I keep trying to like the sun snuffs but I haven't really enjoyed them yet. Every week I pull out a different one and give it a go and usually put it back in the stockpile and flush it out with a strong menthol. I like a couple Dholokia snuffs, especially ganga, but can not for the life of me get down with the Sun snuffs.
Right now got some grunt in while going# 2. Eases the movement...
The suns aren't bad I got three of them in samplers, my favorite is sher. Dholokia I've only tried the white lol reminds me of fish lol, I'm sure the others are better. I'm lookin forward to trying the grunt, I placed my first order to mr snuff last night and it's in it. I heard it has a touch of coconut in it with a good nic punch.