Bernard Snuffs

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  • Frosted
    • Mar 2010
    • 5798

    Bernard Snuffs

    Can't see a place in the review section for these but I'll give a quick run through here - these are meaty.

    1. Bernard Brasil Feinst - dark pipe tobacco full aroma. Quite drippy. I'd give this a 9/10 for aroma. Nic is mild.
    2. Bernard Original Brasil double fermented - dark, chocolate pipe tobacco. Quite drippy. A 10/10 for aroma. Nic is mild.

    These two snuffs are very special. I'd highly recommend them. Enjoyment factor on the aroma is excellent.

    3. Bernard Anniversary snuff - reads "275 Jahre Jubilaums Snuff". Not getting a lot off this snuff apart from menthol. This is the only snuff that has ever made me sneeze - and sneeze good. It's a great snuff for a good nasal clear out - forget the neti pot. It is very refreshing but I'm unsure if I'll buy this again.

    Probably best to enjoy these at home - you'll need a tissue or three.
  • willc
    • Jun 2012
    • 107

    I just got the Brasil Double Fermented and it is quite delicious.
    Very robust with a deep woody chocolate flavor, nice for after dinner or with a stout.
    It is fairly moist and course, very easy to take for a beginner.
    This is one I would buy in quantity.


    • Frosted
      • Mar 2010
      • 5798

      That's what I use it for Willc - after dinner. It's my favourite.


      • willc
        • Jun 2012
        • 107

        The Brasil Double is perfect for after meal.
        I am pretty new to snuffing and really want to try more schmalzers.
        The fine grind stuff is a bit much for me at times so these seem very appealing.


        • Frosted
          • Mar 2010
          • 5798

          Originally posted by willc
          The Brasil Double is perfect for after meal.
          I am pretty new to snuffing and really want to try more schmalzers.
          The fine grind stuff is a bit much for me at times so these seem very appealing.
          Yes indeed. I use them as a nice rich change to WoS Best SP and Tom Buck - but only in small quantities and once or twice a day.


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