Just placed a new order with northerner and I finally decided to give snuff a try. I started off with toque bullets. Blueberry, blueberry menthal, and honey and whiskey. Should I be excited? Cause I kind of am...
Taking the snuff plunge
I just got my 10-tin sample pack from http://www.toquesnuff.com yesterday. So far I've tried the Coke and the Espresso, and they're both excellent. I tried some Zuka bullets from Northerner first, but I don't really like the bullet system. As a newbie, it measures way too much snuff for me, and I don't really see how it's more convenient, unless you tend to have your hands dirty.
In any case, I'm an instant fan of Toque and their service (even if you only buy one tin, they ship it anywhere in the world for free), and snuff in general. I'm not sure it'll help me quit smoking, but it sure is pleasurable!
Yes, you should be excited. But just know the bullets themselves don't work well for most folks, the dose they give out is too small. But no problems, do what I do and open the bullet, and pour some out on your hand and sniff from there. I pour it on the webbing between my thumb and forefinger.
Take some time and check out the how-to's they have over at snuffhouse.org. Will make your initial attempts much easier. And start small. Too much WILL make your head hurt and feel like it will explode. Trust me. :wink:
The Honey and whiskey was my first and still favorite snuff. I love the Blueberry as well. I discovered that I really hate all menthol snuff, have about 6 or so I need to give away one day.
Let us know what you think. I will share my other Toque favorites when the time comes for you to get more. And you WILL want to get more. Long before you finish what you have. I started with 3, then I had 7, then it was 12. i now have something like 20 flavors at home. A bunch I don't really care for. Some, like FUBAR, I still am not ready for, but about 12 I use in rotation on a regular basis. I get more excited choosing my snuff of the day than I do my snus of the day.
Thought it might be a good idea to warn you we pack far too much snuff into the little bullets. It's best to take a paper-clip or a tooth-pick and empty all the snuff out on to a piece of paper, fluff it up and put quarter of it back into the bullet and the rest keep in the grip bag. This allows the snuff to flow freely.
I would recommend not taking it straight from the bullet as a beginner. Try emptying it on to your hand, lick your fingers and pinch the snuff between your finger and thumb then gently place it in the front of your nose. Never snort snuff as it is a complete waste. Apart from causing a great deal of discomfort most of it will end up down your throat with little benefit.
Hope you like them.
I got my bullets in with my last order, and at first I was dissappointed at not receiving any rush at all, but I'm assuming that's due to the small amount of snuff the bullet's deliver. Since I've been unscrewing the bottom of them and dumping some out onto my hand, and it has definately been more pleasurable, but still doesn't seem to give me much nicotine (perhaps I'm too dependant on my beloved Thunder Frosted). The Blueberry Menthol is a nice wake up call when I find myself starting to nod off at work though (I'm basically by myself in a cement box of a room all day everyday ). I really only ordered the bullets so I wouldn't have to commit to a full can if I ended up not liking it, but I feel I'll probably order a tin or two with my next paycheck, along with some los (I'm really feeling adventurous lately) to finally take that plunge. I'm just not sure what type of los I'm going to get... I can't seem to find my thunder frosted, they discontinued N&J, Skruf is really more of a once in a while portion for me. I do however rather enjoy Claq Qui, would Roda Lacket be something worth adventuring into?
(And I realize I'm kind of diverting the topic elsewhere but oh well)
Try the Prima Fint....Yummy
You are using the bullets the same way as I do. Just a convenient way to carry and to meter my dose.
The nic hit is different. if you want to play, keep taking hits over a 15 minute time frame. Like 6 or 7. You will really feel what the nicotine is doing to you, really felt almost recreational to me. but it is short, really a few moments of feeling, not much more. But a very pleasant distraction. :lol: