I've been using this a lot lately, and really dig it. I have to take back my first impression, which was "synthetic", but mellow after time. I don't think it is synthetic. I think it's just the strength of the scent that threw me off. It varies between a bright pine needle scent, and a heavier pine pitch note that floats in and out. That combined with a crisp menthol is like being outdoors, even when in the house. The scent lasts a long time, and has the occasional surprise return. My favorite trick is to follow it a half hour later with Molens A/P. After collecting the pine, you get to burn it in a fire :^)
I think this will be a winter snuff for me. I'm not sure I'd like it as well in the summer time. It's perfect for Xmas time, and I highly recommend t for those that like menthol, and especially evergreen scent.
I think this will be a winter snuff for me. I'm not sure I'd like it as well in the summer time. It's perfect for Xmas time, and I highly recommend t for those that like menthol, and especially evergreen scent.