Surprising Study on Snuff

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  • Toque Snuff
    • Aug 2008
    • 337

    Interesting comment Snusbear, I found that with every menthol snuff I ever tried after a couple of days my nose had pulled up the draw bridge and refused to let any more in.

    Studies have shown that menthol is only giving a false sense of being able to breathe more easily, though I have to admit it fools me every time. I start with a menthol snuff and I’m sure I’m breathing more easily but I know that if I continue my nose will be blocked in a couple of days.

    I have found that the less chemical additives in the snuff the less blocked I am.


    • airwoodstock
      Banned Users
      • Aug 2008
      • 340

      Well, still sicker than he** but, I took some of my Toque Raspberry/Bruton's Scotch mix and, no stuffyness! Actually cleared me up a bit. Long story short, I'm staying away from Poschl's snuff since they seem to be the primary ones stuffing me up, even when I'm not sick. Wilson's CoC I'm going to give another go round. I really like this one!


      • toekuttr
        • Jul 2008
        • 197

        This could explain why I'm able to insufflate copious amounts of snuff with little irritation and congestion, I sniff relatively little menthol. I do like Crumbs and O.G. quite a bit though, but mostly as a dessert.

        I've always been hesitant to take OTC cold and flue remedies too for fear that they actually lengthen the illnesses. Not that they're designed to keep you sick or anything, but it has sometimes seemed that way in the past.


        • soundslikesnoos
          • Jul 2008
          • 21

          nicotine buzz

          Originally posted by toekuttr
          Thanks fellas, appreciate all the replies, especially Woodstock for the ongoing test's....hope you feel better soon!

          It does appear that the more I use snuff the more I can appreciate the nicotine I'm getting from it. I'm using a little over 5g a day myself and have noticed a marked reduction in snus use.

          The thing about the nicotine 'buzz' I get from snuff as compared to snus is that the snuff's is so quick and needs a replenish soon after. Snus on the other hand gives me a 'body-high' even better than cigs that lasts for as long as I care to keep the pris in. Basically I just prefer the buzz I get from snus, at first I couldn't even tell I was getting nicotine from snuff.

          I'm definitely glad I started snuffin and intend to continue but I highly doubt it could replace snus for me. It does make a great partner with snus and definitely adds to my enjoyment of nicotine. Snuff should take me quite a while with experimentation too with the 32,000 varieties available. And I thought snus had overwhelming choices!

          Man, I wish I could get a buzz off nicotine still. Tolerance to it is a horrible thing. I hate it. The only time I can get a buzz; a pretty hardcore one at that, is when I go through the whole day without iinduldging and then when I get home after a 10 hour day, pop in a pinch of Cope. I'm flyin' then but I can't usually go that long. I think Ilm going to just bite the bullet and keep doing that. 3 dips a day. One in the morning, one when I get home and one at bed time. Not only will I get a nicotine rush but I'll also be greatly reducing the nitrosamine absobtions. Works out both ways. Wish me luck in this guys.


          • toekuttr
            • Jul 2008
            • 197

            soundlikesnoos wrote:
            Man, I wish I could get a buzz off nicotine still. Tolerance to it is a horrible thing. I hate it. The only time I can get a buzz; a pretty hardcore one at that, is when I go through the whole day without iinduldging and then when I get home after a 10 hour day, pop in a pinch of Cope
            I have the same problem, it's very difficult for me to catch a buzz anymore either. Thirty years of dippin Cope, smoking (cigs, pipes, cigars), now snussin and snuffin. There are a couple surefire cure's left for me though;
            > inhale straight burley from a pipe, works every time but only once or twice a day, an extremely unhealthy practice to say the least.
            >Smoke D&R's Picayune RYO blend, trust me here, if you can inhale it, it will buzz you like nothing else. Another unhealthy one.
            >Copenhagen and swallow the juice, another trusty way to cop a buzz. Works particularly well in conjunction with one or two more of these other methods.
            >multiple Sterks, this works pretty well too, again, if not standalone then in conjunction.
            >Add Rooster American Scotch snuff to any of these, you can hardly do this alone let alone adding this snuff to any of the above without either copping a buzz or getting sick!

            I bet if you follow these methods you'll either find nicotine nirvana or be exploring new shades of green. Remember, if one alone doesn't do the trick, don't be shy, mix and match...have fun with it! :P


            • snusbear1
              • Oct 2008
              • 48

              I likewise have tried just about every form of taking tobacco under the sun. I've found that SO MUCH of it is just plain old habit! What I mean is, I can have a N&J West portion in, simultaneously snuffing away at my Toque bullet, and, although I'm about to pass out from nicotine poisoning, I STILL want a cigarette - not for the nicotine by any means, but just for the old familiar habit. I've even taken a break in the middle of a very fine cigar . . . to have a cigarette!! Can you believe it?

              I wish I had an explanation for this phenomenon. The best explanation I can come up with is that I may have convinced my CONSCIOUS mind that snus and snuff are far superior to cigarettes, but until my SUBCONSCIOUS mind accepts that theory, my gut instincts will be forever trying to get me to believe that snus and snuff are merely second-rate substitutes for what I REALLY want - the cigarette!

              Maybe it has to do with the natural rebelliousness attendant upon giving something up just because giving it up is "good for you." It helps if I remind myself of the fact that taking tobacco through combustion and inhalation is, historically, a relatively recent form of the habit, while oral/nasal use is "the real thing." This helps combat the nagging thoughts that using snus and/or snuff is a mere substitute for the genuine article.

              It's in fact not entirely unheard of that the substitute form of an item will actually be preferred to the real thing. I've even known people from the earlier post-war "Baby Boom" generation for whom margarine is the normative, "real" thing, while butter is considered some sort of exotic substitute for it! I think it's the same with cigarettes vis-à-vis cigars, pipes, snus, snuff, etc.

              I'm becoming increasily convinced that addiction to cigarettes is, FIRST, habit-based, SECOND, the result of screwy thinking, and, a very distant THIRD, nicotine-addiction-based. Otherwise, there's no reason that the first time a smoker tries snus and/or snuff would be the LAST time he/she ever picked up a cigarette!


              • chainsnuser
                Senior Member
                • Jan 2007
                • 1388

                Originally posted by snusbear1
                I'm becoming increasily convinced that addiction to cigarettes is, FIRST, habit-based, SECOND, the result of screwy thinking, and, a very distant THIRD, nicotine-addiction-based.
                It certainly depends on the extent that someone is actually addicted to the nicotine. For me, all the cigarette-addiction was primarily nicotine-addiction-based. Two years ago, for me, the habit-part, meaning to light up one stinking 'tar-stick' after the other, was easy to overcome, even though I already had switched almost entirely to some pretty high-class RYO-brands, like Gauloises Blondes and Samson Halfzware. If there's one thing that I regret, than that I've never tried American Spirit, Manitou or another additive-free brand, while I was a smoker. But there's really no doubt, that it's a mistake in the first place, to burn the tobacco.

                Just my two cents.



                • phish
                  • Jan 2007
                  • 265

                  Originally posted by chainsnuser
                  .....If there's one thing that I regret, than that I've never tried American Spirit, Manitou or another additive-free brand, while I was a smoker. But there's really no doubt, that it's a mistake in the first place, to burn the tobacco.
                  There is one shop near me that sells american spirit. I used to love it but I never go there anymore. No point skirting temptation :|


                  • toekuttr
                    • Jul 2008
                    • 197

                    American Spirit has nothing on Samson! Hope this makes you feel better.


                    • chainsnuser
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2007
                      • 1388

                      Thanks guys, and no worry, I'm long over it.

                      I've smoked enough additive-free cigars in my life to know that an additive-freeness of cigarettes isn't the solution to the problem that smoking itself is simply nonsense. To smoke additive-free cigarettes would have meant more smoking-pleasure for sure but also would have made me stop smoking earlier - without the painkillers and nicotine-absorption-fasteners, etc. in prefab-cigarettes and most RYO-tobaccos.

                      To smoke a cigarette one day again, just for fun, and hopefully a good one, is an option for me, but really there are many things that are more interesting to me, e.g. trying some new brands of snus, chewing tobacco or nasal snuff.



                      • toekuttr
                        • Jul 2008
                        • 197

                        Glad you got that all sorted out and are finding much pleasure in smoke-free products as am I.

                        chainsnusser warns:
                        without the painkillers and nicotine-absorption-fasteners, etc. in prefab-cigarettes and most RYO-tobaccos.
                        Hmm, RYO too eh? Which ones should I be looking out for? I was under the impression that most of the premium RYO products were simply tobacco and flavorings.


                        • chainsnuser
                          Senior Member
                          • Jan 2007
                          • 1388

                          Originally posted by toekuttr
                          Hmm, RYO too eh? Which ones should I be looking out for? I was under the impression that most of the premium RYO products were simply tobacco and flavorings.
                          I don't think so. At least in Germany RYO-tobaccos are not much different from prefab-cigarettes. The German government has published a list of additives in tobacco. The list for RYO-brands reads no different from the list for cigarette-brands (at least for a non-chemist).

                          In case you're interested:
                          RYO brands A-H
                          RYO brands J-Z

                          Hope you have a good translation engine, otherwise most chemicals sound nearly the same in English or German and the brand-names are quite international.



                          • toekuttr
                            • Jul 2008
                            • 197

                            Thanks chainsnusser,I would definitely need a translator for a lot of it but looks like some of them just have PG and flavors which is OK, or at least something that almost every packaged tobacco has, including snus.

                            Fortunately one of the RYO brands I smoke (not lately though, thanks to snus and snuff) D&R contains nothing undesirable, except flavors and PG in some. The other brand I use is PS, I always knew they had a lot of additives but the tobacco is so good, and it couldnt be as bad as premades, so I smoke it regardless.


                            • mercvrivs
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 484

                              I tried quitting smoking with nasal snuff. I really wanted to love it (it was a lot of fun, no doubt), but I just couldn't kick the smokes while I was on it. With snus, I haven't smoked since I popped my first pris, nor have I wanted to.


                              • toekuttr
                                • Jul 2008
                                • 197

                                Yeah man, I can't seem to do it with either one solely myself. I'm now using both snus and snuff, both in copious amounts. I have about 2 weeks since I had a cig but that pales to the almost 2 months I had when snussin alone. I just couldn't stay smoke-free with the snus, even though I had that pretty good run. A couple here and there was all it took to destroy my progress, and when the habit returned, it was with a vengeance.

                                Good luck to you, and if it takes both, do both! Snuff's cheap, so is snus, you can do both and still spend less than you spend buying cigs. And they are both very enjoyable, arguably more enjoyable than cigs, but it's a tough argument and it's with yourself. :P

