NEW American Snuff: Dark Horse Snuff

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  • snusjus
    • Jun 2008
    • 2674

    NEW American Snuff: Dark Horse Snuff

    I was surprised when I visited Lil' Brown today and saw there was a new American snus on the market. Unfortunately, there are only three flavors available, and none are "natural": Clove, Mint, Raspberry. Upon closer inspection of the cardboard retail display, its slogan is "Genuine Kentucky Snuff", which resonates with me, as I live north of KY. Anyway, if anyone has more information, please enlighten me.

    You can view the photos and/or order Dark Horse at:
  • HK11
    • May 2009
    • 631

    Originally posted by snusjus
    I was surprised when I visited Lil' Brown today and saw there was a new American snus on the market. Unfortunately, there are only three flavors available, and none are "natural": Clove, Mint, Raspberry. Upon closer inspection of the cardboard retail display, its slogan is "Genuine Kentucky Snuff", which resonates with me, as I live north of KY. Anyway, if anyone has more information, please enlighten me.

    You can view the photos and/or order Dark Horse at:

    You should have got a couple cans


    • snusjus
      • Jun 2008
      • 2674

      ^ If they had a "natural" or "original" flavor, I would have thrown in a few cans -- I'll let someone else be the guinea pig.


      • c.nash
        Banned Users
        • May 2010
        • 3511

        It looks to me to be a Nasal Snuff based on the weight and description shown...


        • rickcharles606
          • Mar 2009
          • 2307

          Hey guys....I'm pretty sure this is a dry nasal snuff, not a snus. I've heard about this company and the only thing I ever heard of them making was dry nasal snuff, and it's even under the dry snuff section at little brown. Sorry, not a new snus...but for sure a new nasal snuff, Im waiting on some to come now ;-)


          • chadizzy1
            • May 2009
            • 7432

            I have some on the way, I'll share reviews soon.

            Still getting info about the company and manufacturing process, give me a day or two.


            • ABW
              • May 2011
              • 793

              It's made by A & T Tabacco and I think it is a snuff... I know their website said snus but l think lil brown's website guy may have been hitting the peace pipe this AM...


              • chadizzy1
                • May 2009
                • 7432

                Just got a email, it's a snuff.
                Typo on their site.


                • nicodude
                  • Jan 2011
                  • 688

                  got my hopes up, I would love a clove flavored snus. I wish someone would make a "djarum black portion" clove flavored snus, that sounds soo tasty to me I used to smoke cloves alot back in the day, I even used to order them direct from indonesia after the cigarettes were banned by the fda, those djaram clove cigars they made to replace the cigs are garbage.

                  Most ppl didn't realize but the indonesian version of djarum are MUCH better than the american version, stronger clove flavor with more nicotine!


                  • snusjus
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 2674

                    Feel free to delete/rename the thread. Sorry for getting anyone's hopes up.


                    • Jwalker
                      • May 2010
                      • 1067

                      Yeah that's snuff I think dark horse makes a cheap ryo tobacco, it's certainly an interesting market to go into.


                      • Langdell
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 255

                        Originally posted by nicodude View Post
                        got my hopes up, I would love a clove flavored snus. \
                        I was thinking the same thing. I have thought of trying to make this myself by mixing some ground cloves into some loose, but I haven't gotten around to actually trying it.


                        • desirexe
                          • Feb 2008
                          • 1170

                          Hey everyone! I actually just visited Lil Brown Smoke Shop in Yakima while on vacation. Yup..I went way out of my way to visit this shop and I am sooo glad I did! It's awesome, a tobacco junkie's dream! Not a lot of snus & snuff, but everything else you can imagine! Anyway, I did pick up each of the Dark Horse snuffs and I actually like them! The flavors are as described but VERY heavily scented, which I like! The grind however is not the best, not consistent at all. It looks as if someone ground the tobacco by hand in a coffee grinder, it's fine, medium and coarse all at the same time. I actually saw some stem pieces in my last pinch. The clove is my favorite and is extremely clove-y, it is actually more aromatic than the clove I use to cook with! These snuffs are some of the easiest I've encountered to sniff & combined with heavy scents...I think these are a good entrance into the snuff world for Dark Horse.


                          • Snusdog
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 6752


                            Thanks for the review. I have yet to see any around but if I run into some I will definitely pick up a can of the clove
                            When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                            • rickcharles606
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 2307

                              Originally posted by Snusdog

                              Thanks for the review. I have yet to see any around but if I run into some I will definitely pick up a can of the clove
                              I'm going to the IPCPR tobacco show next week, and I'm going to look for this snuff. Not sure they'll be there because this is more a premium cigar show, but hey....we'll have snus there, lol


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