Am I missing something with nasal snuff?

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  • Thunder_Snus
    • Oct 2011
    • 1316

    Am I missing something with nasal snuff?

    My 10 can sampler from toque arrived today. I rushed inside and cracked open the can of chocolate, remembered what everyone had told me and gently sniffed it into my nose. It was perfect. No coughing or sneezing or snuff in my throat. But it didn't seem like it was doing anything. There was no nicotine hit, and I can't smell anything. I've been taking snuff in and out all day now and I can't seem to be satisfied with it. When i originally sniff it into my nose I'll detect a faint scent of what the product is but 10 seconds later it is gone. No smell, no feeling of having nicotine in my body, nothing. Is this normal? Is snuff similar to fruit stripes gum where you don't "taste" or smell anything 10 seconds later? Am i doing something wrong?
  • Zimobog
    • Jan 2013
    • 585

    I take three big pinches per side with Toque. His florals are full of long-lasting scent. Chocolate is kinda subtle. Just keep cramming it in yer nostril and you'll be doing it right.


    • Thunder_Snus
      • Oct 2011
      • 1316

      Unfortunately I didn't order any florals (first order so I went with what i felt were beginners snuffs) Are there other brands that might offer a longer scent life? I havent been packing in 3 pinches per nostril but I have had some pretty big ones so far and there is just no scent after 15 seconds.


      • Kaplan
        • May 2011
        • 203

        I tried to tell you to go with some more traditional snuffs. I don't think Toque makes the strongest snuffs, but their toasts are decent, along with SP Extra and Quit. As well Toque is all natural, I believe, so the scents don't linger for very long. They do the trick for me, but I don't like snuffs based on drinks or food that isn't a fruit flavor. The menthol snuffs tend to linger longer. McChrystals makes some nice snuffs, though I hate their cans, and from what I've tried their snuff is fluffy and moist and the scent stays with you for a bit. As for feeling the nicotine, I'd suggest going with a toast or scotch.


        • crullers
          • Oct 2011
          • 663

          It takes awhile for your nose to be "trained" to absorb more nicotine from snuff. At first I didn't feel too much nicotine from it but now I go long stretches between snus or dip using just snuff. Also, the nicotine impacts you differently, it's more of a short quick hit as opposed to a long, steady nicotine delivery. It just takes a bit of time to get used to.


          • Thunder_Snus
            • Oct 2011
            • 1316

            Originally posted by Kaplan
            I tried to tell you to go with some more traditional snuffs. I don't think Toque makes the strongest snuffs, but their toasts are decent, along with SP Extra and Quit. As well Toque is all natural, I believe, so the scents don't linger for very long. They do the trick for me, but I don't like snuffs based on drinks or food that isn't a fruit flavor. The menthol snuffs tend to linger longer. McChrystals makes some nice snuffs, though I hate their cans, and from what I've tried their snuff is fluffy and moist and the scent stays with you for a bit. As for feeling the nicotine, I'd suggest going with a toast or scotch.
            Well I did get spanish gem. I guess that would be a more traditional flavor? I also got cherry menthol and coke. The rest is all vanilla/chocolate/blueberry champagne espresso etc.

            But spanish gem and cherry menthol are undetected by me past the first sniff. I've tried huge pinches, just touching the top of the snuff with my finger and sniffing that, and everything between. Same result every time. 5 seconds of a nice scent followed by nothing.

            How long does a "typical" scent last? I guess I was looking to try snuff so I could use slightly less snus. I figured when i wanted some snus I would be able to take a nice pinch of snuff and have a nice scent in my nose for about 15 minutes and more nicotine to stretch out those snus orders. Perhaps I had the wrong idea about how snuff worked?


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              It takes awhile before you really tune into the scent of snuff. Different scents last different lengths of time. Some are very fleeting, and others last forever. I can use snuff to replace snus, but I prefer not to. A pinch every 15 minutes or so should keep the nicotine demons away.


              • Premium Parrots
                Super Moderators
                • Feb 2008
                • 9759

                Sounds like you are a cannidate for the White Elephant or the Dhoakia White. That is if you are man enough.
                Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                • Skell18
                  • May 2012
                  • 7067

                  Originally posted by Premium Parrots
                  Sounds like you are a cannidate for the White Elephant or the Dhoakia White. That is if you are man enough.
                  Evil PP, evil!

                  I would go for some Bohica!


                  • Zimobog
                    • Jan 2013
                    • 585

                    Dont listen to those two evil bastards, Thunder, unless you want to be kicking yourself in a circle on the floor like Angus Young!

                    Course, if you DO listen to them, I have some Willie Pete you could trade me for! hehe.

                    Serious, try some of everything:
                    F&T HDT
                    WoS IHT #22
                    SG Wild Duck
                    Viking Dark
                    WE Garrett Scotch
                    Toque Rose
                    Toque Spanish Gem
                    NTSU Black
                    SG Black Rapee

                    That's all you're missing. I'd recommend those only cause they are all good representatives of their genres.
                    Indian snuffs... now that's a whole other section that I only recommend to those who want to smell body odor, dung, and incense all day.


                    • GoVegan
                      • Oct 2009
                      • 5603

                      Originally posted by premium parrots
                      sounds like you are a cannidate for the white elephant or the dhoakia white. That is if you are man enough.
                      yes!!!! +10000000000000000000000


                      • GoVegan
                        • Oct 2009
                        • 5603

                        Make him sniff that makla stuff! A big handful of it.


                        • spirit72
                          • Apr 2008
                          • 1013

                          Originally posted by Thunder_Snus View Post
                          My 10 can sampler from toque arrived today. I rushed inside and cracked open the can of chocolate, remembered what everyone had told me and gently sniffed it into my nose. It was perfect. No coughing or sneezing or snuff in my throat. But it didn't seem like it was doing anything. There was no nicotine hit, and I can't smell anything. I've been taking snuff in and out all day now and I can't seem to be satisfied with it. When i originally sniff it into my nose I'll detect a faint scent of what the product is but 10 seconds later it is gone. No smell, no feeling of having nicotine in my body, nothing. Is this normal? Is snuff similar to fruit stripes gum where you don't "taste" or smell anything 10 seconds later? Am i doing something wrong?
                          What else did you get? I'm a pretty big fan of Toque. I haven't had Chocolate----just doesn't interest me much----but I have had Toffee and Vanilla. And I like Toffee a good bit, but I might not have recommended it as a first Toque. Chocolate might not have been either. The florals and menthols, as some others have said, tend to linger much longer, and the 'toast' type snuffs tend to be a bit stronger in my experience. Lime Toast and Natural Toast are my favorites in that arena.


                          • horus
                            • Jan 2012
                            • 81

                            Some snuffs are a lot stronger than others. Any South African snuff, Indian White snuffs, and American Scotches will give you a very solid nicotine hit.I've always found Toque's scenting rather light and not long-lasting in the nose. Try something else before you give up entirely. Also the best snuffs aren't scented at all, just made from tobacco.


                            • Thunder_Snus
                              • Oct 2011
                              • 1316

                              Yeah I've still been dabbling with snuff but havent been using it a great deal. Perhaps when I find something extremely cheap like the 10 pack sampler form toque i will give it another try but honestly i just don't think I'm too into snuff. I'd have to get a can of something that has a great scent that lasts atleast 10 minutes to get back onboard.


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