Snuff and Snus

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  • bmwgsa
    • Jul 2008
    • 248

    Snuff and Snus

    Or should it be Snus and Snuff? Oh well....

    So, I decided to give this snuff stuff a try and I figured while I'm waiting for the stuff to arrive I'd get some additional info from those who know (that would be you guys....)

    So, do you snus and snus at the same time?
    Do you snuff then snus?
    How long between a snuffing and a snusing?
    How long does a "snuff" last in compare to snus?
    Do you get a snuff buildup in your snout?
    How do you get the snuff buildup out of your snout?
    If you snuff and sneeze do you snuff again?

    Inquiring noses need to know.....

  • chainsnuser
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2007
    • 1388

    I use nasal snuff and snus at the same time, simply because snuff does not give me enough nicotine (at least regarding the rather small amounts of snuff that my nose agrees with).

    I can go for days or even weeks without feeling the desire to use snuff, but when I use snuff then it's normally a pinch every half an hour and maybe 10 pinches till I have enough of it, blow my nose and continue to 'chainsnus' instead.

    Sounds not too enthusiastic, but I REALLY like the stuff. It's a nice alternation and "add-on" to my snus-addiction.



    • TropicalBob
      • Feb 2008
      • 316

      I agree with Chainsnuser. I've tried a lot of snuffs and none has given me an appreciable nicotine kick. Not like snus can. So I use nasal snuff as an occasional treat when I'm bored with snus or the e-cigarette. Snuff leaves a great taste/smell after use, and does clear out the ole sinuses. So it has its place. But its place is not replacing snus for many snusers.


      • airwoodstock
        Banned Users
        • Aug 2008
        • 340

        My opinion is on the other side of the spectrum. I agree with TBob and chainsnusser in the fact that snuff is lower in nicotine and, would not be a suitable replacement for snus if the nic hit is what your looking for. Combining both is what I started out doing. You get the best of both worlds. The nicotine rush from the snus and snuff combined and, the plesant aroma from the snuff. For example, I like a pris of Skruf Stark while snuffing Gawith's Apricot. The Snuff has just enough menthol in it to clear the sinus and, the apricot scent goes great with Skruf!

        Lately though, I find myself snuffing more than snussing. I probably have as many tins of snuff as I do snus but, Portions have fallen out of favor with me so, I use the snuff at work now where I used to have portions and the lös snus when I get home. I may be the weirdo here in the bunch but, the Nicotine isn't the reason I do either anymore. It's the tastes and scents for me. I love them both but, it may be a phase with the snuff.


        • bondzai
          • Apr 2008
          • 362

          I seem to be transitioning to snuff. Snus and dip are too powerful for me most of the time. Almost punishing! But then when I get emotional and want to really get a hit, I will use some dip or snus.... I like the clarity I get from a sniff or an oliver twist. If I dip or snus, I have to take it out when I begin to feel it or I will be toast!


          • ponysoprano
            • Jul 2008
            • 562

            I'm digging everything Toque has to conjuntion with snus. I just have to remember that when I blow my nose after snuffing it's easy to smash your pris of lös into a pancake!


            • warthog
              • Jan 2008
              • 36

              Personally, I'm mixing it up - sometimes snuff or snus on their own, sometimes together depending on how big a hit I want. I'm digging my my 'mentholated' snuffs most right now, but with the very generous Roderick I'm trying some of the Toque flavours (3 days from request to samples arriving - thanks Roderick!). I'm still undecided - maybe too many years of abuse have affected my sense of smell, but the un-medicated snuffs just don't really come across to me - I like the tobacco flavour for sure, but I miss the "FAAAAAAAAAAAAAK" of a good menthol hit!

              As for the nasal build up - you just live with that! As long as you observe basic care and attention, I generally don't get too much sludge falling out in the office!

              Snuff, sneeze and snuff again my friend - enjoy the buzz! 8)


              • ponysoprano
                • Jul 2008
                • 562

                LOL, I too, sometimes emit little obscenities when I take a good big hit of Toque menthol that waters the eyes. [under my breath "Faahhhhhcckkk yyeeeeahhhhhhhhsssss"]


                • surfing_64
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 82

                  I got my order of snuff in the mail today, and i've had 2 hits of the bullet of chocolate snuff and the stuff is incredible! I really like it! I've got a pris of general under my lip (hand baked) and just had some snuff, and i'm really in a good place. (not to mention i've had a few more beers than needed after a long day at work!)


                  • captncaveman
                    • Jul 2008
                    • 924

                    i put my daily ration of snuff under the cap on the lid of the can (for portion snus only). It works well don't have to carry 2 cans with me every where and its there for a quick hit.


                    • bakerbarber
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 1947

                      I was snuffing a bit at work one day. Went about my day and ended up in close quarters. I felt my nose running a bit and gave my scnoz a swipe with the back of my hand.

                      Oh shit! brown line. Panic! No one really knows what snuff is. Where's my hanky? Is snuff on my face? Do they know? Do I look silly? Oh well, piss on em. I'll pretend like it's normal

                      Nothing says classy like snuffing unprepared.

                      Wonder how many times I've had brown snus tooth and given someone a nice big grin. Looks like you replaced your teeth with baked beans.


                      • Roam
                        New Member
                        • Nov 2008
                        • 1

                        I'm a regular snuffer,just bought my first can of General Los today,and I must admit it i like it/enjoy it.But mostly i enjoy my Gletscher Priese.


                        • lxskllr
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 13435

                          Welcome to Snuson Roam!

                          Snus and snuff are perfect companions imo. They both have strengths and weaknesses, but together they make a great total nicotine package :^)


                          • Premium Parrots
                            Super Moderators
                            • Feb 2008
                            • 9758

                            Originally posted by lxskllr
                            Welcome to Snuson Roam!

                            Snus and snuff are perfect companions imo. They both have strengths and weaknesses, but together they make a great total nicotine package :^)
                            well said
                            Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                            I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                            • airwoodstock
                              Banned Users
                              • Aug 2008
                              • 340

                              Originally posted by Premium Parrots
                              Originally posted by lxskllr
                              Welcome to Snuson Roam!

                              Snus and snuff are perfect companions imo. They both have strengths and weaknesses, but together they make a great total nicotine package :^)
                              well said
                              Here, here! Couldn't agree more lxskllr!

