Has anyone got any suggestions

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  • psychicferret
    • Jan 2015
    • 418

    Has anyone got any suggestions

    Liking thunder coarse abbicool coarse snuff, so was wondering if theirs any other coarse snuff I can try. Seems to make me sneeze a lot less then finely grounded snuffs.

    Though it drips quite a.lot

    I've only got a small selection right now. All fine doh

    Has to be ordable with in the U.K.
  • N1THC
    • Jun 2017
    • 139

    Stok is quite coarse as well as Paul Gotard =]
    Last edited by N1THC; 19-07-17, 11:17 PM. Reason: I cannot spell.
    N1THC / WQYV607 - Ham / GMRS Operator


    • psychicferret
      • Jan 2015
      • 418

      Didn't see either of those, but did a search on my smoking shop, and got a few cans of coarse snuff coming. Man I can feel this may become a new addiction, been constantly using extra strong snuff today, much more of a kick then snus but slightly more unpleasant with all the sneezing. Less convenient to but cheap here. 3.00£ for 20g tin where as chewing bags is 4.00£ And lasts a lot less then snuff, goes off too if left out of a fridge.


      • N1THC
        • Jun 2017
        • 139

        If you are sneezing frequently you may be insufflating the snuff too far. If my research is correct you don't really want this to get up into your sinuses you more want it to sit in your nose.

        I rarely sneeze and I'm a relatively new snuff user so I figured I would mention that. =]

        It's definitely become an addiction for me but it helped me replace butts so it's all good
        Last edited by N1THC; 19-07-17, 11:22 PM.
        N1THC / WQYV607 - Ham / GMRS Operator


        • psychicferret
          • Jan 2015
          • 418

          Maybe I is breathing in to far, I still haven't found a decent method, normally I take a pinch in figure and thumb or use the web in between thumb and finger, got a snuff bullet coming today.


          • N1THC
            • Jun 2017
            • 139

            Originally posted by psychicferret View Post
            Maybe I is breathing in to far, I still haven't found a decent method, normally I take a pinch in figure and thumb or use the web in between thumb and finger, got a snuff bullet coming today.
            I either take a pinch between my pointer and thumb and let it warm up before holding it under my nose and rubbing my fingers to let the snuff out, or I dump some out on the back of my hand and sniff if off of there.

            I've found bullets launch the snuff to the back of my throat / sinuses (YMMV)
            Last edited by N1THC; 20-07-17, 02:59 PM.
            N1THC / WQYV607 - Ham / GMRS Operator


            • psychicferret
              • Jan 2015
              • 418

              No longer sneezing, not even first snuff of the morning, I think my nose just has got used to it as I haven't really changed a thing, still not sure I like some of the more obvious side effects like a gunned up nose full of tobacco every night, but doubt theirs any going back now. Don't even feel snus anymore after using extra strong snuff for a few days man alive is it good stuff


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