My order came in

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  • horus
    • Jan 2012
    • 81

    My order came in

    So I got Irish High Toast No. 22, Royal George, Rose, Best SP, Dholakia Black, and Navy Plain.

    The Best SP is my favorite of the flavored snuffs, mild citrus/bergamot. But even it congests my nose too much for me to be hitting it the way I can hit a scotch. And I learned this morning that after taking five pinches of SP I won't be able to smell anything for a few hours. Maybe my nose will get used to it though.

    Royal George smells like a "whore's reticule" to borrow Dave's phrase. I don't think the heavy flavored snuffs are for me.

    Dholakia Black smells minty for me. I don't know why. Is it supposed to? I've probably just been sniffing too many different kinds.

    The IHT I haven't been able to taste through the flavored snuffs, I haven't tried the Rose, and I've always like Navy, though it seems to burn me a bit more than Garrett's.
  • Fazer
    • May 2011
    • 663

    If you want my opinion, #22 is the best on that list, like you say, "heavy flavored snuffs are not for me"...


    • horus
      • Jan 2012
      • 81

      Yeah Fazer I really can't wait to try it tomorrow. Today I've been going with the Best SP with the occasional scotch to clear my nose. It's growing on me more. I can see why it is so popular, it's a real work-horse of a snuff, and with more experience with sniffing it already doesn't seem to clog me so bad (choosing the right moment to blow your nose seems important). The Royal George seems less offensive today too - still not an all-day snuff by any means though, and it'll never be close to a favorite.

      Edit: Yeah I definitely like the Best SP, I just overpacked my nostril a bit and must rave. Though it will not take the place of Garrett's (my current favorite by a good margin), it's a solid, comforting scent that I could easily habituate myself to using in the evening. My main problem with flavored snuffs/snuses is that they always get boring after a while. I much prefer the complex earthy tastes of unadulterated tobacco, those are the products you can form a lifelong relationship with.


      • Fazer
        • May 2011
        • 663

        Originally posted by horus
        Yeah Fazer I really can't wait to try it tomorrow. Today I've been going with the Best SP with the occasional scotch to clear my nose. It's growing on me more. I can see why it is so popular, it's a real work-horse of a snuff, and with more experience with sniffing it already doesn't seem to clog me so bad (choosing the right moment to blow your nose seems important). The Royal George seems less offensive today too - still not an all-day snuff by any means though, and it'll never be close to a favorite.
        I missed a word off my last post, i should have said "heavy flavored snuffs are NOT for me". i just like plain snuffs really, #22 is lovely, you'll enjoy that i'm sure


        • horus
          • Jan 2012
          • 81

          Man I'm having fun with all of this and I don't even think I've come close to the tip of the iceberg in terms of snuffs I'll enjoy. I packed my nose full of Royal George after a nice meal - enjoying the sandalwood and heavy muskiness - then some Garrett's which completely overpowered it and cleared my nose and brain, then some IHT because why not, and it goes very well with the Garrett's, though I still can't pick out its unique scent it definitely added a milder creamier "toasty" tobacco taste to the deeper richer smoker Garrett's, and then when my nose was clean as a whistle I finally broke into the Rose, which isn't bad at all, fine to end the day with, which I feel is what I will end up saying about most heavily flavored snuffs. Now my head is spinning and I'm already feeling like busting into the Royal George again . . .

          Edit: Is it just me or does the Irish High Dry Toast taste vaguely of gingerbread? This is fricking delicious. I really feel like I could make myself sick I love it so much.


          • horus
            • Jan 2012
            • 81


            I'm truly loving the Royal George now. It's my favorite thing to pinch after dinner. Every day it seems like a new aspect of the taste comes out. I wouldn't be surprised to find it has over a dozen ingredients, though the predominant flavors lately have been cinnamon and violet. It's a decadent British monstrosity and it's growing on me damn it.

            I love the Rose too. It's a very perfumey, sneezey rose, the scent is very calming. I find myself reaching into it at any time of the day when I'm relaxing.

            The Best SP is good but getting boring. It's a solid taste that would be hard to find disgusting but it's also just not as exciting to me as even the simple Rose.

            The IHT no. 22 is my favorite, I will be ordering this in the large size in future. I especially like combining it with a scotch.

            And the Dholakia Black I really can't figure out! People describe it as this rude barnyard snuff that would be right up my alley but mostly all I taste is peppermint. Does it have any menthol in it at all or am I just crazy?

            Edit: ah I think I finally got a hint of what the Black is about. It reminds me of the stockyards I lived near in Virginia. It's a dank, humid, grassy cattle smell (though still with some peppermint?!). I can't express how spot-on it is; if I close my eyes it's like I'm right there. I can literally smell the creek, that soil-y muddy scent produced by wet coco coir if you know that smell. Absolutely positively superb. It's too early to speak now but this might end up being my second favorite of the ones I ordered. The only problem is it makes one look like a coal-miner, definitely an at-home snuff!


            • horus
              • Jan 2012
              • 81

              Well I'm officially done with most of 'em. I finished Rose first, Royal George shortly thereafter, then Dholakia Black, and now I have the SP and the IHT. The Black and IHT I will probably order again very frequently, in particular I'd like a fresher tin of the black, the scent seemed weak though what was there was just what I like. The SP was good but not exciting enough for me to order often and too flavored to use all day every day for me. The Rose and RG were both awesome and I'd order either again some day but there are a lot of other sweet/floral/perfumed snuffs I want to try before I start ordering any of them twice. The Rose in particular I noticed got much better after a couple of days' sniffing, it lost all its perfuminess, I assume because my nose got used to it.


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