I really want to get one of those German snuff machines. You know the ones that launch snuff up your nose. Anybody have one? Anybody do any research on buying one? I've found one site that sells a couple, but it's hard searching through German sites even with google translate.
lol that is a cool site. 'Das ist die" Pris-Schleuder'. I like the one kind of shaped like a guitar. But several of those I wouldn't let anywhere near my nose :wink:
whalen: Have you tried any of the other FUBAR products?
I have tried the Medic and shot of rum. Not for me! I do not care for the menthol in the Medic, and the shot of Rum tastes synthetic. The Grunt just punches my buttons! I probably have 200 grams of it now, I found 50 gram tubs at Mr. Snuff. I just love it, strong Nic hit, little bit of coconut and clean tobacco taste, and that burn means it does not mess around, your getting a shot of Vitamin "Nic". Sorry for the delay in answering, I took a few days off after my "Chaddizzy" fit, just hate Fanboys, period.
I have been in a Dholakia haze, I have been sitting in the corner with my White and Black, seriously buzzed.
whalen: Have you tried any of the other FUBAR products?
I have tried the Medic and shot of rum. Not for me! I do not care for the menthol in the Medic, and the shot of Rum tastes synthetic. The Grunt just punches my buttons! I probably have 200 grams of it now, I found 50 gram tubs at Mr. Snuff. I just love it, strong Nic hit, little bit of coconut and clean tobacco taste, and that burn means it does not mess around, your getting a shot of Vitamin "Nic". Sorry for the delay in answering, I took a few days off after my "Chaddizzy" fit, just hate Fanboys, period.
I have been in a Dholakia haze, I have been sitting in the corner with my White and Black, seriously buzzed.
I am seriously considering picking up some of the Fubar Grunt. It sounds pretty good. And from what Ive read on snuffhouse.org, the Dholakia Black and White sound great, too. I would probably prefer the black knowing my tastes, so when its offered and not out of stock, I will grab some of that. Btw, the descriptions on all of the Fubar products crack me up.
Anyways, I just ordered one of the 50g tins of Old Paris that should arrive today. I can't wait for it as Ive been out for over a month. I find Old Paris to be one of the finest scented nasal snuffs out there. Has a decent burn, but still allows you to take a big hit. I think I prefer that over having to be so gentle with toasts. I want to take a big sniff of them but it's too difficult to enjoy when you have to be so careful, so it's not nearly as satisfying to me.
I'm gonna put up a bunch of snuff on the exchange thread this weekend. I have so much, still. And I don't use it very much, and when I do, it's small amounts. 1 tin would last me almost forever. I will keep some faves and collectables.
LOL, OK so you guys have finally inspired me to go back to my FUBAR Grunt. Picked it up so early, tried it, loved the taste but just KNEW I needed to wait till I got better.
So time now I guess. Wish me luck :wink:
OK, so Qor, I can't remember I ask you this yet or not. Since we share love of Old Paris, have you tried Morocco yet?? I have some now, and I think I may even like a bit more than Old Paris. All I know, is when I can buy again, gonna be only F&T this next buy. I really am so impressed, both in my top 5 now I think....
OK, so taste as good as I remember. But oh my f****** God, I just inhaled more snuff that I think I ever have. How are you supposed to take this?? I guess this is what they call a very fine snuff???
I have a new metal bullet. Just too small a dose for just about everything I use. But maybe perfect for pathetic, still a lame newbie snuffer like me so I can use thus FUBAR?? :lol: :lol: ops:
LOL, OK so you guys have finally inspired me to go back to my FUBAR Grunt. Picked it up so early, tried it, loved the taste but just KNEW I needed to wait till I got better.
So time now I guess. Wish me luck :wink:
OK, so Qor, I can't remember I ask you this yet or not. Since we share love of Old Paris, have you tried Morocco yet?? I have some now, and I think I may even like a bit more than Old Paris. All I know, is when I can buy again, gonna be only F&T this next buy. I really am so impressed, both in my top 5 now I think....
OK..Fubar now. :roll: :lol:
I have not tried to Morocco yet. The only F&T's I have tried have been in the following order of how I enjoy them.
1. Old Paris. (I picture the libraries at Hogwarts smell like this! Haha!)
2. Santo Domingo (Delicious, dark, earthy, smells like rain in the desert.)
3. HDT - Nutty, but a toast so hard to enjoy for me anyways.
4. Dr J R Justice - Good occasional. Little too much perfume for my likes.
Make you a deal. I will try the Morocco if you try the Santo Domingo!
Qor, I filed for unemployment today. As soon as that is settled and I know the date when I start getting and how much, I should be able to make a snuff order and Santo Domingo is at top of my list. Then Bordeaux, French Carotte, JR Justice, Kendal Brown, Macouba, Morlaix, Princes (and Special), Seville.
LOL. Yes, I have it SO bad. Not sure I can afford all, as no 10g tins. But I don't have another snus purchase for at least 4 months, and this will be my last snuff purchase, other than a random replacement purchase. For probably a year But I am just so in love with the flavors of F&T, I want them all. What few I don't take too, I have them for Box passes and such, or ship to friends. But I think between the Toque I have 80% of, and the F&T I will have 90% of, I will happily snuff for a year playing with what I have. But something about the F&T just feels so ancient and right, I desperately want to try the rest now
And the FUBAR. SO you must try. You and I are so similar in how we like our snuff, we both prefer heavier that we can just snuff with abandon huge piles if we want. SO, how does FUBAR work with you??????
Tom, I love the FUBAR taste, what I could get of it. Just need to learn how to snuff it. I really have gone the other way with my snuff. Like Qor, I like big piles. So use the heavier snuff that works that way.
The driest snuff I have managed to learn how to use is Toque Toast and Marmalade. And that took me a while. The FUBAR makes the Toast and Marmalade seem real heavy in comparison.
But I still have the FUBAR, I only give away what I don't intend to use. One day, I will learn to use the FUBAR. And then hope to order the rest, I know it will be in my future.
Qor, I filed for unemployment today. As soon as that is settled and I know the date when I start getting and how much, I should be able to make a snuff order and Santo Domingo is at top of my list. Then Bordeaux, French Carotte, JR Justice, Kendal Brown, Macouba, Morlaix, Princes (and Special), Seville.
LOL. Yes, I have it SO bad. Not sure I can afford all, as no 10g tins. But I don't have another snus purchase for at least 4 months, and this will be my last snuff purchase, other than a random replacement purchase. For probably a year But I am just so in love with the flavors of F&T, I want them all. What few I don't take too, I have them for Box passes and such, or ship to friends. But I think between the Toque I have 80% of, and the F&T I will have 90% of, I will happily snuff for a year playing with what I have. But something about the F&T just feels so ancient and right, I desperately want to try the rest now
And the FUBAR. SO you must try. You and I are so similar in how we like our snuff, we both prefer heavier that we can just snuff with abandon huge piles if we want. SO, how does FUBAR work with you??????
Curious. :wink:
One thing to keep in mind is that the Dr J R Justice is a 50:50 mixture of Morlaix and Bordeaux. Not sure if that will affect your ordering or not, but just giving you a heads up!
As for the Fubar, I have not yet tried it. But as with my experiences with toasts, I currently use a very off the beaten path method. I take my thumb and pointer fingers and put them in the snuff as if I was taking a pinch. The key is, I don't take a pinch. The snuff usually sticks to those fingers and I place my thumb and forefinger just barely near my nostrils (One finger per nostril of course!) and I sniff VERY gently so it goes into both nostrils at the same time.
That is the best way I have found to take a toast. Unfortunately, while the scent is amazing with most toasts (Specifically HDT #22, and F&T HDT) I cannot snuff enough of it to get the enjoyment out of it like I got with a big off pinch of Old Paris or Santo Domingo. With those two, you never really throat it, let alone inhale it like you do with a toast.
I wish Wilsons of F&T would make a semi-coarse snuff (Santo Domingo) and make it into the scent of a good smokey toast! That would be amazing!
Interesting, my FUBAR is moist and easy to take, I have always used the pinch, rub, sniff method, It is strong snuff, but does not strike me as anywhere near as fine as a toast, in any way. It always burns, and to me, that is the part I enjoy best. It is no where near as difficult as Rooster, although the kick/burn is. I just got another 50 gram tub of it today! I am hitting the Dholakia white and Black right now. The nic is off the charts, but the black is funky, and the white is weaponized, I mean off the charts hard to sniff. I think I am in love with it, and will never be able to offer anyone any if I remotely care about them. This is the snuff you would offer someone if you never wanted then to try snuff again!!!! Jesus its strong and fine.
I recently bought some French Carotte, The initial review I read referred to a muskiness of two french whores who have been fighting, and that is exactly what I get, too much perfume, but what a nasty sexy smell!!!
So, I am assuming that is a vote in favor of French Carotte?? :wink:
My issue with FUBAR, even doing it just now Qor's way (better, btw...thanks) But I am still getting a bunch in the back of my throat, can't sem to sniff light enough to stop that.
OK... so using FUNAR in bullet as a bullet, kinda seems to work well. Dose real small, but I most definitely feel it.
Cool, gonna spend some time finally with it, I do love the flavor.
WTF is Fubar? I guess I haven't been snuffin' long enough. I keep seeing it and I'm like how is snuff FUBAR? I like snuff, I don't see how that equates to snuff :?: