My reviews of some snuffs

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  • Frosted
    • Mar 2010
    • 5798

    Originally posted by whalen
    Well Bud, I would love to get a photo of you just after you try it for the first time! About 1/3 of a second after! Be careful! And I guarantee you will never forget this one! It takes the very best of control to master it. Good luck and enjoy!
    May I recommend, McCrystals Hopfen Schnupt- beer hops.

    and a favorite of mine- Samuel Gawith SP NO.1 High Mill, not the NO.1 high mill, The SP No.1 High Mill. It is confusing and some sammy's are weird, But this one is in a class of its own.
    Jeeezus. I haven't got any more room for snuff but I hope I remember that when I'm topping up.


    • whalen
      • May 2009
      • 6593

      Originally posted by Extreme
      Jeeezus. I haven't got any more room for snuff but I hope I remember that when I'm topping up.
      Oh, hell no! You are well into the TAD now! Room has nothing to do with it! There are hundreds of snuffs to try, and somewhere in there is the "ONE"!!!!!!!!!

      TAD -Tobacco Acquisition Disorder ........... The only cure is more tobacco, sad but true......... Your officially PhuQed now brother!
      wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


      • Skell18
        • May 2012
        • 7067

        Originally posted by whalen
        Oh, hell no! You are well into the TAD now! Room has nothing to do with it! There are hundreds of snuffs to try, and somewhere in there is the "ONE"!!!!!!!!!

        TAD -Tobacco Acquisition Disorder ........... The only cure is more tobacco, sad but true......... Your officially PhuQed now brother!
        Welcome to the club!


        • horus
          • Jan 2012
          • 81

          The Dholakia definitely has some fecal notes. As in it has an after-smell that reminds me of human crap. It's definitely somethin' else. I'm really trying to quit cigarettes, but it is difficult, I have some mental bullcrap going on and my doctor even told me it would be reckless to try to quit smoking. When I tried to do it without any snuff to help I started getting random panic attacks HAH! But I am so sick of that congested feeling in the chest. I'm very neurotic about my smoking, I'll chainsmoke in the morning, develop chest congestion, convince myself that this is a heart attack, and then have a panic attack. And when I just straight up try to quit I get panic attacks from nicotine withdrawal. Pretty ironic.

          I'm going to try to limit myself to 5 cigarettes today though and get the rest of my vitamin N from these delicious snuffs. I suspect one reason I've found it so hard to switch entirely to smokeless is that when tobacco is burned it releases some light MAOIs, which also explains why the "buzz" from a cigarette is different from other forms. I find snus and dipping-snuff to be sedating, nasal snuff to be lightly stimulating, and cigarettes make me feel gross. I also find cigarettes much more addictive, when I have one I want another within 10 minutes. In the past when I've successfully entirely replaced them with smokeless, my use is much less compulsive, I can go a few hours without a snus/dip/sniff without feeling crappy. I think it is partly the convenience of a pre-rolled cigarette that you can just grab out of a pack, because I found rolled cigarettes less compulsive too, partly because whenever I wanted one I had to go through the ritual of rolling one up. And I love rolling cigarettes but it'd make it just inconvenient enough that I wouldn't be chain smoking.

          I found an even easier way to take the White is what someone suggested on snuffhouse, you fill your lungs with air and then take the tiniest sniff. Even doing this it will burn a bit but it's not nearly as bad.

          The Dholakia is great for clearing my nasal passages so that I can appreciate other snuffs in rotation. This Grand Cairo is just so refreshing, it's a damn fine SP. I mostly just smell lemon and bergamot but there's definitely something else to it. It has that same Old Spice kind of thing going for it as poschl's Packard's Club, but it's definitely better than Packard's Club IMO (not a big poschl guy generally speaking, all their snuffs seem mentholated).

          Also I can definitely confirm that nicotine is an antipsychotic. I stopped taking medication around the beginning of June and experienced "rebound psychosis" (feels just like a bad pot high) and cigarettes would really keep me down to earth, if I went without a cigarette for longer than 30 minutes or so I would start getting all confused and frightened, but cigarettes alone without psychiatric meds would be enough to keep me sane. When I went back on it I was able to take 1/4 the original dose, but I rely on nicotine a lot. Also I'm not trying to be one of those people who's like "herp derp I'm super special I have psychotic breaks from reality", everybody has issues and I'm not that different, it's just that one way I deal with the experience of being in a psych ward and losing contact with reality is blabbing about it.

          Amazonian shamans liked to believe that tobacco has "life energy" in it. I don't know about all that but it's definitely a powerful plant.

          The initial pinch of D White smells like hot chili peppers, which is probably a psychological thing since it burns like you're sniffing chili peppers, then you get these really nice earthy notes, and then a hint of feces. Not for the faint of heart!

          I love it when you step outside and the fresh air just brings all the snuffs in your nose to life, I wish it weren't so hot here so I could leave some windows open.

          I suspect the Dholakia has a LOT of sodium carbonate in it. That'd explain the strength and the ungodly burn. It's straight-up caustic.


          • Frosted
            • Mar 2010
            • 5798

            A member of my family has just got out of a psych ward and the antipsychotic medication has changed him for the better. He's back to his normal self which is awesome. There's a few people on the site with similar problems....I'm surprised me how common it is.

            But could've told me it smelled if shit before I bought it....I Wretch changing my daughters nappy/diaper lol.


            • Skell18
              • May 2012
              • 7067

              Originally posted by Extreme
              you could've told me it smelled if shit before I bought it....I Wretch changing my daughters nappy/diaper lol.
              Hahahahaha mate I don't get poo from it, it smells a bit like anchovies, a fishy salty smell and a bit of the great outdoors, I get grass and hay etc.


              • horus
                • Jan 2012
                • 81

                Originally posted by Extreme
                A member of my family has just got out of a psych ward and the antipsychotic medication has changed him for the better. He's back to his normal self which is awesome. There's a few people on the site with similar problems....I'm surprised me how common it is.

                But could've told me it smelled if shit before I bought it....I Wretch changing my daughters nappy/diaper lol.
                Yeah I know, the more I talk about it the more I realize that a lot of people have been in psych wards. It's just generally not spoken of because it's traumatic and embarrassing. I think it has something to do with the cognitive dissonance inherent in our society. People get completely conflicting messages about what they "should be" doing or how they "should be" acting, and these can get so out of control that you start creating elaborate fairy-tales to reconcile them.


                • Frosted
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 5798

                  Got my Dolakia white and yeah, it's used by police forces and the Army. It's got a distinct after smell of wet cat. The hit is strong but I didn't get the nose burn and I sniffed quite a lot. It's like talc.


                  • Frosted
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 5798

                    It's very nice.

                    This review is just for you Whalen.


                    • horus
                      • Jan 2012
                      • 81

                      That's very interesting that you experienced no burn. With careful sniffing technique there is no burn, but then if I actually try to inhale through my nose to get a bit of the smell I end up coughing out a big cloud of white dust. And then I inhale through my nose again and actually do smell it.


                      • whalen
                        • May 2009
                        • 6593

                        Originally posted by horus
                        The Dholakia definitely has some fecal notes. As in it has an after-smell that reminds me of human crap. It's definitely somethin' else. I'm really trying to quit cigarettes, but it is difficult, I have some mental bullcrap going on and my doctor even told me it would be reckless to try to quit smoking. When I tried to do it without any snuff to help I started getting random panic attacks HAH! But I am so sick of that congested feeling in the chest. I'm very neurotic about my smoking, I'll chainsmoke in the morning, develop chest congestion, convince myself that this is a heart attack, and then have a panic attack. And when I just straight up try to quit I get panic attacks from nicotine withdrawal. Pretty ironic.

                        I'm going to try to limit myself to 5 cigarettes today though and get the rest of my vitamin N from these delicious snuffs. I suspect one reason I've found it so hard to switch entirely to smokeless is that when tobacco is burned it releases some light MAOIs, which also explains why the "buzz" from a cigarette is different from other forms. I find snus and dipping-snuff to be sedating, nasal snuff to be lightly stimulating, and cigarettes make me feel gross. I also find cigarettes much more addictive, when I have one I want another within 10 minutes. In the past when I've successfully entirely replaced them with smokeless, my use is much less compulsive, I can go a few hours without a snus/dip/sniff without feeling crappy. I think it is partly the convenience of a pre-rolled cigarette that you can just grab out of a pack, because I found rolled cigarettes less compulsive too, partly because whenever I wanted one I had to go through the ritual of rolling one up. And I love rolling cigarettes but it'd make it just inconvenient enough that I wouldn't be chain smoking.

                        I found an even easier way to take the White is what someone suggested on snuffhouse, you fill your lungs with air and then take the tiniest sniff. Even doing this it will burn a bit but it's not nearly as bad.

                        The Dholakia is great for clearing my nasal passages so that I can appreciate other snuffs in rotation. This Grand Cairo is just so refreshing, it's a damn fine SP. I mostly just smell lemon and bergamot but there's definitely something else to it. It has that same Old Spice kind of thing going for it as poschl's Packard's Club, but it's definitely better than Packard's Club IMO (not a big poschl guy generally speaking, all their snuffs seem mentholated).

                        Also I can definitely confirm that nicotine is an antipsychotic. I stopped taking medication around the beginning of June and experienced "rebound psychosis" (feels just like a bad pot high) and cigarettes would really keep me down to earth, if I went without a cigarette for longer than 30 minutes or so I would start getting all confused and frightened, but cigarettes alone without psychiatric meds would be enough to keep me sane. When I went back on it I was able to take 1/4 the original dose, but I rely on nicotine a lot. Also I'm not trying to be one of those people who's like "herp derp I'm super special I have psychotic breaks from reality", everybody has issues and I'm not that different, it's just that one way I deal with the experience of being in a psych ward and losing contact with reality is blabbing about it.

                        Amazonian shamans liked to believe that tobacco has "life energy" in it. I don't know about all that but it's definitely a powerful plant.

                        The initial pinch of D White smells like hot chili peppers, which is probably a psychological thing since it burns like you're sniffing chili peppers, then you get these really nice earthy notes, and then a hint of feces. Not for the faint of heart!

                        I love it when you step outside and the fresh air just brings all the snuffs in your nose to life, I wish it weren't so hot here so I could leave some windows open.

                        I suspect the Dholakia has a LOT of sodium carbonate in it. That'd explain the strength and the ungodly burn. It's straight-up caustic.
                        I do believe the burn from this is due to the high nicotine content and the vapor grind, not so much the PH. I can grind any good strong leaf fine enough and the burn will be there, nicotine burns in the nose and especially in vapor grinds which allows for extremely fast absorption.
                        wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                        • Frosted
                          • Mar 2010
                          • 5798

                          Oh I get a little burn but nothing excessive. I do however have the face of a coke snorter or a pornstars money shot face after sniffing.


                          • Frosted
                            • Mar 2010
                            • 5798

                            I've got 13 different snuffs in my box and I'd only re buy Wos Best SP, Tom Buck and this stuff.


                            • whalen
                              • May 2009
                              • 6593

                              Originally posted by Extreme
                              Oh I get a little burn but nothing excessive. I do however have the face of a coke snorter or a pornstars money shot face after sniffing.
                              The proverbial "O" face I assume.

                              The white is a must try in the whole spectrum of snuffs, it does represent the extreme end along with Elephant, and Cheeta. I still would be hard pressed to maintain a nicotine dependency with any snuffs, just too much for my nose. Snuff and Snus is the plan for me, but I have secured a enough not to have to do without, no matter what. I enjoy snuff for pleasurable little hits now and then.

                              Based on your WoS likes, I have to ask if you have tried the WoS #20 Irish DH Toast. Don't let the word Toast fool you, it is often described as a toasted SP, but the grind is the same as Tom Buck, easy to take.This one is unique in that it is a SP that has a slight toast flavor and a very well developed individuality to it. It actually has more appeal to me than the Tom Buck, although I use both, the #20 just has a wonderful complex flavor. A bulk snuff for me. I have three carry snuffs, Grunt, Toque Whiskey and Honey, and WoS# 20, I only use it fresh from bulk.

                              Fubar Grunt (original batch) is my plain tobacco maintainer. My favorite.

                              Toque Whiskey and Honey is my Toast. Damn good too!

                              WoS #20 Irish DH Toast is my SP variant.

                              If I had bigger pockets it would include McCrystals S'Nuff, and Hopfen Snuhpt.

                              There is a problem sampling snuffs in that it is quite easy to get an off sample due to age and handling. I base all my final thoughts on a snuff only fresh from bulk if possible. It is like bread, best very fresh.

                              I always like to have around ten snuffs available to chose from depending on moods.
                              wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                              • Frosted
                                • Mar 2010
                                • 5798

                                In response to your post Whalen, I've been browsing Mr. Snuff - but I need to know one thing. I find snuffs that are hard to blow out or 'dirty' irritating. The Gawith Hoggarth snuffs are the main culprit. I find the Best SP and Dholakiah white the easiest to blow out - they're 'cleaner' and less irritating on the nose as a result. They also don't make me snot like GH snuffs. I also like high nic.

                                Got one question though - given the above how would you think I'll like the following two snuffs as I think I'll like these - Fubar Grunt original and Toque Spanish Gem?

                                I've tried toasts before Whalen and I don't like them but I understand that no. 20 isn't like a toast.


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