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  • eyephantom
    • Jul 2009
    • 333

    good to hear, I've been somewhat disappointed with toques' fruit snuffs in past as they've at times seemed either weak or non existent in flavor. From what I've read, it seems the mentholated variants are a bit more flavorful, though I'm still a bit curious with toque blueberry and strawberry so will likely add 10g tins to my next order.


    • OregonNative
      • Aug 2009
      • 647

      Originally posted by eyephantom
      good to hear, I've been somewhat disappointed with toques' fruit snuffs in past as they've at times seemed either weak or non existent in flavor. From what I've read, it seems the mentholated variants are a bit more flavorful, though I'm still a bit curious with toque blueberry and strawberry so will likely add 10g tins to my next order.
      I haven't had Toque Blueberry Menthol, so I can't speak for that one. However, the original Toque Blueberry is a fantastic snuff.


      • Skell18
        • May 2012
        • 7067

        Originally posted by eyephantom
        good to hear, I've been somewhat disappointed with toques' fruit snuffs in past as they've at times seemed either weak or non existent in flavor. From what I've read, it seems the mentholated variants are a bit more flavorful, though I'm still a bit curious with toque blueberry and strawberry so will likely add 10g tins to my next order.
        You need to air them a bit to get all the scent out but if you get it fresh straight from toque they will be bursting with scent, if there is a problem tell Roderick as he will look into it and see if there was a problem with the batch. The blueberry and strawberry are amazing, end of, Blueberry is my fav hands down!


        • eyephantom
          • Jul 2009
          • 333

          Originally posted by Skell18
          You need to air them a bit to get all the scent out but if you get it fresh straight from toque they will be bursting with scent, if there is a problem tell Roderick as he will look into it and see if there was a problem with the batch. The blueberry and strawberry are amazing, end of, Blueberry is my fav hands down!
          I had the grapefruit for a number of years and never got anything other than the base tobacco from it. Likewise the pomegranate, while not completely devoid of flavor, was pretty weak. I know the sample size is a bit low to make sweeping generalizations, so I'll definitely give the blueberry a shot at some point.


          • Skell18
            • May 2012
            • 7067

            Originally posted by eyephantom
            I had the grapefruit for a number of years and never got anything other than the base tobacco from it. Likewise the pomegranate, while not completely devoid of flavor, was pretty weak. I know the sample size is a bit low to make sweeping generalizations, so I'll definitely give the blueberry a shot at some point.
            The scent will diminish over time, esp in the old tins, as toque only use natural scents they do fade quicker as there is nothing added to preserve it. The new tins are much better at keeping the snuff fresh as the seal is considerably tighter than the old tins. You won't be disappointed with the blueberry!


            • codyg140
              • Jan 2013
              • 705

              Just did another order with toque, tried a couple of the USA line, couple of the silver dollar and a can of toque cherry menthol... Just about pulled the trigger on the cheese and bacon but just couldn't do it


              • BNSFsnusHauler
                • Jan 2011
                • 542

                Did a little order to try these menthol/medicated fellars out:

                McChrystals O&G 21g

                Gawith Hoggarth CM 25g

                Pöschl JBR Wintergreen 10g

                Hedges L260

                Samuel Gawith Zip 25g

                and WoS Honey Menthol 25g which is the only one of these I´ve had before


                • N1THC
                  • Jun 2017
                  • 139

                  1 x Toque Coke 25g
                  2 x Toque USA Spearmint 10g
                  1 x Toque Vanilla 25g
                  1 x Toque Almond Toast 10g
                  1 x Toque Quit 25g
                  1 x Wilsons Cola 25g
                  1 x 6 Photo Assorted 8g
                  1 x McChrystal's Clove 21g
                  2 x Silver Dollar Spearmint 5g
                  1 x Wilsons Bubble Gum 10g
                  1 x Wilsons Ice Lemon 5g
                  1 x Gawith Hoggarth Almond 25g
                  1 x Stok Banana 6g
                  1 x Paul Gotard Vanilla 7g
                  1 x Rockit Fuel Lemon Tin 5g
                  1 x Toque Violet 10g
                  1 x Toque Rose 10g
                  1 x McChrystal's Chocolate 3.5g
                  1 x McChrystal's Mild Lemon 3.5g
                  1 x Toque St-Clements 10g
                  1 x Wilsons Irish Coffee 5g
                  1 x Toque Peach 10g
                  Trying a little bit of everything and damn excited about it!
                  N1THC / WQYV607 - Ham / GMRS Operator


                  • Snusdog
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 6752

                    That looks like a pretty good order....every time I get a new order the first day or so I always blow my nose out trying everything......also check out the biginers guid to snuff....it has a lot of helpful info.....also be patient with the Toque.....I love it but the grind and dryness can make it a little more challenging than a straight beginners snuff......you are going to love it just go slow and start with small amounts

                    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk
                    When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                    • N1THC
                      • Jun 2017
                      • 139

                      Originally posted by Snusdog View Post
                      That looks like a pretty good order....every time I get a new order the first day or so I always blow my nose out trying everything......also check out the biginers guid to snuff....it has a lot of helpful info.....also be patient with the Toque.....I love it but the grind and dryness can make it a little more challenging than a straight beginners snuff......you are going to love it just go slow and start with small amounts

                      Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk

                      and yeah I feel like I'm going to do the same and blow out my nose haha.

                      I've used the Toque Silver Dollar but never the Toque it self. I assume they are pretty close in grind and moisture though right?
                      N1THC / WQYV607 - Ham / GMRS Operator


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