First Snuff order

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  • taffyjock
    • Sep 2015
    • 121

    First Snuff order

    Been using Snus a while, as well as vaping, I like to mix things up, so thought I'd give Snuff a go.

    Slowly working through this lot from Snuffstore which I assume is part of MrSnuff? Went for bargains mainly in case I didn't get on with it, quite surprised that this lot came to 3 packs of cigs delivered, £30.

    1st one I tried was probs a big mistake, can looked the poshest so pinched the high dry toast, eye watering & burning ensued, but the scent was amazing & quickly became my favourite, after learning not to snort the stuff.

    I have learned the bullets are almost useless, pinch & Sniff is by far my preferred method.

    Wish I'd ordered a few more straight tobaccos & flavours rather than soo much menthol.
  • OregonNative
    • Aug 2009
    • 647

    Nice order bro! The L260 & Extra Menthol are two of my favorites.


    • codyg140
      • Jan 2013
      • 705

      Good haul, just got my order of a new snuff box some gawith apricot and some ecko fresco. For me German snuffs are preferred, and I find a boxcar beats a pinch. Happy snuffing!


      • taffyjock
        • Sep 2015
        • 121

        Tried box car after googling it, great for Qsnuff Irish, which I think is coarser, way too intense for strong menthol or toast for me.

        Still getting to grips with terminology & technique, but noticed the same snuff can have a long lasting scent or stronger burn depending on how it's taken.

        Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk


        • Snusdog
          • Jun 2008
          • 6752

          Great start brother!

          When you get ready to place another order let us know. There are a lot of great "plain" snuff out there that we can recommend.

          Happy sniffing
          When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


          • taffyjock
            • Sep 2015
            • 121

            Thanks, not that White elephant stuff is it.

            Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk


            • Snusdog
              • Jun 2008
              • 6752

              Originally posted by taffyjock View Post
              Thanks, not that White elephant stuff is it.

              Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
              No we only recommend that if we are trying to run you off

              Here are a few just off the top of my head

              Viking Dark

              Bernard Virginie Gekachelter Dunkel (Mr Snuff is out at the moment but hopefully he will be getting some in soon)

              De Kralingse FCV (straight Virginia in two different grinds 250 finer/450 courser. I would start with the 250)

              De Kralingse Mettaijer (same idea as the FCV but a little more complex)

              Delokia Madras Toast

              Toque Natural Toast

              Samuel Gawith London Brown

              Tops Mild (American Scotch)

              Not all of these are straight Snuffs (tobacco only with no flavoring) However, they are all what I would call Natural (any extra ingredients brings out rather than covers over the flavor of the leaf).

              Tops mild Toque Natural, and the Madras will be the closest in grind to HDT. The rest will be much easier to take.

              Let us know what you try when you place your next order.

              When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


              • codyg140
                • Jan 2013
                • 705

                I'm waiting for my next order, included with it a can of Viking dark


                • taffyjock
                  • Sep 2015
                  • 121

                  Just found a new one in the order I really like Dholakia Sparrow Cool, no idea why I missed trying it until now.

                  I'm a noob so not really a review but it reminds me a lot of HDT, less toasty more sandalwood, I'm getting a cooling sedation not menthol, but then nicotine wooh, feels like my hearts moved to my nose. Scent fleets quicker than HDT, burn lasts ages.

                  Is this common with Indian made snuff to pack a bigger nicotine hit?


                  • whalen
                    • May 2009
                    • 6593

                    Be sure to try the Sparrow without the cool! Don't forget to try the Toque website Too! Whiskey and honey is sublime. Of course I have 3 dozen favorites, but whiskey and honey oh my. If you are trying to quit smoking, give the rustica whisky and honey a go, hellava strong, though a bit of a drip.
                    wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                    • whalen
                      • May 2009
                      • 6593

                      Originally posted by taffyjock View Post
                      Just found a new one in the order I really like Dholakia Sparrow Cool, no idea why I missed trying it until now.

                      I'm a noob so not really a review but it reminds me a lot of HDT, less toasty more sandalwood, I'm getting a cooling sedation not menthol, but then nicotine wooh, feels like my hearts moved to my nose. Scent fleets quicker than HDT, burn lasts ages.

                      Is this common with Indian made snuff to pack a bigger nicotine hit?
                      Some of strongest snuffs are the Indian snuffs, sparrow is a moderately strong one.
                      wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                      • whalen
                        • May 2009
                        • 6593

                        Then of course there is that white elephant in the room that no one in their right mind would recommend to a newbie!
                        wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                        • codyg140
                          • Jan 2013
                          • 705

                          You talking the standard toque or the USA toque whiskey and honey Whalen?


                          • taffyjock
                            • Sep 2015
                            • 121

                            Originally posted by whalen View Post
                            Then of course there is that white elephant in the room that no one in their right mind would recommend to a newbie!
                            Thanks I'm a bit devil-may-care so have to give white elephant a bash


                            • whalen
                              • May 2009
                              • 6593

                              Originally posted by codyg140 View Post
                              You talking the standard toque or the USA toque whiskey and honey Whalen?
                              both.....the USA toque W/H is Rustica if I remember correctly. I love the standard one.
                              wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


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