We have a product in the UK called Marmite, I have to say and the company who produce it say the same "You either love it or hate it" there is no in between. With Toque Cheese and Bacon the blue cheese used is so strong if you’re not a fan of strong cheese (and I’m not) you will hate it, however as can be seen by the number of blue cheese lovers it has gone down rather well. Don’t let my dislike of strong cheese put you off, just be warned.
We have a product in the UK called Marmite, I have to say and the company who produce it say the same "You either love it or hate it" there is no in between. With Toque Cheese and Bacon the blue cheese used is so strong if you’re not a fan of strong cheese (and I’m not) you will hate it, however as can be seen by the number of blue cheese lovers it has gone down rather well. Don’t let my dislike of strong cheese put you off, just be warned.