This is the King of all snuffs. Snuff as it was meant to be. Snuff in the old world style. It is very finely ground and so may be a bit tricky to take but don't let that throw you. Some things are just worth a few initial mishaps.
The flavor is not harsh at all. Rather, it is rich, smooth, and buttery. Pure toasted tobacco with no frills, brothel perfumes, or candy-ass flavorings. This is the snuff of the landed gentry and will have even the most ardent redneck reaching for Shakespeare and bowing as a lady passes.
HDT is my all time favorite and an all day snuff. No other toast (check that) no other snuff can touch it.
A must try in my most humble (and almost always dead on) opinion
The flavor is not harsh at all. Rather, it is rich, smooth, and buttery. Pure toasted tobacco with no frills, brothel perfumes, or candy-ass flavorings. This is the snuff of the landed gentry and will have even the most ardent redneck reaching for Shakespeare and bowing as a lady passes.
HDT is my all time favorite and an all day snuff. No other toast (check that) no other snuff can touch it.
A must try in my most humble (and almost always dead on) opinion
