The effect of snuff

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  • Kersentaart
    • Jul 2010
    • 43

    The effect of snuff

    Hey all,

    Since sometime I have been really interested in snuff. I read many things about the effect and possible health risks.
    So today I decided to buy some Dutch Molen's snuff. This since it's faster and cheaper to buy since I live in Holland
    and the description of Bon bon and Prins regent made me really curious.
    I don't see myself as a regular snuffer, but to use it sometimes does't seem to bad regarding health issues.

    Anyway, my question is about the nicotine buzz you recieve from snuff. How does it compare to cigarettes or snus?
    I like the snus nicotine buzz, but not so much as in a cigarette. I would like to hear some of your experiences/opinions.

    Many thanks,

  • heders
    • Jan 2011
    • 2227

    The kick in snuff for me is not very noticeable, but it does take away the nicotine cravings for a little while, so I know it's there. The all over 'kick' with snuff I think is that it totally (depending on brand of course) takes over your sense of smell. It also promotes deep breathing which gets you to relax as you take long, deep breaths to smell the stuff. I love it.

    Some brands also has a bigger nicotine kick, like FUBAR Grunt, F&T HDT and Toque Quit. If I were to use only those brands I really wouldn't need snus, nicotine-wise.

    I just wish it could be more socially acceptable. I've done it a few times in public places, but I feel like I have to look myself in to some sort of mirror all the time so I don't have brown stuff coming out of my nose, haha.


    • crullers
      • Oct 2011
      • 663

      I'm interested as well. I have an order coming in from Toque. Has anybody transitioned completely from snus to snuff, or is the nicotine in snuff not strong enough?


      • heders
        • Jan 2011
        • 2227

        Originally posted by crullers
        I'm interested as well. I have an order coming in from Toque. Has anybody transitioned completely from snus to snuff, or is the nicotine in snuff not strong enough?
        Which flavors did you choose (sorry if I've missed them somewhere on the forum)?

        I know Monkey went from snus to snuff during the summer, but has went back when it was colder and drier. Also spirit72 I think has done it (at least part-time).

        The nicotine in snuff is strong enough. It's just that the kick lasts shorter in duration, so you have to take a pinch pretty often, at least in the beginning until you have gotten used to it. But if you don't feel like you're getting enough nicotine satisfaction, just take another pinch. Still not satisfying? Take another.


        • crullers
          • Oct 2011
          • 663

          After reading a bunch of reviews I ended up ordering Apricot, Berwick Brown, Coke, Menthol, Quit, Spanish Gem, SP Extra, St Clements, Vanilla, Whisky & Honey. It was hard getting my list down to 10, but these ones seemed to appeal to me most.

          I don't know if I could quit snus completely since I enjoy it so much but what appeals to me about snuff is that it seems like a hobby with the added bonus of feeding the nicotine monster. I'm curious as to whether or not it's more cost-effective than snus. I have my doubts though. Been window-shopping on the internet and see a whole bunch I'd like to order and try!


          • Slidingblues
            • Sep 2011
            • 316

            Originally posted by crullers
            I'm interested as well. I have an order coming in from Toque. Has anybody transitioned completely from snus to snuff, or is the nicotine in snuff not strong enough?
            I've been experimenting with going to snuff only but an not quite there. I am down from 10 - 12 portions a day to 3 - 4.

            What Heders said is correct. You have to pinch often. But I was doing that anyway on top of taking the snus.

            For me I have to get slightly ahead of the craving and stay ahead of it. But if I let the craving creep up on me snuffs like Grunt or Viking can get me back on track quickly.

            When I use 10 + portions a day my snuff usage was around 2 grams. With 3 or 4 portions my snuff usage jumped to about 3.5 grams. I probably could have used less snus but I was at a couple of basketball games and decided to snus instead.

            My actual plan is to make the switch but keep some snus on hand for those times snuff is inconvenient. Plane trips, meetings, things like that.


            • crullers
              • Oct 2011
              • 663

              @Kersentaart: Sorry, didn't mean to hijack your thread but I have been wondering the exact same thing.

              heders, Slidingblues: Thanks for the info. Doesn't sound like a transition to snuff from snus will be a piece of cake, but neither was the transition from cigarettes to snus I think I may give it a shot if I take to it though.


              • Darwin
                • Mar 2010
                • 1372

                Snuff is a wonderful adjunct and punctuation for snus but it is a stretch as a complete substitute. Could be useful as a transition from snus however I have not found it to be so. Others might. It is just plain nice on its own account and about as harmless and enjoyable a lifelong sensory affectation as can be found.


                • heders
                  • Jan 2011
                  • 2227

                  Originally posted by crullers
                  After reading a bunch of reviews I ended up ordering Apricot, Berwick Brown, Coke, Menthol, Quit, Spanish Gem, SP Extra, St Clements, Vanilla, Whisky & Honey. It was hard getting my list down to 10, but these ones seemed to appeal to me most.

                  I don't know if I could quit snus completely since I enjoy it so much but what appeals to me about snuff is that it seems like a hobby with the added bonus of feeding the nicotine monster. I'm curious as to whether or not it's more cost-effective than snus. I have my doubts though. Been window-shopping on the internet and see a whole bunch I'd like to order and try!
                  Ah, those are some good stuff! You can't go wrong with Toque really.

                  From your list, I've had: Coke, Quit, Spanish Gem, Vanilla and Whiskey & Honey. My favorites are W&H, Spanish Gem and maybe Quit I got to say. Also the Coke is extremely good... ah, to hell with it: I like them all!

                  I could easily... ok, not easily, but I think I could actually quit snus with snuff. The problem is for me though that it's kind of messy. The snuff travels down my throat sooner or later, so I have to clear it for like an half-hour every 5 minutes until it's gone. And that's just with my minimal snuff intake. When I do take it, I take pretty large pinches, but my daily consumption I would say is not even a gram of it. Maybe 0,1-0,3g or so. If I were to do it full time, I probably would use 4 grams of the stuff. Can't imagine how red and irritated my nose would be after all the wiping and blowing.

                  That's why I mostly do snuff at home, with friends, or outside on walks, and not in school.


                  • Slidingblues
                    • Sep 2011
                    • 316

                    Originally posted by crullers
                    @Kersentaart: Sorry, didn't mean to hijack your thread but I have been wondering the exact same thing.

                    heders, Slidingblues: Thanks for the info. Doesn't sound like a transition to snuff from snus will be a piece of cake, but neither was the transition from cigarettes to snus I think I may give it a shot if I take to it though.
                    I think you may find it easier than you might think. Granted, this is day 3 for me. But I dropped from 10 - 12 to 4 on the first day, 3 yesterday and I will probably have 3 today.

                    My biggest problem is I have almost a years supply of snus.

                    If I decide to make the switch permanent I'll sell some to my brother-in-law, save some and probably give some away.

                    At this point it is an experiment. But the experiment is going well.


                    • crullers
                      • Oct 2011
                      • 663

                      Good luck, I'm looking forward to seeing how it works out for you. I'm in the same situation as far as snus stock goes - I just loaded up and have around 70 tins. And absolutely nobody else I know uses it. But, it keeps for a long time and will allow me to transition slowly should I go that route.


                      • Bradb4178
                        • Jan 2012
                        • 42

                        I dont use snus but i do use snuff. I dont use it early in the morning but i do use it around lunch and after. Snuff for me isnt very strong and gives me an overall calming effect. Not so much of a buzz. I only really get a buzz if i use american scotches. You will like snuff. It takes the edge off if you are addicted to nicotine. Snuff for me is something that i can quit whenever. I like the calm feeling i get. I hope you like it.

                        Btw i just started a few weeks ago as well and have liked it a lot. You will learn a lot of good info on here.


                        • Monkey
                          Senior Member
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 3290

                          For me the transition was easy. I use less nicotine when it is hot and moist weather. When it dried out here and my allergies started kicking in I had to cut way back on the toasts. Rappee does me well in the winter as it is moister but I wanted some snus and hopped back on the wagon.

                          Probably around April I will move back to more snuff unless the heat and moisture kick back up sooner here in Florida. If I didn't have seasonal allergies (they have been extra bad this year) I still would be relying mostly on snuff.


                          • Kersentaart
                            • Jul 2010
                            • 43

                            No problem.

                            Thank you guys, I guess it's somethig I have to experience myself in 1 or 2 days when the package has arrived. I was indeed not expecting 'a hell of a buzz' but just something to enjoy on special occasions.


                            • Snuts
                              • Dec 2010
                              • 157

                              I've received an order from Toque some days ago as I said in other thread.
                              I've tried 7 flavours. I still can't get it. I feel the taste or smell for some seconds and that's it. And all the flavours were pretty good. The worst thing about it for me is that awful crap that comes out of my nose and the fact that if I keep doing it it's like catching a cold.
                              With snus it was love at first sight. With snuff I simply don't get it. I don't see myself having my nose full of brown stuff all day. I like nicotine but I'm not that desperate lol.

                              I respect all of you guys who use it and I'm happy that I've give it a try but I think it's not for me.


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