So I got Irish High Toast No. 22, Royal George, Rose, Best SP, Dholakia Black, and Navy Plain.
The Best SP is my favorite of the flavored snuffs, mild citrus/bergamot. But even it congests my nose too much for me to be hitting it the way I can hit a scotch. And I learned this morning that after taking five pinches of SP I won't be able to smell anything for a few hours. Maybe my nose will get used to it though.
Royal George smells like a "whore's reticule" to borrow Dave's phrase. I don't think the heavy flavored snuffs are for me.
Dholakia Black smells minty for me. I don't know why. Is it supposed to? I've probably just been sniffing too many different kinds.
The IHT I haven't been able to taste through the flavored snuffs, I haven't tried the Rose, and I've always like Navy, though it seems to burn me a bit more than Garrett's.
The Best SP is my favorite of the flavored snuffs, mild citrus/bergamot. But even it congests my nose too much for me to be hitting it the way I can hit a scotch. And I learned this morning that after taking five pinches of SP I won't be able to smell anything for a few hours. Maybe my nose will get used to it though.
Royal George smells like a "whore's reticule" to borrow Dave's phrase. I don't think the heavy flavored snuffs are for me.
Dholakia Black smells minty for me. I don't know why. Is it supposed to? I've probably just been sniffing too many different kinds.
The IHT I haven't been able to taste through the flavored snuffs, I haven't tried the Rose, and I've always like Navy, though it seems to burn me a bit more than Garrett's.