Nasal Snuff SOS

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  • Roo
    • Jun 2008
    • 3446

    Nasal Snuff SOS

    I got my Toque snuff in the mail today and I need help. It seems as if I can't sniff lightly enough. I jut tried my third pinch, about the size of an apple seed as TBD suggested, and I sniffed as lightly as I could to draw it into the "front" of my nose. I felt it fly up and hit the back of my throat, which sent me into a coughing, sneezing, watery-eyed fit. The first two times I did not necessarily feel it hit my throat, but my voice was all scratchy moments later so I know it got down there...

    I also have quite an urge to sniff hard afterward, to sort of clean out my nose. I assume I should resist this urge, but it's almost too difficult. This would probably explain the scratchy throat -- I just sniffed it all down the hatch. Did anyone else have these same initial reactions, and if so, how did you adjust your approach? Thanks.

    PS: Despite these problems, I did get a warm nic rush like I have not had for quite some time with snus. Almost a full-body thing. Nice.
  • Mr. Snuffleupagus
    • Dec 2008
    • 2781

    It took me a bit to get it down. Just keep practicing. You'll get good at it soon. Start small and work your way up.


    • TBD
      • Jul 2008
      • 817

      Were you using a dry,fine snuff? Most Toque and SP type snuffs are moister and a larger grind and are easier for a beginner. I can snort lines of Toque Pomegranate Wilsons High Irish Toast is still a huge challenge, I can get about 2 of 10 to work right, and that is with really small pinches

      My advice is to try a coarser grind and or type of snuff, if you can. Sounds like you are just getting used to it, the irritation will abate shortly.


      • Roo
        • Jun 2008
        • 3446

        It's Toque Natural, and I can't imagine the grind being any finer. I can't think of what to compare it to... way finer than sand even.


        • snusjus
          • Jun 2008
          • 2674

          I purchased a can of Bruton Snuff a couple of weeks ago. Now that is some nasty stuff! It smells like a soggy cardboard box! As well, its very fine grind and is impossible not to inhale in the sinuses. However, it's made by UST, so it's probably low quality. I didn't know snuff was made in coarser grinds. Thanks for the info!


          • TBD
            • Jul 2008
            • 817

            Originally posted by Roo
            It's Toque Natural, and I can't imagine the grind being any finer. I can't think of what to compare it to... way finer than sand even.
            Natural is pretty fine, but I would class it as medium. Wilsons Tom Buck is coarser adn the dry toasts are even finer. Stick with the natural and try smaller pinches til you get used to it.


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              Bruton, as well as most of the other Americans is about as fine as they come. English and European snuffs are much coarser. Even the toasts are coarse in comparison :^D

              It takes some practice to get the sniffing technique down. Try taking a pinch, sniff it with your fingers closed, and gently rub your fingers together, while rolling them back slightly to release a small amount of snuff. That should help keep it from going to the top of your nose.

              Reading those instructions.... It sounds complicated, but it's really easy. I'm not sure how to write it so it makes sense :^/


              • sagedil
                • Nov 2007
                • 7077

                I'll echo what others have said. I sucked at it my first day. Better now, but still not great. Did you get any other Toque's?

                And yes, the nic kick is dreamy. Unlike anything else I have ever done. Better than cigarettes, as I feel it in a different ay. Full body high, yes!!! :lol:


                • mercvrivs
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 484

                  I don't do it much anymore, mostly just leave out a tray for my guests to sample. However, the best piece of advice I received was twofold: 1. You are trying to get it into the front part of the nose (inside the nostrils), for this is where the most capillaries are and increases your absorption. 2. Hold your hand farther away from your nose when you sniff if you're getting too much in. This way the snuff requires more force to get into your nose, so this will help compensate for sniffing harder.

                  Saline solution works wonders when you're a snuffer. I highly recommend using it to clear out your nose.


                  • deebocools
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 661

                    my only advice is to inhale "all the way" before sniffing it. Even with lungs full, you can still do a sniff, and you do it lightly enough to do it right. At least that's how it works for me.


                    • bearcat87
                      • Nov 2008
                      • 400

                      Going awry....

                      I gave my friend a tin each of Toque Natural and Espresso. They were over 3 months old and all dried out. Plus I couldn't stand them.

                      He has been smoking for about 20 years (hes an older college student who acts like a bigger kid than I do). He is now using snus more than cigs but has been hitting the snuff hard. This guy is absolutely insane. I tried to get him to just sniff it into the front part of his nose. He insists on snorting it. Literally sniffing it like it is premo. No idea how he does it with out coughing or sneezing but he does. Though it is funny to see him grab is head in a fit and eyes water up like a breaching pregnant women.


                      • Roo
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 3446

                        Haha that guy sounds nuts! Thanks for all the advice everyone. Those all sounds like great ideas.

                        sage, unfortunately I only got Natural and Quit (high nic to quit smoking) for two reasons: Natural for me because I like my snus straight-up (which I now realize is erroneous thinking based on the great things I've read about the myriad flavors -- after I ordered) and Quit for my fiancé because she is using nic patches and does not like snus (and I now suspect she will not want to get past the first-time discomforts of snuffing, but I'll try). And yes the kick really is something else. Feels slightly illegal... 8)

                        Anyway, I think I'm getting the hang of it, and I look forward to trying some of the flavors I have been reading about. Thanks again for all the help. What a great forum this is... The first forum I've ever felt like being a part of.


                        • sagedil
                          • Nov 2007
                          • 7077

                          Yes Roo, I completely understand what you man. This is a special place!!

                          A couple of recommendations for your next order. Whiskey and Honey is wonderful. A few others I haven't tried yet, but should this week when they com, but HIGHLY recommended. Champagne, blueberry, and bourbon. I will comment more about those as soon as I have them


                          • TBD
                            • Jul 2008
                            • 817

                            If the blueberry is as good as the raspberry and pomegranate... you will LOVE it. (I think I'm becoming a Toque whore.)


                            • chainsnuser
                              Senior Member
                              • Jan 2007
                              • 1388

                              With nasal snuff, everyone just has to find own favorite brands. If one brand clogs your nose or always ends in your throat instead of the nose, there are still hundreds of other choices.

                              It's the same as with snus.

                              Nasal snuff also is not for everyone. I for example use it more like a rare treat, I simply couldn't use the stuff all day.



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