Snuffing in public

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  • EricHill78
    • Jun 2010
    • 4253

    Snuffing in public

    I was curious to what everyone here does. I try to be discreet where no one can see. I've only had one person see my bullet and I had to explain everything about snuff, how I quit cigs with snus/snuff. I just wish I could be at a restaraunt, pull out a tin, take a pinch without stares and questions. I just hate explaining myself.
  • c.nash
    Banned Users
    • May 2010
    • 3511

    I don't use nasal snuff in public honestly..

    Too many people do other nasal "things" down here, don't want to be associated with that.


    • amdusias
      • Jul 2009
      • 265

      When I use snuff out and about I use Packards Club. It is packaged with a little compartment that sticks out with a pile of snuff in it and I just sniff out of that. Kind of like a bullet/snuff box combo. There were a few people that have seen me do it and one asked I just said it was sinus medication.


      • CoderGuy
        • Jul 2009
        • 2679

        Originally posted by EricHill78 View Post
        I was curious to what everyone here does. I try to be discreet where no one can see. I've only had one person see my bullet and I had to explain everything about snuff, how I quit cigs with snus/snuff. I just wish I could be at a restaraunt, pull out a tin, take a pinch without stares and questions. I just hate explaining myself.

        This is funny, I was actually going to pose this exact question. I just got back from shopping and while out grabbed a Dean Swift Apricot and Dean Swift Dean's Own and was sitting in the car waiting and thinking that if I try it out it will look like I am doing coke lol so I was going to ask this very question.

        Edit: Does anyone use those little snuff scoops / spoons?


        • WickedKitchen
          • Nov 2009
          • 2528

          I mostly just get disgusted looks now. I am done explaining it to people. Usually, when I do explain, they are more grossed out than if they just thought I was snorting drugs. Also, I've migrated from snuffing piles off the back of my hand to just taking a pinch now to ease the unrest in the general public.


          • CoderGuy
            • Jul 2009
            • 2679

            Originally posted by WickedKitchen View Post
            I mostly just get disgusted looks now. I am done explaining it to people. Usually, when I do explain, they are more grossed out than if they just thought I was snorting drugs. Also, I've migrated from snuffing piles off the back of my hand to just taking a pinch now to ease the unrest in the general public.
            LOL! Yeah can see it now, "What's that you got there... drugs?" "No, tobacco" "Oh... ewww that's just wrong!"

            I will stick to portions while out and snuff at home. I am getting hooked on it though lol Good thing I am already an addict


            • jagmanss
              • Jul 2010
              • 12213

              Originally posted by WickedKitchen View Post
              I mostly just get disgusted looks now. I am done explaining it to people. Usually, when I do explain, they are more grossed out than if they just thought I was snorting drugs. Also, I've migrated from snuffing piles off the back of my hand to just taking a pinch now to ease the unrest in the general public.
              Don't your fingers get full of Snuff and look dirty and doesn't it just look like your picking your nose when taking a pinch anyway.. I can see the looks now if I did that.. Look he's picking his nose wth 2 fingers and me saying No!! I was just scratcing my nose I wasn't picking it.. No! No!


              • jagmanss
                • Jul 2010
                • 12213

                Originally posted by CoderGuy View Post
                LOL! Yeah can see it now, "What's that you got there... drugs?" "No, tobacco" "Oh... ewww that's just wrong!"

                I will stick to portions while out and snuff at home. I am getting hooked on it though lol Good thing I am already an addict
                I carry my snuff with me along with portions and just find a public bathroom or just wait till I happen upon one and snuff in a stall.. Great when your out for dinner and want some with your drink before dinner or after before popping in a snus. I use a piece of sawed off plastic knife handle for now and is small, takes out a pinch i can either take right from it or put on the back of my thumb. I haven't found the little spoons that are small and light enough to carry around yet..


                • CoderGuy
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 2679

                  Originally posted by jagmanss View Post
                  I carry my snuff with me along with portions and just find a public bathroom or just wait till I happen upon one and snuff in a stall.. Great when your out for dinner and want some with your drink before dinner or after before popping in a snus. I use a piece of sawed off plastic knife handle for now and is small, takes out a pinch i can either take right from it or put on the back of my thumb. I haven't found the little spoons that are small and light enough to carry around yet..
                  Ah. So one of the refillable bullets would probably come in handy in those cases. Of just grow your pinky nail long and use that lol


                  • jagmanss
                    • Jul 2010
                    • 12213

                    Originally posted by CoderGuy
                    Ah. So one of the refillable bullets would probably come in handy in those cases. Of just grow your pinky nail long and use that lol
                    That is what I'm thinking now as I have almost dropped a full tin a few times and would have been pissed..Almost happened to what's left of my spanish gem last night at home. I almost had a freakin heart attack... I was like No!!! Not my favorite, I spilled a couple of pinches though trying to stop it and was like.. SOB.. Got lucky.. I'm buying a refillable bullet or something so I won't lose it all on a mishap...


                    • Monkey
                      Senior Member
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 3290

                      I just take a pinch. I refrain from doing it in my kid's school and I don't snuff openly at work but other than that it pretty much is fair game. Nobody has asked me what I am doing and if I get sideways glances from people, I guess I don't care enough to pay attention. The only time I was bothered about it was when I was at the airport by some lady who notified the tsa that I was sniffing drugs in the security line. They looked, knew what it was and let me go on my way without a second look. Otherwise I use my discretion and do not partake of snuff where I see it to become a openly at work or in front of people that I respect and might offend (whom I care not to offend.) like my mother who had a fit when she caught me using snus. I told her I was sorry and would get right back to smoking. She hasn't bothered me since but I think snuff might get her right back to nagging and it has been nice not getting the "stop using tobacco because I am crying" guilt trip...but I digress...

                      Personally I do not care what the general population thinks or says about what I do. It is perfectly legal for me to put tobacco up my nose and if the average joe can't handle that they can suck it.


                      • GoVegan
                        • Oct 2009
                        • 5603

                        Just make sure to chop your snus with a razor and snort it through a straw. For some reason, it seems like using cocaine or crank is more socially acceptable than using tobacco these days.


                        • CoderGuy
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 2679

                          Originally posted by GoVegan View Post
                          Just make sure to chop your snus with a razor and snort it through a straw. For some reason, it seems like using cocaine or crank is more socially acceptable than using tobacco these days.
                          LOL so do they make white snuff?


                          • EricHill78
                            • Jun 2010
                            • 4253

                            Originally posted by CoderGuy View Post
                            LOL so do they make white snuff?
                            Yup lol, well off white.. White elephant and dhakolia (spelling) white are two


                            • EricHill78
                              • Jun 2010
                              • 4253

                              Thanks for the great responses guys.. I'll stick to
                              my bullet and i agree I shouldn't care what people think.


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