Multiply the savings again if you make minis. My mind is churning. If I make and flavor my own minis with some Oden's extra stark los, or even Thunder extra stark we are talking cheap cheap thrills.
I have some old tea bags, and an unopened can of RL los in the freezer. I might mess with this idea. Actually, I have a box of old coffee singles I was gonna throw out, I never used these, but I guess they'd be similar as tea bags.
does anybody know where you can buy just sheets or rolls of the stuff? searching on variations of "tea bag filter paper" doesn't seem to be finding me anywhere I can actually buy it in this format.
It might sound stupid but trying to use coffee filters screws me up (its the roundness of them) and I want to be able to just cut my own size of squares for what I want instead of having to dissect these pre-made tea BAGS.. I keep thinking surely there must be a cheaper way to buy just the material I want, but so far my searching skills fail me
anybody better at google searching or have any other ideas want to help out?
Coffee filters seem they'd be too thick. You can get some cheap tea bags. If you drink tea, get a tea ball dipper thingy, and save the tea you remove from the bags to use.
Coffee filters seem they'd be too thick. You can get some cheap tea bags. If you drink tea, get a tea ball dipper thingy, and save the tea you remove from the bags to use.
but I just want to have the very tea bag material without having it made into tea bags first -- it would have to be more cost effective if I could just buy the material plus it would remove all the screwing around with tea/disassembling the teabag steps
I don't mind making my own portions -- but I'd love to at least be able to cut out the having to tear something else down first parts out plus actually save money by not buying something I don't want (the tea or tea bag shapes that will force me to waste what I have to cut off)
all I can find so far are mass producing places that apparently don't sell the the public
I looked around when this thread first came out, and most of what I found was geared towards industry sales. The consumer products I found were already formed into bags, where the idea was to add your tea, and close the top. I saw the material sold in rolls for industry. That would be ideal for snus. I didn't care enough to contact the manufacturer, but that might be the way to go.