just resived some 1 gram bullets 
1 coffee
1 vanilla
1 cherry
and 1 chokolate.
Is it normal if a little bit of the powder is in the little zipbag?
anywhy how i can see its fresh?
when i smell to it, it don't small of anything yet. meaby i need to let it get some air ive heard?
and if you have any useful tips just gimme it :=)

1 coffee
1 vanilla
1 cherry
and 1 chokolate.
Is it normal if a little bit of the powder is in the little zipbag?
anywhy how i can see its fresh?
when i smell to it, it don't small of anything yet. meaby i need to let it get some air ive heard?
and if you have any useful tips just gimme it :=)
