Snuff order!

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  • Nuusku
    • Aug 2011
    • 993

    Snuff order!

    I'm going to place my second snuff order.
    First time a lot of people said to try Toque because it is easy to take. But it wasn't (for me)
    So i'm looking for not so fine snuffs. Any suggestions?
  • Grim
    • Jun 2008
    • 850

    Anything Poeschel, well at least my expereince with them is they are very moist and easy to take, but will clog you up if you use too much.

    In all honesty most snuffs are not easy to take without a good bit of practice. I find that Toques offerings are easy with a little practice, defiantely easier than say Wilsons of Sharrow in my experience.

    I no longer use nasal snuff but when I did the only kind I struggled with were toasts.


    • Nuusku
      • Aug 2011
      • 993

      Thanks Grim, i'll buy some Poeschel. Anything else?
      Also where should i buy the snuff?


      • Skell18
        • May 2012
        • 7067

        Originally posted by Grim
        Anything Poeschel, well at least my expereince with them is they are very moist and easy to take, but will clog you up if you use too much.

        In all honesty most snuffs are not easy to take without a good bit of practice. I find that Toques offerings are easy with a little practice, defiantely easier than say Wilsons of Sharrow in my experience.

        I no longer use nasal snuff but when I did the only kind I struggled with were toasts.
        Agreed! Also Fribourg and Treyer Santo Domingo and Old Paris are good and easy to take, the SD is very coarse like coffee grinds but when its warm its fantastic!


        • Snusdog
          • Jun 2008
          • 6752

          Molens snuffs are great. They are more coarsely ground than Toque but not cloying in the least.

          Prins Regent
          Hollandse Bolongaro

          All are fantastic, easy to handle, and made by old world methods.

          I think you will really like them
          When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


          • crullers
            • Oct 2011
            • 663

            Maybe try some Bernard's as well. The German snuffs are heavier and courser and easier to take in general, but as Grim mentioned they can clog you up if you take too much. If you like menthol, their Fichtennadel is menthol-y/piney and I really like it. Brasil Doppel Fermentiert is sort of sweet and very delicious.


            • dm_lasse
              • Jan 2012
              • 369

              Get some Samuel Gawiths snuffs like Elmos Reserve, Celtic Talisman.. Have you tried Viking yet? And i can recommend Mysmokingshop, fast shipping and good prices. Also if you decide to get some SG be sure to buy 25g tins.


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