Originally posted by lxskllr
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Nasal Snuff Manliness rating = 10.0
In the mid-1950's, when I was about five years old, there were two little old ladies who lived next door to my grandmother. They dipped Scotch snuff all the time. They used little wooden spoons that were like ice cream spoons, but smaller. And they spit into spittoons. I specifically remember brands such as Garrett's, Honey Bee, and Bruton's.
Many years later, I was very surprised when I found out that people snort snuff into their noses. These old ladies always dipped it into their mouths, I guess in front of their lower front teeth.
If it wasn't for this site I'd have no idea what snuff is.. Now I enjoy it daily.. I do use a
bullet at work even though it looks like I'm doing something else. I'm waiting for someone to mess with me so I can "school em" on the ways of the snuff.
Edit - I still for the life of me can't fathom how you can dip the stuff because it's a fine powder. Does saliva make it thicker
and stick together? Plus you only do a pinch in the nose.. You would use alot more to dip it so wouldn't
you be getting 20x the nic? I'm thinking no because it's absorbed differently maybe? Just curious.
Originally posted by EricHill78 View PostIf it wasn't for this site I'd have no idea what snuff is.. Now I enjoy it daily.. I do use a
bullet at work even though it looks like I'm doing something else. I'm waiting for someone to mess with me so I can "school em" on the ways of the snuff.
Edit - I still for the life of me can't fathom how you can dip the stuff because it's a fine powder. Does saliva make it thicker
and stick together? Plus you only do a pinch in the nose.. You would use alot more to dip it so wouldn't
you be getting 20x the nic? I'm thinking no because it's absorbed differently maybe? Just curious.
I think you're right.. But from what I gather is people started dipping
the nasal snuff.. That's how snus came to be. Like The WE Garrett is supposed to be nasal snuff but people dip it instead.
Oh another cool thing about snuff is how cheap it is.. Cheaper than snus even.. Buy a few economy bags from toque you'd be set for years I bet.
I would not say that they starting dipping nasal snuff. Dry snuff has been dipped all over the world, India for example. Also swedish snus started as a nasal snuff. But yeah, somewhere down the line, someone started dipping dry snuff, I tend to think it's origin may have been simulateous. Do Germans or British dip their snuffs? I doubt it, but their snuffs are different. Scotch snuffs seem to have a dual usage ability.
Originally posted by EricHill78 View PostIf it wasn't for this site I'd have no idea what snuff is.. Now I enjoy it daily.. I do use a
bullet at work even though it looks like I'm doing something else. I'm waiting for someone to mess with me so I can "school em" on the ways of the snuff.
Edit - I still for the life of me can't fathom how you can dip the stuff because it's a fine powder. Does saliva make it thicker
and stick together? Plus you only do a pinch in the nose.. You would use alot more to dip it so wouldn't
you be getting 20x the nic? I'm thinking no because it's absorbed differently maybe? Just curious.
It sure smelled good to a little boy and future tobacco addict, though.
Originally posted by jagmanss View PostFrom what I saw in my local tobacco shop and from my lack of knowledge there of.. Isn't there nasal snuff and oral snuff.. Not to be confussed with one another...
I have a feeling that even back in the bad old days that dipping dry snuff was a more cost effective way of getting one's nic hit than buying ready-made cigs or even rolling your own. Also then, just as now, dipping a few times an hour was a big operational improvement over cigs when both one's hands were perpetually busy as would have been the case with rural women. Men too come to that.
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