Prince Regent

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  • Snusdog
    • Jun 2008
    • 6752

    Prince Regent

    This along with Bon Bon may be the two best snuffs Jaap Bes has resurrected from some refined corner of the past.

    The base is that of Macuba (excellent Virgina blended with real cognac- no pseudo flavoring like that of Probe). To this base is then added Bergamot and lemon. The flavor is like nothing else. Sweet and almost spicy but not in a hot or obtrusive way. This snuff is mellow and refined. The flavors play nicely with the cognac and base leaf to produce a snuff like nothing else that I have had.

    A must try before you die snuff-- Once you do, you will wonder why it took you so long

    When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
  • olderthandirt
    • Nov 2009
    • 248

    Prins Regent

    I always use the word "craftsmanship" when attempting to describe de Kralingse products. I think what prompts that in part is the character of the grinds used. If its coarse there will be a good bit of finer material. If it is predominately a medium grind there will be a noticeable distribution of larger particles present. Rather than perfect uniformity, the grinds have a character and a balance.

    The other factor that denotes to me the accomplishment of the grinders art is the subtlety in the scents used. Rich, full aromas that stay with you for awhile but do not overpower either the base tobacco or the user.

    There now. I've just described the Prins Regent!

    Light brown, medium grind and moisture. No burn for me, medium to high in nicotine.
    This is the Virginia base and yet another winner. The manufacturer says "Based on the Macuba, but enriched with Bergamot oil and a dash of lemon." I think of a light chocolate as I first inhale. This perception is immediately replaced with the smell of sweet hay the Virginia tobacco always puts me in mind of and a floral rather than fruit quality from the citrus elements.

    Both citrus and tobacco are subtle, yet wholly present. When the scents do finally fade, it is with a light note of sweet lemon.


    • f. bandersnatch
      • Mar 2010
      • 725

      Do not base rely on any of your other experiences with snuff with relation to this stuff. I ordered the macuba first because I am not that into Sps, but this was an egregious mistake. This is an amazing snuff, and if you dont try it you are a loser and I hate you.

      Just kidding.

      Seriously though, buy it now. It will make you want to slap your mamma.

      Its that good.

