Toques - Snus Ice

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  • Toque Snuff
    • Aug 2008
    • 337

    Toques - Snus Ice

    I'm new to this forum, I usually hang out on but I'd like to find out more about Snus. Please excuse my lack of knowledge.
    I produce an English snuff called 'Snus Ice' and sell it all over Europe. If we put it in a little bag would it also be banned?
  • jamesstew
    • May 2008
    • 1440

    Welcome to the forum, I'm originally from the UK so it's always nice to see members from back home. I'm very familiar with your 'Natural' flavor and do use nasal snuff on occasion. Although snus are my nicotine delivery vessel of choice I like the instant hit that nasal snuff provides. It's funny to think that if you added a measure of water to your product it would essentially be snus and be banned.


    • Toque Snuff
      • Aug 2008
      • 337

      Yep! that's what I thought. Thanks James.


      • jamesstew
        • May 2008
        • 1440

        It makes me wonder if anyone has tried moistening and using any of the popular nasal snuff brands in their lip. I know that Landstrom's snus is sold dry so that it can both be used as nasal snuff or moistened and used as snus. Here's their website, Google's translator should be able to take care of the language difficulties;


        • mwood72

          Re: Toques - Snus Ice

          Originally posted by Toque Snuff
          I'm new to this forum, I usually hang out on but I'd like to find out more about Snus. Please excuse my lack of knowledge.
          I produce an English snuff called 'Snus Ice' and sell it all over Europe. If we put it in a little bag would it also be banned?
          Hi Roderick? We exchanged quite a few e-mails regarding snuff in the past. Will you be releasing a beginner's snuff in the future? I remember doing some research into it at the time and was told I needed a moist/course one rather than a fine one as those were really aimed at seasoned snuffers? I remember liking the aroma/taste of your pure tobacco snuff but could never get the hang of using it properly (without it going down my throat)



          • Toque Snuff
            • Aug 2008
            • 337

            Hi Mike,
            There are a few in the range now that I classify as beginner snuffs; Chocolate is my number one, Toffee, Peppermint and Vanilla are also good for beginners. Absinthe is also good if you like Liquorice.

            The secret for a beginner is getting the sniff right. The snuff must not reach the top of the nose and never the throat. My tip is lick/wet (the moisture helps) your thumb and forefinger then take a small pinch (a split pea size) then gently place it in the nose without sniffing. Once you get the hang of this method and your nose is accustomed you can graduate to a gentle smell of the snuff, this is enough to get it to the right spot. You can then try all the other weird flavours we produce.

            A word of warning; the strong citrus snuffs St. Clements (Orange & Lemon) and Grapefruit should be kept to last as should the Peanut Butter.


            • Mazur
              • May 2007
              • 159

              Re: Toques - Snus Ice

              Originally posted by Toque Snuff
              If we put it in a little bag would it also be banned?
              No, if you sell it as "easy to handle nasal snuff portions"
              With user manual: "Take a bag, tear it and snuff"


              • Toque Snuff
                • Aug 2008
                • 337

                Good idea Mazur


                • mwood72

                  Re: Toques - Snus Ice

                  Originally posted by Mazur
                  Originally posted by Toque Snuff
                  If we put it in a little bag would it also be banned?
                  No, if you sell it as "easy to handle nasal snuff portions"
                  With user manual: "Take a bag, tear it and snuff"

                  Good suggestion


                  • mwood72

                    Originally posted by Toque Snuff
                    Hi Mike,
                    There are a few in the range now that I classify as beginner snuffs; Chocolate is my number one, Toffee, Peppermint and Vanilla are also good for beginners. Absinthe is also good if you like Liquorice.

                    The secret for a beginner is getting the sniff right. The snuff must not reach the top of the nose and never the throat. My tip is lick/wet (the moisture helps) your thumb and forefinger then take a small pinch (a split pea size) then gently place it in the nose without sniffing. Once you get the hang of this method and your nose is accustomed you can graduate to a gentle smell of the snuff, this is enough to get it to the right spot. You can then try all the other weird flavours we produce.

                    A word of warning; the strong citrus snuffs St. Clements (Orange & Lemon) and Grapefruit should be kept to last as should the Peanut Butter.
                    Thanks for the advice Roderick


                    • Zero
                      • May 2006
                      • 1522

                      Originally posted by jamesstew
                      It's funny to think that if you added a measure of water to your product it would essentially be snus and be banned.
                      Hurray for the logic of the European Union, eh? :roll:


                      • Mazur
                        • May 2007
                        • 159

                        Originally posted by Toque Snuff
                        Good idea Mazur

                        I think that producing snus DIY kits ( ) also is 100% legal in EU. But it probably depends on that how the law in given country is formulated.


                        • Toque Snuff
                          • Aug 2008
                          • 337

                          Hi Zero,

                          "Hurray for the logic of the European Union, eh?"

                          I sometimes think our Politicians are taking too much of a kickback from Big Tobacco.

                          It's madness to let smokers die when medical associations of the caliber of the Royal College of Physicians and Cancer Research have provided substantial evidence of the benefits of switching to snuff/snus. It is irresponsible of governments to continue to ignore the evidence. We know not all tobacco is the same and switching to snuff/snus saves lives. We need to educate our MEP’s.

                          You've probably read all this but I'll include it to back up my earlier statement.

                          Professor Martin Jarvis, of Cancer Research UK: says that the health implications surrounding snuff use are significantly lower than smoking. "Studies show that the health hazards surrounding snuff are much less than cigarettes and the risk is approximately one per cent compared with the risks associated with smoking," he explains. "The reason for this is that by smoking you are setting fire to the products which causes their combustion. Snuff doesn’t have the combustion products which are carcinogenic and all the user is getting is the nicotine."

                          The late Dr Michael Russell, father of tobacco addiction research:
                          "Snuff could save more lives and avoid more ill-health than any other preventive measure likely to be available to developed nations well into the 21st century". "Switching from cigarettes to snuff could have enormous health benefits". Snuffing has two major advantages... Firstly there are no products of combustion such as tar, carbon monoxide and oxides of nitrogen. Secondly it cannot be inhaled into the lungs, which eliminates any risk of lung cancer.”

                          Professor (Sir) Robert Peto, Oxford University, World renowned epidemiologist on smoking:
                          “If this or some other such habit were to become widespread and did to any substantial extent replace smoking (particularly of cigarettes) then the net effect would be likely to be a reduction in tobacco-induced mortality.”

                          The Royal College of Physicians:
                          As a way of using nicotine, the consumption of non-combustible tobacco is of the order of 10-10,000 less hazardous than smoking, depending on the product. Some manufacturers want to market smokeless tobacco as a harm reduction option for nicotine users, and they may find support for that in the public health community.

                          Sorry for the rant but it really gets my goat!

                          Have you heard what the clever Australians have gone and done?
                          They've put the tax on snuff up from $2.36 to $300. If that doesn't persuade snuffers back on to cigarettes nothing will.



                          • mwood72

                            Originally posted by Toque Snuff
                            Have you heard what the clever Australians have gone and done?
                            They've put the tax on snuff up from $2.36 to $300. If that doesn't persuade snuffers back on to cigarettes nothing will.



                            • chainsnuser
                              Senior Member
                              • Jan 2007
                              • 1388

                              Originally posted by jamesstew
                              It's funny to think that if you added a measure of water to your product it would essentially be snus and be banned.
                              It's indeed funny, but this sums it up. The EU snus-ban originally was meant to keep a foreign product out of the market. Sweden was not yet a member of the EU, when the ban was adopted. Luckily snus was a tobacco product, if it had been, e.g., a weapon or a highly-toxic chemical, it would have been more difficult to ban it.

                              I roughly know the German tobacco-law (Tabakgesetz), which was changed in 2002, ten years after the EU-directive (it's not allowed to wait longer to convert the directives of the semi-dictatorial EU-commission into national laws, otherwise snus would still be legal in Germany). The law allows only a maximum-content of water in a tobacco-product and only certain additives. Soda (which is necessary to produce snus) is not allowed, as far as I can tell (I'm no chemist and I've only studied the law up to a point where I just got tired of all the idiotic paragraphs).

                              Swedish Match sells a product in the EU at the moment, called "tobacco cuts", which mainly is old-fashioned chewing tobacco, flavored in a way, that it tastes like snus (to some extent). I fear that there is no possibility to legally sell something better inside of the EU. The British tobacco-law may differ a little from the German one, but not much (both laws are converted EU-laws anyway) and I guess, that it also doesn't allow to sell anything, that is snus or resembles snus.

                              It's sad!



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