going to try nasal snuff, need a suggestion.

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  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    going to try nasal snuff, need a suggestion.

    most of you know i'm partial to flavored snus. i like mint, as i used to be a menthol smoker. can someone suggest a few beginner cans for me to start with?

    also, what is an average portion to start with, like how small of a pinch do you start with, and does that amount go for each nostril, or for both?

    thanks guys.
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    McCrystal's Original & Genuine
    Gawith Apricot (made by Pöschl)
    Toque Original
    Toque Whisky/Honey
    Bernard Doppelt-Fermentiert Schmalzler

    Some of these come in a shaker box, so it's easiest to put some on the back of your hand, and sniff from there. The others you take a pinch and sniff. Just a small pinch. maybe 1/2 pea per nostril at first, and you want to coat the inside front of your nose, not hit the back of your head :^D So sniff gently, especially with the finer snuffs. It's traditional to take larger quantities at a time with the schmalzlers, but you don't have to.


    • chadizzy1
      • May 2009
      • 7432

      awesome. just placed an order with those and alot of the torque ones, thanks to sagedil the torquepimp.


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        Also my friend. Read the major snuff thread going on right now. It has lot's of suggestions and instructions as well. I suspect it will answer most of your questions.


        • Norwester
          • Dec 2008
          • 178

          Chad,all you need is a tin of Rooster and a good strong menthol to mix to gether in equal parts.then with a strong snuff inhale a 1/2 teaspoon into each nostril. Deeply! You will see God,I guarantee it. But...take pictures,lots of pictures,and do you have a video camera? :twisted:

          Just joking! :lol:Your sites looking good but it needs a snuff section!


          • hoss
            • Mar 2009
            • 93

            Originally posted by Norwester
            Chad,all you need is a tin of Rooster and a good strong menthol to mix to gether in equal parts.then with a strong snuff inhale a 1/2 teaspoon into each nostril. Deeply! You will see God,I guarantee it. But...take pictures,lots of pictures,and do you have a video camera? :twisted:

            Just joking! :lol:Your sites looking good but it needs a snuff section!
            lol, you sir are evil....

            I would probably advise starting with a Toque brand product. All their snuffs are pretty easy to take, very tasty, and they have a large flavor selection. Check out snuffhouse.org. Lots of good info there.


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