Tube Rose

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  • f. bandersnatch
    • Mar 2010
    • 725

    Tube Rose

    Solid sweet scotch, but only because its not really that sweet. Has all the nicotine of a scotch coupled with a light smokey freshness. Tube Rose has a kind of flowery characteristic to it, but it is reminiscent of what flowers actually smell like and not the oppressive perfume aroma of many of the floral English blends.

    Definitely recommended to connoisseurs of that light, dusty gunpowder we call American snuff.
  • bipolarbear1968
    • Mar 2010
    • 1074

    This snuff, to me, smells of burning/charred hickory wood. One of the better scotches I've tried thus far, even seemed a bit moist. Very good supply of vitamin N.

    I didn't noticed any 'floral" aroma to it....but if there is....I might notice it later on when I used it enough times to get the feel.

    The color looks to be coca, unlike Navy or Railroad Mills, which is a pale sandy color.

    A+ in my book!!!


    • Monkey
      Senior Member
      • Mar 2009
      • 3290

      Tube Rose is my favorite scotch snuff.


      I must add that this is the ONLY American snuff in my rotation. I prefer menthols and quite frankly, this and the occasional toot of Grunt are the only nonmenthols I use.


      • Snusdog
        • Jun 2008
        • 6752

        Here is an old review of Tube Rose that I did over at Nicotine Rush.

        To me Tube and Rail Road Mills plain are very close in taste and texture. Both are great intros into the American genre and well worth a try.

        Anyway here is the review

        Tube Rose is the best sweet I have had so far. I highly recommend it. The tobacco flavor is much more pronounced and not covered up by an over the top, artificially sweet, flavoring like so many other sweet scotches nor does it hit you with that burnt BBQ flavor so prevalent in the plains. Instead, the natural sweetness of the tobacco seems to come through more with the Tube and it finishes with a nice "outside just after a rain" kind of smell that is great. Tube is finely ground but not as bone dry as other Americans. Thus it is easier to take. Also it has less burn than even some of the Toque snuffs I've had. If you are looking for a great American Sweet or are looking to break into the American offerings, I cannot recommend Tube Rose enough
        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


        • f. bandersnatch
          • Mar 2010
          • 725

          Just walked into the bathroom to take a piss and noticed that one of my roommates has purchased something called "velvet tuberose body wash". It smells like an old folks home. I would literally rather bath myself in this snuff than in that ungodly drivel. This snuff has become so dear to me that I was almost offended that something so awful was bequeathed the same name. Do yourself a favor and use soap in the shower and tube rose up your nose.

          That's more of a body wash review than a nasal snuff review, but I had to share this with some fellow snuffers.


          • Darwin
            • Mar 2010
            • 1372

            Yo frumious. Do you get your Tube Rose and RR Mills online or can you source it locally? I might be willing to drive a bit for some. Only thing I've found so far around here is Garrett and I had to rummage all over the bloody place to find that. Garrett Sweet Mild may be a bad choice for a snuffbie but I'm digging it so far--a lot.


            • GoVegan
              • Oct 2009
              • 5603

              any relation to tube steak?


              • desirexe
                • Feb 2008
                • 1170

                Originally posted by GoVegan View Post
                any relation to tube steak?
                I'm reading all these nice reviews and then you had to go and add that comment! I love it!! HAHAHAHA!!!


                • f. bandersnatch
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 725

                  Darwin- No, I have ordered all of my snuff online. I have looked in almost every local tobacco shop and most of them seem to think that tobacco is only for smokin, so I would say that KC is not a good bet for finding snuff. Actually I would think (and will check next time I hit the road) that the best place to find snuff in Missouri would be in the many gas stations and grocers between KC and STL. Just a guess though. Also, if you are interested in trying any snuff just shoot me a PM with what you are interested in. I will happily ship you a sample set.

                  Vegan- It's a plant, dummy. You can get down with that, right?

                  Just giving you some trouble. Some of the more full-blooded scotches taste like steak though. Steak that has been smoked over hickory chips and then been hit with a paint sprayer full of liquid mesquite flavoring (not a bad thing).


                  • bipolarbear1968
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 1074



                    • bipolarbear1968
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 1074

                      I can get my Tube Rose locally at any Food Lion.


                      • MojoQuestor
                        • Sep 2009
                        • 2344

                        Originally posted by GoVegan View Post
                        any relation to tube steak?
                        I think you're thinking of Tube Rise.


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