Lime Toast

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  • PipenSnus
    • Apr 2010
    • 1038

    Lime Toast

    Again I'm surprised to be the first to write a review of a snuff. I know there are folks here who love this snuff enthusiastically. As for me, well, the jury is still out on toasts and scotches, but I'll readily admit that it could be due to my newbie status as a snuffer.

    But, even with my ambivalence toward toasts, this is a good one. I'm biased, of course: I really love anything lime-flavored. LT has a very nice balance between the lime and the buttery, toasty flavors. Neither predominates, and neither is in the background. Color is a very pale tan, probably the palest snuff I've seen so far. Grind is very fine, as is common for toasts and scotches, and moisture is somewhat on the dry side. The closest I can come to describing the overall flavor palette is that it's like a bit of lime marmalade spread across a Ritz cracker. As with any finely ground snuff, care must be taken not to oversniff.

    LT may never make my Top 5, but it's different and enjoyable enough that I'm likely to keep at least a 10g tin on hand. It has possibilities as a blending ingredient, also -- I'm already wondering how well it would go with some Crumbs of Comfort.
  • spirit72
    • Apr 2008
    • 1013

    I'm not generally one to gank people's reviews, but 'Snuff Cusses' had the following take on Lime Toast over at Snuffreviews, and it's just too great not to share....

    'Some snuffs are mild-mannered and relaxing, gentle and soothing on the nose and easy on the spirits. Your Crumbs of Comforts, your Spearmints, your QWS Irish Coffees, your Dholakia Swiss Chocolates. This is not a mild-mannered snuff. This is the snuff that comes over uninvited, tracks mud through the house, grabs your last two beers out of your fridge, chugs them both, commits war atrocities upon your toilet, and leaves with a grunted "ta". Not only is it a high/dry toast, but it's lime-scented. It's not just the typical HDT burn - heavens no! - it's its very own shrivelling, acidric, tears-in-the-eyes this-was-a-mistake searing explosion. It takes no prisoners in its mission to weld itself to the walls of your poor, innocent honker, so that the eventual blow requires the force of a thousand suns, leaving your eyes bugged out like Roger Rabbit's and your nose freshly raw. Toque deserves points for thinking way, way outside the box here; boldly going where no other snuff has gone before - but if the end result isn't enjoyable, a high rating would be condescending and phony. Perhaps this could end up becoming a critical ingredient in a reasonably nice homemade blend - I imagine a lime scent would do very well in a coarser, more-Kendal Browny grind, perhaps even with a bit of spearmint thrown in. On its own, though, it's something that deserves a try, but not something that necessarily necessitates an immediate bulk order - unless you and your rough-and-tumble men are about to sail the merry seas, in which case, as snuffster alludes, it's a compact, economical way to avoid the ol' scurvy. In all other cases, this is definitely a "try [small] before you buy [tall]" product.'

    Now, I don't necessarily agree with all of his review here. In fact, Lime Toast is one of my favorites. But I will say that it seems to be pretty polarizing. Those of us who like it absolutely adore it, and those who don't really DON'T.

    "Snuff Cusses' is quite correct in that Lime Toast is definitely not for the timid soul. Though I've heard from a few who have tried it early in their snuffing career, I would not recommend it as a first snuff, or even a first toast(That's Whisky And Honey, in my view). But it is one, like Cheese And Bacon, that everyone should use 10g of at some point.

    But for me, there will always be a can of it handy.


    • WickedKitchen
      • Nov 2009
      • 2528

      I dig the stuff though I have to say the lime scent wains at a moderate pace if the stuff is not consumed quickly. I suspect this is due to the all natural flavorings and the no additives approach Roderick takes. I prefer it that way though. Now I still get a blast of lime from it, but it's not as in-yer-face as it was when I bought it.

      It mixes wicked good with Toque coke. Lime & Coke makes for a snuff bender.


      • bipolarbear1968
        • Mar 2010
        • 1074

        I do like the flavor of this particular toast. Next to the Natural Toast, the best I've had thus far.

        For some reason, the Lime seems to mix well with the smokiness of the toast.

        I still prefer Tube Rose scotch over every English toast that I've tried.


        • GoVegan
          • Oct 2009
          • 5603

          Darn! After reading Spirits post I really want to try this one!


          • Monkey
            Senior Member
            • Mar 2009
            • 3290

            I like lime.

            I like Toque's toast base.

            I like lime toast.

            Well.....that was easy.

            Too easy...

            When I first got the lime toast I was unable to use it....for almost a week until the ammonia dissipated from the tin. I need to say that the 25g tins that Roderick is using are fantastic with a full screw lid. I am not sure if they are new but they beat the heck out of the 10g tins I have about the house. So when I first tried it it smelled like industrial floor cleaner and it was pungent. If floor cleaner is your thing...well go pick some up and snuff it fresh.

            Once the ammonia dissipated from the tin it became magical.

            It tastes like biting into the flesh of a sharp, juicy lime on a dry, warm summer day that is followed by the breeze bringing a far distant wood fire scent and the heat of the summer day.

            I also must say that I really love the fact that Roderick is committed to using natural flavoring only and it really shines with this one.


            If you like Toque, toasts and lime.....or any combination of the three buy this. Also of you like floor cleaner, don't air it out....

            I am glad I got the 25g tin because 10 grams is not enough. Definitely a bulk buy for I need to pick up some xmas go order a tin of lime toast and some xmas pudding.

            Tell 'em Large Marge sent ya.....heh heh heh heh heh.


            • EricHill78
              • Jun 2010
              • 4253

              Exactly right Monkey it is magical! One of my favorite snuffs. My 10 gram is almost gone tho


              • LincolnSnuff
                • May 2010
                • 676

                This is actually my absolute favorite snuff; simply sublime in the flavor, nicotine, and ease of taking departments. The fact that I have been out of it for over 6 months probably has a lot to do with my very diminished snuffing as of late. I need to make a Toque order soon...


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