Just made my first order @ MrSnuff!!

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  • LowKeyLyesmith
    New Member
    • Sep 2011
    • 13

    Just made my first order @ MrSnuff!!

    Frederick Tranter Cotswold 25g
    Gawith Hoggarth Whiskey 10g
    Dholakia Aniseed 10g
    Molens Holandse Bolongaro 12.5g
    McChrystal's Highland Ice 3.5g
    Toque Berwick Brown 10g
    Toque Coke 10g
    Dean Swift Camelopard 5g
    Samuel Gawith Scotch Black 10g
    Poschl Ozona 5g
    Poschl Gawith Apricot

    That's the invoice above. I'm pretty excited. Except for the fact that between snus, and snuff, I've acquired tobacco acquisition disorder. At least I don't have a wife to moderate that .
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    You screwed up. I don't see any Bernards in that order. Ah, well. There's always the next order, and the next one, and the next one... :^D


    • whalen
      • May 2009
      • 6593

      Dean Swift Camelopard 5g - The beginning of A hard snuff education right there!

      Have fun! It is hard being new to snuff, That is one weird assortment of flavors! Try some McCrystals Hopfen Schupf, Toque Quit, Wilsons Tom Buck, And Toque Whiskey and Honey, when you get a chance, you can thank me later. I won't torture you with the Fubar Grunt recommendation until it is available, The R&R and Medic is just Grunt that has been ruined.
      wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


      • LowKeyLyesmith
        New Member
        • Sep 2011
        • 13

        yeah, I was jonesing to try the Grunt when I ordered, but alas, they were out!!


        • Monkey
          Senior Member
          • Mar 2009
          • 3290

          Excellent choice on the molens. Hollands Bolongaro is my favorite of their offerings.


          • PipenSnus
            • Apr 2010
            • 1038

            Nice diverse selection for a first order. Just remember:

            (1) If you dislike a snuff on first sniff, set it aside and come back to it after a few months. Your tastes may change radically as you become a more experienced snuffer.

            (2) If, after several months, you still dislike a snuff, you can most likely find someone who will happily trade you something else for it.


            • LowKeyLyesmith
              New Member
              • Sep 2011
              • 13

              Well, I just got my order from MrSnuff (thanks if you're reading this, btw).

              The first I tried out of the box was some Samuel Gawith Scotch Black snuff.

              I enjoyed the grind of it, as I found that it stayed where I wanted it to a bit more easily than normal. The flavor was very interesting and definitely took me back to some smells that I remembered from my grandfather's pipe cabinet. The flavor was a bit strong, although not unenjoyable in the least.

              Second, I just tried some of my Dholakia Aniseed. It was much more enjoyable than I was expecting it to be. There was a balanced menthol taste blended with Aniseed. I had a hard time detecting the Aniseed flavor since I'm not accustomed to it, living in america and all. All in all though, this one was pretty good. Also a bit more of a manageable grind than my silver dollar mint and natural.

              The Toque coke was a fairly neutral tasting cola flavor, but I enjoyed it. I'm not sure how it'll wear on me, but regardless, I have it.

              The only other I tried was the Ozona, and I really enjoyed that one a lot. Talk about a menthol.... I enjoyed the fact that it was fairly moist, and the way it opened my sinuses up. It seemed pretty easy to snuff as well. .


              • Monkey
                Senior Member
                • Mar 2009
                • 3290


                As you begin to associate the name of a scent with the actual scent you can more easily decide what you like.

                Try the Samuel Gawith Lavender Dark. I have had most of their rappes and it is possibly their best imo.....actually try them all. They are fantastic.


                • Snusdog
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 6752

                  Originally posted by LowKeyLyesmith
                  Well, I just got my order from MrSnuff (thanks if you're reading this, btw).

                  The first I tried out of the box was some Samuel Gawith Scotch Black snuff.

                  I enjoyed the grind of it, as I found that it stayed where I wanted it to a bit more easily than normal. The flavor was very interesting and definitely took me back to some smells that I remembered from my grandfather's pipe cabinet. The flavor was a bit strong, although not unenjoyable in the least.

                  Second, I just tried some of my Dholakia Aniseed. It was much more enjoyable than I was expecting it to be. There was a balanced menthol taste blended with Aniseed. I had a hard time detecting the Aniseed flavor since I'm not accustomed to it, living in america and all. All in all though, this one was pretty good. Also a bit more of a manageable grind than my silver dollar mint and natural.

                  The Toque coke was a fairly neutral tasting cola flavor, but I enjoyed it. I'm not sure how it'll wear on me, but regardless, I have it.

                  The only other I tried was the Ozona, and I really enjoyed that one a lot. Talk about a menthol.... I enjoyed the fact that it was fairly moist, and the way it opened my sinuses up. It seemed pretty easy to snuff as well. .
                  Nice start and great review bro.........keep us posted when you get to the rest
                  When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                  • LowKeyLyesmith
                    New Member
                    • Sep 2011
                    • 13

                    Monkey(or anyone else who knows), what do you mean by rappe?? I'm new to the game and a little explanation would be appreciated .

                    Just tried the Gawith Apricot snuff courtesy of a free MrSnuff offer (thanks again dude, not to be repetitive, but you rock). I really like this one. It's very similar to the Ozona in consistency and moisture content, although slightly lighter in color. The apricot isn't as strong as the menthol at first, but as the menthol dies down, you can really grasp the apricot flavor a bit more, and the flavors continue to alternate. There's a strong dose of Vitamin N, and overall, this is very easy to snuff, and i feel very little need to use the "reverse nose-pick" method of delivery.

                    The McChrystals "Highland Ice" is one intense menthol sensation. It's a lot drier and finer than the Gawith, and a bit harder on the take, but still more moist and coarsely ground than the silver dollar. It's a bit much for my taste both in terms of ease of snuffing and menthol-ness. The Ozona was much better in my opinion.

                    The Kendal/Gawith Hoggarth Whisky is a very fine ground, and dry snuff. It reminds me of the Silver Dollar natural in its taste, but has a much smoother character, and slightly easier snuff than the Silver Dollar does. It's got a nice, very noticeable nic-hit to it, and the flavor fades fairly quickly for if you might like a quick hit of nicotine during a meal without making your steak and taters taste like an apricot rubbed in Vick's vapor rub (as nice as that is)

                    I'd have to say my two favorite so far are the Gawith Apricot, and Ozona, although I expect the Sam Gawith scotch black and its earthy tones to grow on me.


                    • Snusdog
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 6752

                      Rappe- think a cheese grader for Tobacco.

                      Back in the day you would by a plug or roll of tobacco (called a carrot- presumably because that is how many of them were shaped) and then use a small grader (rappeir- sp?) to grid/shave it into snuff.

                      Today a rappe generally means a dark snuff (due to the fermentation process used in forming the carrots back in the day) which is more coarsely ground than the traditional light, finely ground English snuffs (again harking back to the day when one would scrape the tobacco across the grader to grind the snuff). Also they were French…. thus the French terms (carrot and rappe) and so were/are often perfumed/floral

                      However, please note: that does not mean that every snuff called a rappe will fit that bill exactly any more than all Kendal Browns will satisfy a uniform profile. It is more of a general and historic description that will presumably (though not certainly) indicate that the snuff is of a certain general type/style.

                      The point: read the descriptions and reviews before you buy
                      When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


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