would they b still ok to plant? Should I start them now inside and grow them indoors until next spring or wait?
            If it's rustica, I would grow it now, since rustica only takes 64 days (or close to it) to mature. Starting rustica seeds around 8/1 would give you mature plants by the first week of October. That MIGHT work for you, depending on how far north or south you live. Any other species, I would wait until next year.

            Although, I didn't get mine in the ground until 7/1 last year, and had flowers on 11/8, but I am in the south, so it was still temperate in the first of November.


            • justintempler
              • Nov 2008
              • 3090

              LaZeR you need atleast 5 months, it's too late in the year in PA to grow 'em this year. Wait til spring.

              zeb I think it takes a full 7 years to develop a full hybrid seed. You'll start getting hybrids right away but you have to breed out the old variety so the genes of the hybrid dominate and take over. Otherwise the seeds of your hybrid plants will have babies that revert back to the original variety.

              I'm sure I'll have surplus DelGold seeds at the end of this season.

              I've been reading the forums on coffinails and howtogrowtobacco and I've seen more than one person commenting about pests eating their seedpods which gave me the idea of using empty snus cans to store seed pods. That way if some seedpods develop worms my whole stash of seeds won't get ruined.


              • snupy
                • Apr 2009
                • 575

                Originally posted by justintempler View Post
                I'm sure I'll have surplus DelGold seeds at the end of this season.
                I will be willing to trade any species I am growing this year for some of your DelGold.

                Originally posted by justintempler View Post
                I've been reading the forums on coffinails and howtogrowtobacco and I've seen more than one person commenting about pests eating their seedpods which gave me the idea of using empty snus cans to store seed pods. That way if some seedpods develop worms my whole stash of seeds won't get ruined.
                Damn Justin, you never stop coming up with these good ideas. I knew I had been saving my empty snus cans for some reason.


                • LaZeR
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 3994

                  Originally posted by snupy View Post
                  If it's rustica, I would grow it now, since rustica only takes 64 days (or close to it) to mature. Starting rustica seeds around 8/1 would give you mature plants by the first week of October. That MIGHT work for you, depending on how far north or south you live. Any other species, I would wait until next year.

                  Although, I didn't get mine in the ground until 7/1 last year, and had flowers on 11/8, but I am in the south, so it was still temperate in the first of November.
                  Crap, I have no idea what they are. There is a ton of them in a little quarter-sized grouping if I remember correctly. How many seedlings do you plant together? This seems so confusing I know I will screw it up and grow a 'weed' or something and think it's the tobacco and get all happy...


                  • snupy
                    • Apr 2009
                    • 575

                    Originally posted by LaZeR View Post
                    Crap, I have no idea what they are.
                    PM whoever sent them to you and ask them.

                    Originally posted by LaZeR View Post
                    How many seedlings do you plant together?
                    I scatter ten or twenty seeds onto dirt in an empty soda bottle sliced in half, then tape the two halves together. This creates a mini greenhouse. Once they sprout, I slice the top off, so the sprouts don't die from damp off. They need humidity to sprout. Once sprouted, humidity can be deadly.

                    Don't worry about planting too many together. Tobacco sprouts are like tomato plants. They don't put down roots early. I separate crowded sprouts using a 1/8 teaspoon measuring spoon as a shovel.


                    • whalen
                      • May 2009
                      • 6593

                      Thanks for the reply snupy! I probably screwed up on the damp off, I spent time on google with it. My Rustica is almost done flowering. Hardy little suckers, not a bug on those Nicotine slathered leaves. Rustica is for my snuff, but the drip from Rustica is problematic, I made a killer Rustica toast snuff, which is real tasty. I have made snuff from a lot of the D&R I still have. Picyune snuff is wild. I am going to make snus from Windsail.
                      wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                      • snupy
                        • Apr 2009
                        • 575

                        Originally posted by whalen View Post
                        Thanks for the reply snupy!
                        You are welcome and I will PM you when I have some Virginia Gold seeds ready.

                        Originally posted by whalen View Post
                        My Rustica is almost done flowering.
                        Rustica sprouts, grows and matures very quickly. I have seeds from plants that never made it out of the 5 ounce coffee cups this year.

                        Originally posted by whalen View Post
                        I am going to make snus from Windsail.
                        You know the D & R Virginias (Penhooker and Windsail) are what got me hooked on Virginias in the first place!

