Original and Genuine

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  • f. bandersnatch
    • Mar 2010
    • 725

    Original and Genuine

    I feel like we need a thread for this one because it is simply the best medicated snuff available. To be honest, I have not tried many of McChrystal's other offerings, but I have tried many other menthol and medicated English snuffs, and this is really the only one you need (barring those among us who are intense mentho-maniacs, in which case I am sure you need all types of menthols).

    O&G is just an expert blend of menthol and other flavors. The other flavors seem to be up for debate. Some say eucalyptus, I say there is definitely some camphor in there, I have also heard citrus. Either way, the mix combines to give a strong but warming mentholated snuff that envelopes your head in a pillow of calm.

    As a slight word of warning to those interested I will say that this is a medicated snuff. It will clear you up, clean you out and leave you feeling good, but if you don't really get down with the menthol monster, it might not be the best way to go. I would say that I never really understood just how a snuff could be considered medicinal until I tried this stuff. I have read before in reviews that this snuff is an effective antidepressant, and, at the risk of attributing unwarranted value to the act of putting tobacco in your nose, I would agree with that.
  • bipolarbear1968
    • Mar 2010
    • 1074

    To me, this is the best menthol period. I'd say it's medicated for the reason the menthol in this reminds me of a Hall's cough drop or Vick's vapor rub. I highly suspect this is a medicated SP.

    Not bad in the nicotine department, in fact it is quite strong. This is one snuff I do not ever want to be without.


    • c.nash
      Banned Users
      • May 2010
      • 3511

      I have a tin of it.
      My only complaint is that for almost $3 it is like an 1/8th the size of the $4 Toque tin.


      • asidrave
        • Mar 2010
        • 195

        it is a great complex mentholated snuff.....wish i bought a tub of the stuff. thankfully have 6 minor and 3 xl tins of the stuff

        but for the best no-nonsense, punch-you-in-the-face menthol snuff.....nothing beats Hedges L260.


        • wadetheblade
          • Jul 2009
          • 572

          To me its the BEST!!!! I have a lot of it.


          • PipenSnus
            • Apr 2010
            • 1038

            I hesitate to refer to O&G as a mentholated snuff. Oh, sure, there's a good amount of menthol in it, but to my nose, the primary scent is camphor. For anyone who has ever smelled Vicks Vapo-Rub, the association is obvious and immediate. Perhaps not mentholated, but this is definitely a medicated snuff.

            But that's not to put down this very fine and globally respected product. What makes it special is not so much the scenting ingredients as the subtly spicy and musky tobacco base. I think I would enjoy this without the added scents -- the tobacco is that good. Any serious snuffer should have at least a small tin in his/her collection.


            • stevematthews79
              • Aug 2010
              • 74

              Am I the only one to pick out a fairly unpleasant lingering smell after the menthol has settled? Was a favourite but gone right off it I can't get past that foisty smell. Gave half a tin to my mate, he loves it tho. Easy to snuff and you can get quite a high as it is so easy to shovel in! I second the Hedges comment, my favourite menthol.


              • stevematthews79
                • Aug 2010
                • 74

                Originally posted by PipenSnus View Post
                Oh, sure, there's a good amount of menthol in it, but to my nose, the primary scent is camphor. .
                Is that the aroma, I couldn't place it, and I love the camphor and mild of WOS


                • Mykislt
                  • Sep 2010
                  • 677

                  Best menthol. Beats anything I've tried from Poschl.

                  Simply the best menthol. I am enjoying it so much.


                  • khalid
                    • Aug 2010
                    • 348

                    I have bought more O&G over the years than any other snuff. It is in a class of its own in terms of complexity, for a menthol snuff. I can live with the extra expense for this one.


                    • EricHill78
                      • Jun 2010
                      • 4253

                      I currently have a slight cold with congestion.. This is vicks vape o rub with a nic hit! I only seem to use O and G when I'm sick lol.


                      • jaysalti
                        • Jul 2011
                        • 125

                        An easy fav of mine when it comes to medicated. I agree that, if I were to be picky, I would say this would classify more as "medicated" than "menthol" although they are basically synonymous. I say this because the primary scent I pick up is the camphor, but it's so well balanced with the menthol! I like this snuff as a morning blast off, or a clearing out. I have not had any sinus issues since snuffing :knockonwood: so cannot speak to the actual medication, but can say this and hedges put me off of pöschl flavoring a bit...

                        Great for a little blend experimenting. I found that a bit of this will help highlight scents differently in other snuffs.


                        • lxskllr
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 13435

                          If I could have only one snuff, it would be O&G. It's complex, and always seems "right" for the occasion.


                          • N0mad
                            • Nov 2009
                            • 550

                            First thing in the morning for me as well, then a cup of espresso...


                            • shikitohno
                              • Jul 2009
                              • 1156

                              I love me some O&G. It's one of only a handful of menthol snuffs I can take without massive rebound clogging.


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