Okay, so I've become a fatass again in the last year due to having to stop martial arts because of the insane amount of blood thinners I take...at least I'm not smoking, and I'm 6'4" so I carry the fat better than many. Anyway, I got my Toque order, started with menthol and loved it. There were a ton of ben and Jerry's ice cream pints leftover from a birthday party for my sister and I. I started with Fossil Fuel, a choco-concoction that has little fudge dinosaurs in it. I began snuffing chocolate Toque between bites, before I knew it, the pint was gone and the tin of snuff fared a bit better, but there's definitely some missing. As I type, I'm alternating bites of Mint chocolate cookie with toque peppermint, then menthol. I feel high as a kite from joy endorphines and probably won't be able to sleep as I now either have brain-freeze, a sinus headache, or both....but it's sooooo worth it. Glad I'm not lactose or nicotine intolerant.
Toque+ Ben&Jerry's =orgasmic sensory overload
Nasal snuff. It's a fairly new company, with top notch snuff, and a pretty good following already.
Did you hear that PETA has asked Ben & Jerry to start using human breast milk in their ice cream?
PETA asks Ben & Jerry's to use human breast milk in ice cream
07:16 AM CDT on Thursday, September 25, 2008
Associated Press
MONTPELIER, Vt. -- Ice cream made from breast milk?
That's what the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals wants Ben & Jerry's Homemade Ice Cream to consider making.
The Virginia-based nonprofit group sent a letter to company co-founders Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield on Tuesday asking them to use human breast milk instead of cow's milk in their products.
PETA says the health of consumers and cows would benefit from the switch.
Ben & Jerry's spokesman Rob Michalak said the company applauds PETA's creative approach to bring attention to an issue, but believes that a mother's milk is best used by a child.
WTF is wrong with those PETA whackjobs?!?! I'm a lover and defender of animals, I've dedicated lots of my time and life to caring for, volunteering with, going to school for, and now educating people on pet nutrition....but PETA makes all of us look like idiots when they release a statement like that! Don't get me wrong, I'd probably try breastmilk if it came from a woman I loved while she was heavy with my child, I know many guys that have, but why the F*** would they expect a successful company with a long history to take a chance on their retard idea and risk losing profits. B&J's ice cream is already a very liberal company with a history of good business practices and ethical processes. The ASPCA is a much better animal rights org. that actually does stuff to help animals, instead of just talking about it or getting idiot celebrities to make stupid statements on their behalf, because of course, ruining people's expensive fur coats with red paint is a real effective way to stop the fur trade, not educating the public or actually taking action.....DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by cocsp2002Yeah, PETA tried to get Wisconsin to change their state drink from milk to beer once, too. Said that milking was traumatic to cows and they shouldn't be exploited in that way. Whack jobs...
Pam Anderson IS kinda hot though...
I think PETA does stuff like that to get press and raise awareness, not expecting their "ideas" to actually work, but what a waste of time!? If all those people put their time, money and energy into education, spay and neuter programs or even sponsoring vegetarian propaganda leaflets, animals would be better off, and people wouldn't assume animal advocates like me are PETA nutjobs. I'm in a unique position though, as I volunteer with animal rescue and support conservation, and I'm hardcore about giving animal abusers a taste of their own medicine, but I fish, eat meat and support the right of others to hunt for food, though I refuse to hunt mammals myself. When I was in vet assistant school, I was the only man and the only non-vegetarian, and one of a handful of people over 22 years old, it was kinda awkward.
So, I ate the last of the ben&Jerry's today. Neapolitan Dynamite [lolz] is Cherry Garcia on one side of the carton and Chocolate brownie on the other, I figured an adventurous Toque flavor to try would be Blueberry. It was awesome! Now I have plenty of Toque snuff in several different flavors, but all my ice cream is gone! I wish I had some Heath bar crunch to pair with Toque's Vanilla snuff. Hmmm maybe a trip to the store is called for, it's not like I'm doing anything else.