Sometimes American scotches can seem a little like a torture test, at least for me. How much nose burn and watery eyes can you stand? Not so with Honey Bee. It's certainly an American scotch, but a little better behaved than most.
The grind is not quite as fine as some of the other scotches I've tried, and it seems like there's a trace more moisture. But it's still light brown, fine and dry, as scotches should be. The flavor is more like a honey-sweetened Graham cracker than pure honey, IMO. But it does have an enjoyable honey-like sweetness along with a big bump of nicotine. My favorite of the American scotches I've tried so far.
The grind is not quite as fine as some of the other scotches I've tried, and it seems like there's a trace more moisture. But it's still light brown, fine and dry, as scotches should be. The flavor is more like a honey-sweetened Graham cracker than pure honey, IMO. But it does have an enjoyable honey-like sweetness along with a big bump of nicotine. My favorite of the American scotches I've tried so far.