What's In Your Nose Right Now??
5 Photo Super Himalaya. This is really good, reminds me of an incense, and has a mellow menthol.
I just took this from the tub, as I had a little in a soapstone "snuffbox" with a lid, for a while, and it still had the scent, but it's light menthol was undetectable. So I just brought the tub to work with me today.
Originally posted by EricHill78Toque Vanilla...
I may be able to mix two parts vanilla or chocolate and one part espresso. Make like a flavored coffee type deal..
Wasn't bad at all.
I'm gonna mix up a bit of Coke and some Lime Toast next and see how that works out.
Originally posted by EricHill78Toque Espresso..
first try and not liking it
I knew I couldn't like all the toques. This one is going to the back marked "Emergency only"