Finding it hard to snuff some er snuff

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  • psychicferret
    • Jan 2015
    • 418

    Finding it hard to snuff some er snuff

    Keep on getting a blocked up nose. is it alight to use my figure n thumb and just shove it up ma nose. Or is the etiquite to sniff the snuff rather then to shov it. Using medicated snuff atm, prefer ones like dr justice. also snessing a lot when i siff it am i sniffing to far, its a light sniff but still...

    Got quite a few brands.
  • Kaplan
    • May 2011
    • 203

    You're worried about etiquette? It's ok to do it anyway you want. And so you know, the mentholated snuffs are more prone to causing you to become blocked up if you use them a lot. I've never had problems with McChrystals menthol, though I don't use snuff like I used to.


    • psychicferret
      • Jan 2015
      • 418

      Yes highly worried about offending the ol tobacc 'o gods of olde.

      Ah ok i thought it would be the other way round, mentholated snuffs being easier on you... i mean their called medicated so they must be good for you???

      ok... any idea how to open a seized up snuff can? ive had it for years ive tried turning it ive tried pulling it(alas the can didnt go for that)... but no ive never been able to get the damn thing open. Also got some malka ive never been able to open.


      • Andy105
        • Nov 2013
        • 1393

        Never tried it with snuff, but Ive opened stuck metal lids by applying a hot washcloth (heat expands metal lid).


        • psychicferret
          • Jan 2015
          • 418

          Nope that didnt work its now in the bin...


          • psychicferret
            • Jan 2015
            • 418

            Back on the snuff but I'm still got me old blocked nose... any tips would be greatful. It's so enjoyable but fear I may have to give it up already. Or is their any oral tobacco that gives the same alert feeling(dip?) just finding snus unsatisfactory to my needs.

            I guess I could just get los, snus/Swedish chew

            nm ive found dr jr justice doesnt block my nose as much as redball or jaxons extra strong,
            Last edited by psychicferret; 25-07-17, 06:39 PM.


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