I just discovered the best snuff that goes very well with salty snus.

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  • outbackblackjack
    • Jun 2010
    • 88

    I just discovered the best snuff that goes very well with salty snus.

    I just discovered the best snuff that goes very well with salty snus. I purchased a bunch of Schmalzlers from Mr. Snuff and I discovered that Bernard Gekachelter Virginie (B.G.V.) is a dark black coarse ground snuff that is somewhat moist. It has a pure tobacco smokey latakia taste that is somewhat salty but very smooth on the nose. The drip from it is salty tobacco in a good way. I find B.G.V. goes very well with salty straight snuses like Skruf Stark Los, Skruf Xtra Stark Los and similar straight tobacco flavored snuses. I am enjoying a nice prias master prias of Skruf Xtra Stark Los and a nose full of B.G.V. which both of them together make for a salty but very pleasant tobacco bliss. The pure tobacco taste of the B.G.V. along with the some what regular salty drip just adds to the pleasent salty taste of the Skruf Xtra Stark Los to crave any salty cravings one might have. the nicotine kick (1 low to 10 high) for the B.G.V. is middle of the road about a 6 while the nicotine kick for the Skruf Xtra Stark Los is a definite 10 these two together make for an excellent nicotine kick with flavors that harmonize to make a most flavorful symphony for you to relax and enjoy. I highly recommend all snus users even those who don't snuff to try this snuff and you will discover the immense pleasures I've found.
  • Mr. Snuffleupagus
    • Dec 2008
    • 2781

    Damn that sounds good!


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      That's one I haven't tried yet, but have been eying up. I'll make sure I get some next order. I'm a big fan of Bernard snuffs in general.


      • outbackblackjack
        • Jun 2010
        • 88

        I purchased these three Schmalzlers from Mr. Snuff to try for the first time. Finally they arrived to me on Tuesday:
        1. Bernard Gekachelter Virginie (salty, smoky, and very flavorful)
        2. Sternecker Echt Fresco (very delicate and slightly smoky)
        3. Poschl Schmalzler Sudfrucht (very fruity almost desert like)

        and while sampling them I figured I should take note of what I thought each would go well with.
        1. BGV definately goes great with any salty natural tobacco snus, for that matter it goes well with any salty snus. I just had some with a pouch of Viking Mint and it made Viking Mint taste even better IMHO.
        2. SEF goes good with any straight non-aromatic pipe tobaccos, it also goes well with black coffee and breakfast in the morning. It even goes well all snuses as it is so mild tasting it doesn't really affect the taste of any snus your enjoying it just kind of is there to give your snus an extra little boost.
        3. PSSF goes great with desert, aromatic pipe tobaccos, and any time you have a craving for something sweet but are too full to eat desert so try this it's like snuffing your desert. The aroma is very much like juicy fruit gum with many other sweet notes mixed in. I did try it with some Discreet Strawberry & Discreet Peach and the only way I can describe the result with each was something like a fruity mixed drink or a fresh fruit salad. They both seamed to have a more fruity flavor than usual I think because of the PSSF. So if you have a sweet tooth add this one to your must try list.


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