Toque Quit and other super-fine snuffs

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  • heders
    • Jan 2011
    • 2227

    Toque Quit and other super-fine snuffs

    How the hell do you snuff Toque Quit without it getting in your throat/lungs? Every time I take a sniff, I can feel it going straight to my throat. I've heard Toque Quit is similar to (or is in fact) 'toasts' or 'scotches', which, from my understanding are super fine and dry. Is the wet pinch technique the only way to go with this? I feel like I'm snuffing as light as I possibly can, but it still goes to far.

    I hear people talking about flavor and stuff with this, but I haven't really tasted anything with this yet since it doesn't seem to get stuck in my nose.

    I also have a Bullet (Toque Quit Bullet), if there's any technique I can do with that.

    Any advises would be appreciated!

    EDIT: I put some Toque Spanish Gem in the bullet and it also goes directly to my throat. Hmm...
  • voodooman
    • Mar 2011
    • 255

    you need to make sure the inside of your nose is moist or it won't stick. run your finger around inside your nose until it's moist all around.(not in public) then sniff very gently.


    • voodooman
      • Mar 2011
      • 255

      another trick is to sniff a very small amount. this will get the mucous flowing. then blow your nose, and you can take a bigger hit and it will stick.


      • EricHill78
        • Jun 2010
        • 4253

        I do the pinch and slowly release pressure.. being HDT is my favorite snuff I had to learn.


        • heders
          • Jan 2011
          • 2227

          Thanks a lot for your tips! I will try this.

          Another thing I have succeeded with a few times with the bullet is to angle it kind of to the side in your nose so it's sticks to the side and stops excessive air flow. Sometimes this works like a charm and sometimes it don't.


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            I do it the same way as Eric. I never really got on with bullets, though I haven't tried Toques.


            • precious007
              Banned Users
              • Sep 2010
              • 5885

              small pinches everytime.... when you take a large pinch just place it in your nostril - don't inhale at all.

              I've heard that hitler used to do 20 grams of snuff per day and that's how he was doing it..... taking large pinches and just placing it in his nose.....


              Lewl I rarely consume snuff nowadays.... it ****s up my sinuses really bad.


              • DanielO
                • Nov 2011
                • 66

                I am currently consuming fairly large quantities of a Toque Natural Toast/Quit mixture. I do it off the back of my hand, and it only hits the back of my throat once or twice a day (and I'm using it four or five times an hour). I do it by just barely inhaling at all when I sniff. I guess it takes practice. So, practice!


                • UsualSnuspects
                  • Nov 2011
                  • 278

                  I popped my nasal snuff cherry yesterday with my first order -- Toque Quit, Natural, Original, SG's Kendall Brown, F&T's HDT... I'm assuming it'll take a while before I can appreciate the subtler notes. Until then I'd say it's not unlike getting a cigar tattooed onto my inside nostril, whereupon the whole world smells like a humidor for the next 2 hours. Not an unpleasant experience at all! They never went too far back as long as I kept it to <1/2 normal inhaling force (bullet or ASB).


                  • EricHill78
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 4253

                    Originally posted by UsualSnuspects
                    I popped my nasal snuff cherry yesterday with my first order -- Toque Quit, Natural, Original, SG's Kendall Brown, F&T's HDT... I'm assuming it'll take a while before I can appreciate the subtler notes. Until then I'd say it's not unlike getting a cigar tattooed onto my inside nostril, whereupon the whole world smells like a humidor for the next 2 hours. Not an unpleasant experience at all! They never went too far back as long as I kept it to <1/2 normal inhaling force (bullet or ASB).
                    Kudos on adding the HDT. It's the ultimate to me. Have you tried it yet?


                    • UsualSnuspects
                      • Nov 2011
                      • 278

                      Originally posted by EricHill78
                      Kudos on adding the HDT. It's the ultimate to me. Have you tried it yet?
                      Yes, but I'm giving my membranes a chance to adjust before trusting what I find.


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