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  • PipenSnus
    • Apr 2010
    • 1038


    There is some cola flavor in this one, but you have to hunt for it. I boosted it by adding a little SnusX cola flavoring, and now I have a decent cola snuff.

    The amazing thing about this snuff, though, is how Roderick managed to capture the sensation of the bubbly fizz in your nose when you drink a carbonated beverage. That is pure genius. I wish he'd applied that genius to the cola flavor.
  • bipolarbear1968
    • Mar 2010
    • 1074

    I couldn't get in to this particular flavor.

    It does have that great Cola aroma, but sadly, it does nothing for me.

    Not my bag.


    • Darwin
      • Mar 2010
      • 1372

      The Coke flavoring here is noticeable but the duration is very brief after which it settles down to the base Toque tobacco flavor and there's nothing wrong with that. I got a sample from f.b. and it's definitely okay stuff but ordering it is probably not in the cards.

      Update: The wife adores this stuff. Ordering may in the offing after all.


      • ThatSnusGuy

        I just had my first couple of pinches of Toque Coke and I was pretty surprised with the flavor! I was expecting it to be flavored kind of like the Coke syrup base but was really wrong. While the cola flavor is really similar to the soft drink, it's a bit more complex than that. Subtle vanilla flavors are right in the front and actually give the snuff a bit of a Vanilla Coke flavor in the beginning. After a minute or two, the flavor changed a bit to be more like the flavor of RC cola (if anyone remembers that brand of pop!). This flavor lasted to the end which was about 10 minutes for me. Overall, I think that Toque Coke is another unique flavor made by Toque and one more flavor that will be added to my rotation!



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