White elephant snuff available

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  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    White Elephant, I suspect can be bought on the streets of India for 10 cents. It's only overpriced because the name got generated in these forums, and it's hard for us to get. I could start saying how amazing the Arora snuffs are and how hard they are to get, and then say I got a source and it's 20 bucks a can, and it'd be the same thing. India has millions of snuffs, that we just can't get, so it adds to the mystery, and people want what they can't have.


    • jbfanins
      • Dec 2010
      • 20

      Originally posted by tom502 View Post
      White Elephant, I suspect can be bought on the streets of India for 10 cents. It's only overpriced because the name got generated in these forums, and it's hard for us to get. I could start saying how amazing the Arora snuffs are and how hard they are to get, and then say I got a source and it's 20 bucks a can, and it'd be the same thing. India has millions of snuffs, that we just can't get, so it adds to the mystery, and people want what they can't have.
      Bingo! So, we may be being set up for a middling experience, eh?


      • Maher
        • Sep 2010
        • 242

        Originally posted by jbfanins View Post
        the elusive White Elephant...the intrinsic value should lie exclusively within the quality, no? And/or prestige/venerability of the brand? Our man is a self-described "poor pensioner." With the refund to Maher, the assertion that he doesn't want to make any money, and if he comes through with the goods, then I'd be willing to spot him a coins on my next order just to thank him for his goodheartedness. We'll see...btw, Maher, when did your shipment go out? Oh, and thanks for the intel on that store.

        The incomparable Jeremy Brett as Sherlock Holmes, everyone!
        As he said it went out last week, to my US addy though not to my home, he emailed me on Dec. 2nd that it has been sent that afternoon, no news yet from my US PO, oh by the way for those who live in BC, you can ship to this address, www.tsbshipping.com they charge a nominal fee for holding the packages, I usually pay 3$ per package there, larger packages are a bit higher, see their pricing on their site, they also send you email when a package is received by them, great business to be on a border state/province, I am sure the same setup is on other border states/provinces for the same reasons this is here, customs and sellers who ship CONUS only


        • EricHill78
          • Jun 2010
          • 4253

          I'm thinkin that guy is legit, he posted on snuffhouse he has it on eBay.. He gas a good rating there is 99.3% 270 transactions.


          • Maher
            • Sep 2010
            • 242

            Originally posted by EricHill78 View Post
            I'm thinkin that guy is legit, he posted on snuffhouse he has it on eBay.. He gas a good rating there is 99.3% 270 transactions.
            He is legit, AFAIK, I dealt with him before snuff on badger and blade, I don't think he is scamming anyone, I am yet to receive my tins but I think it is only the Xmas mail rush


            • EricHill78
              • Jun 2010
              • 4253

              That's awesome.. I'm excited to get mine from ya because my sampler is running real low. I wonder how much it is locally in India. Probably like Tom said 10 cents lol, in any event it's a good snuff.


              • Maher
                • Sep 2010
                • 242

                Originally posted by EricHill78 View Post
                That's awesome.. I'm excited to get mine from ya because my sampler is running real low. I wonder how much it is locally in India. Probably like Tom said 10 cents lol, in any event it's a good snuff.
                LOL, me too I am almost out and still no email notification, I hope by tomorrow it is there as I am going there anyway, if it arrives on Saturday it will wait a couple of days or maybe not


                • Premium Parrots
                  Super Moderators
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 9759

                  I'm quite sure now that he is legit. He went thru the trouble to put it on ebay for everyone and all. Although he says hes not profiting.... if he makes a lil $ thats fine. You will get your WE I'm sure Maher. This fellow is cool in my book.
                  Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                  I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                  • jbfanins
                    • Dec 2010
                    • 20

                    WE Update

                    $32 for two tins including S&H? That's some awfully hefty shipping costs if he's not swinging a profit IF one tin only costs about ten cents in India. In any case, I'm very pleased to share with the forum that I just received an e-mail from him confirming shipment of my parcel INCLUDING a pic of the shipping receipt (with my name on it!) Bodes well...


                    • khalid
                      • Aug 2010
                      • 348

                      This is the quote I just got including shipping by air.

                      dear sir

                      1 master carton packing 10 pcs(1 pcs net wt.35g) 1 pcs price usd 3.20.confirm to us how many quantity you want. reply asap.


                      EMPIRE CARGO
                      A-19/1,FIRST FLOOR,APEX COMPLEX,
                      OKHLA VIHAR,JAMIA NAGAR,
                      NEW DELHI-110025/INDIA.
                      TEL.: 0091 11 26929992/26929395
                      EMAIL ID : empirecargo08@bol.net.in
                      EMAIL ID : empcargo@ndf.vsnl.net.in


                      • jbfanins
                        • Dec 2010
                        • 20

                        [QUOTE=khalid;353016]This is the quote I just got including shipping by air.

                        dear sir

                        1 master carton packing 10 pcs(1 pcs net wt.35g) 1 pcs price usd 3.20.confirm to us how many quantity you want. reply asap.



                        • jbfanins
                          • Dec 2010
                          • 20

                          Originally posted by khalid View Post
                          This is the quote I just got including shipping by air.

                          dear sir

                          1 master carton packing 10 pcs(1 pcs net wt.35g) 1 pcs price usd 3.20.confirm to us how many quantity you want. reply asap.

                          Went through this with them, too. Turns out they'll only ship out at least $2500 worth. Maybe you can work out something different.


                          • khalid
                            • Aug 2010
                            • 348

                            Originally posted by jbfanins View Post

                            Went through this with them, too. Turns out they'll only ship out at least $2500 worth. Maybe you can work out something different.
                            Ah, the communication with them has been a trudge so far. Thanks for giving me a heads up from the end of the road. I was curious more than anything. $3.20 per can sounds about right. That would still make it significantly more expensive than other indian snuffs. Sughandsaha Rose for instance works out about 50c per can.


                            • jbfanins
                              • Dec 2010
                              • 20

                              Originally posted by jbfanins View Post

                              Ah, the communication with them has been a trudge so far. Thanks for giving me a heads up from the end of the road. I was curious more than anything. $3.20 per can sounds about right. That would still make it significantly more expensive than other indian snuffs. Sughandsaha Rose for instance works out about 50c per can.
                              Yeah, $2500 is a lot of snuff...now I understand why they requested my "port of discharge."


                              • Maher
                                • Sep 2010
                                • 242

                                Originally posted by khalid View Post

                                Yeah, $2500 is a lot of snuff...now I understand why they requested my "port of discharge."
                                at that price 3.20$/can, he is selling 16$ shipped, I think he is buying retail not wholesale, a can would be 6ish or 7ish and shipping the same amount, so he would be netting 4$/can +-.5c, not bad. Postage from india can be calculated here http://www.indiapost.gov.in/Netscape...ir%2C%2C%2C%2C, used package weight of 85g (2 tins+packaging+padding) total came to 375Rs= 8.16US$, net around 4$


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